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Last active October 20, 2022 18:01
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prompts used for Airbyte Data Nets article
1. Introduction
2. What are Data Nets?
3. Data Nets vs. Data Mesh
4. Data Nets vs. Data Contract
5. When do you need a Data Net?
6. What does a Data Net architecture look like?
7. Main technological and cloud data warehousing trends
8. Organizational and socio-technical adjustments
9. Core principles of the Data Net
Data Orchestration models dependencies between different tasks in heterogeneous environments end-to-end. It handles integrations with legacy systems, cloud-based tools, data lakes, and data warehouses. It invokes computation, such as wrangling your business logic in SQL and Python and applying ML models at the right time based on a time-based trigger or by custom-defined logic. Data consumers, such as data analysts, and business users, care mostly about the production of data assets. On the other hand, data engineers have historically focused on modeling the dependencies between tasks (instead of data assets) with an orchestrator tool. How can we reconcile both worlds?This article reviews open-source data orchestration tools (Airflow, Prefect, Dagster) and discusses how data orchestration tools introduce data assets as first-class objects. We also cover why a declarative approach with higher-level abstractions helps with faster developer cycles, stability, and a better understanding of what’s going on pre-runtime. We explore five different abstractions (jobs, tasks, resources, triggers, and data products) and see if it all helps to build a Data Mesh. What makes an orchestrator an expert is that it lets you find when things are happening (monitoring with lots of metadata), what is going wrong and how to fix the wrong state with integrated features such as backfills.
In the end, an orchestrator must activate Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Machine Learning. These are company-accessible dashboards/reports, machine learning models, or self-serve BI environments where users can create and pull their data. It is also where the shift happens from data pipelines to what the user is interested in, the Data Asset or Data Product, to use the jargon of Data Mesh. I will use orchestration as a synonym for data orchestration, as all we talk about in this article is data. As well, I use Data Assets interchangeably with Data Products.
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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Now we will flesh out Section 2 with the 4 principles of Data Nets, the historical context and the main technological and cloud data warehousing trends it is joining and how it heralds the end of the modern data stack.

Now we will flesh out Section 2 with the 4 principles of Data Nets, the historical context and the main technological and cloud data warehousing trends it is joining and how it heralds the end of the modern data stack.

Section 2. What are Data Nets?

Data Nets are a new type of data architecture that blends the best of Data Engineering (dbt semantic layer and data orchestration) with AI (neural nets and generative AI). Data Nets provide a way to build end-to-end data pipelines that are scalable, reliable, and easy to maintain. They also provide a way to automatically generate training datasets for machine learning models.

The four components of Data Nets are:

Section 2. What are Data Nets?

Data Nets are a new way of thinking about data meshes when a dbt semantic layer is fully orchestrated.

Data Nets have the following characteristics:

  • A net is composed of a set of data tables that are interconnected.
  • The net must be fully automated, with intelligent algorithms that determine the best way to route data between the tables.
  • The net must be highly available and scalable, able to handle large workloads on demand.
  • The net should be able to evolve over time, adding new features and capabilities as needed.

The Data Net was originally conceived as a way to address the problems of data Warehouse sprawl and vendor lock-in. By creating a single, unified view of all the data in an organization, it becomes possible to move data between different systems without having to worry about compatibility issues.

In addition, the Data Net is designed to be highly scalable and easily integrated into existing systems. It can be used to supplement or replace an existing data warehouse, or it can be used as the primary data store for a new system.

The Data Net is also intended to be highly available, with built-in redundancy and failover capabilities.

The Data Net is composed of four main components:

  • The Data Router: The data router is responsible for routing data between the different tables in the Data Net. It uses intelligent algorithms to determine the best route for each piece of data, based on factors such as latency, throughput, and cost.
  • The Data Store: The data store is a centralized repository for all the data in the Data Net. It can be implemented using any type of storage system, such as a relational database, a NoSQL database, or a file system.
  • The Control Plane: The control plane is responsible for managing and monitoring the Data Net. It provides an interface for administrators to configure theData Net and view its status.
  • The Data Pipeline: The data pipeline is responsible for extracting data from external sources and loading it into the Data Net.

Section 2. What are Data Nets?

Data Nets are a new way of thinking about data engineering. They are based on the concept of a data network, which is a system of interconnected data sources and consumers.

Data Nets are designed to be more flexible and scalable than traditional data architectures. They are also more resistant to changes in the underlying data sources.

Data Nets are composed of three main components:

  • Data nodes: These are the data sources that produce the data that flows through the Data Net.
  • Data consumers: These are the systems or people that consume the data from the Data Net.
  • Data connectors: These are the components that connect the data nodes and data consumers.

Data Nets are built on top of a distributed data architecture. This means that the data is spread out across multiple servers, and each server can be located anywhere in the world.

Data Nets are designed to be scalable and fault-tolerant. This means that they can handle a large number of data sources and data consumers, and they can continue to operate even if one or more of the servers fails.

Data Nets are also designed to be flexible. This means that they can be easily reconfigured to add or remove data sources, or to change the way that the data is processed.

Section 2. What are Data Nets?

Data Nets are a new trend in data engineering that is influenced by the confluence of dbt semantic layer, Data Orchestration, Neural Networks and Generative AI. Data Nets allow for the creation of data assets that are versioned, reliable and always up to date. They also enable data consumers to access data without having to go through the traditional data stack. Data Nets can be used to create both batch and real-time pipelines.

The four core principles of Data Nets are:

  • Versioned data assets: All data assets created by Data Nets are versioned. This ensures that consumers always have access to the most up to date data.
  • Reliable: Data Nets are designed to be reliable. This means that they can handle failures gracefully and automatically recover from them.
  • Always up to date: Data Nets are always up to date. This means that they can automatically detect when new data is available and update their data assets accordingly.
  • Flexible: Data Nets are flexible. This means that they can be easily extended to support new use cases as they arise.

The historical context of Data Nets is that they were originally created in response to the need for a more reliable and up to date way to access data. The traditional data stack was often unreliable and would often return outdated data. This led to the development of Data Orchestration, which was designed to handle the complexities of the traditional data stack. However, Data Orchestration was not perfect and still had some shortcomings. Neural Networks and Generative AI were then used to create a more reliable and up to date way to access data. Finally, the dbt semantic layer was used to create a more user-friendly way to access data.

The main technological trends that Data Nets are joining are:

  • The rise of cloud computing: Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular as it offers a more scalable and cost-effective way to store and process data.
  • The rise of big data: Big data is another trend that is growing in popularity as it allows organizations to store and process large amounts of data more effectively.
  • The rise of artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence is also becoming more popular as it allows organizations to automate tasks that would otherwise be performed manually.
  • The rise of Containerization: Containerization is a method of packaging software so that it can be deployed on any server regardless of its environment

Section 2. What are Data Nets?

Data Nets are a new breed of data architecture that blends the best of Data Engineering and AI.

They are designed to manage enterprise data at scale, while also providing the flexibility to train models on raw data.

Data Nets are made up of three components:

  • A Data Orchestrator, which manages production data pipelines and ensures consistent results across different environments.
  • A Data Mesh, which provides a decentralized approach to data management that empowers domain experts with the ability to produce and consume data products.
  • A Data Contract, which defines an agreement between software/data engineers who own services and data consumers that understand how the business works.

Section 2. What are Data Nets?

In direct contrast with the Data Mesh, Data Nets are a new breed of data architecture that aim to take advantage of the latest advances in Neural Nets and Generative AI.

Data Nets are composed of two main components:

  • A data orchestrator, which is responsible for managing the data flow between different systems and ensuring that data is processed correctly.

  • A neural net, which is trained on raw data in order to learn how to generate new data that conforms to the same statistical properties as the original dataset.

The advantages of Data Nets over traditional approaches are numerous:

  • They can be used to train models on raw data, meaning that they don't require any preprocessing or feature engineering. This makes them much more efficient than traditional methods, which can often take days or even weeks to process a dataset before training can begin.

    • Furthermore, because Data Nets only need to be trained once on a dataset, they can be reused across different environments without needing to retrain every time there are changes in the underlying distribution (e.g., when new users are added). This makes them much more robust than traditional methods, which often break down when faced with such changes.

    • Finally, Data Nets have the potential to improve model performance by allowing for better generalization and faster training times.

  • Data Nets are also much more scalable than traditional approaches, as they can be easily distributed across multiple machines. This makes them well suited for training on large datasets, which would otherwise be prohibitively expensive with traditional methods.

The disadvantages of Data Nets are that they are still a relatively new technology and thus have not been battle-tested in production environments. Furthermore, because they rely on Neural Nets, which are themselves a black box algorithm, it can be difficult to understand and debug issues when they arise.

Data Nets present a direct threat to the dbt Semantic Layer because they provide a more efficient and scalable way to train models on raw data. However, the Semantic Layer does have some advantages over Data Nets, such as its ability to handle preprocessing and feature engineering tasks.

The Four Fundamental Ideas of Data Nets:

  • Data is no longer restricted to a single source or format.
  • Data can be automatically cleansed, transformed and aggregated as needed.
  • Neural networks can be used to automatically generate realistic data mocks for testing purposes.
  • Downtime and schema changes can be automatically detected and healed in real time

The implication of a fully AI-first Data Net architecture is that data engineering as we know it today will cease to exist. Data engineers will be replaced by AI-powered data pipelines that are able to automatically ingest, cleanse, transform, and aggregate data from multiple sources and formats. These data pipelines will also be able to automatically detect and recover from downtime or schema changes, minimizing the impact on business operations.

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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Section 3. Data Nets vs. Data Mesh vs. Data Contract

Now that we know what Data Nets are, let's compare them to the other two big trends in data engineering: Data Mesh and Data Contract.

Data Mesh is a strategic approach to data management that emphasizes on the idea of organizational agility by empowering data producers and data consumers with the accessibility to access and manage data, without the trouble of delegating to the data lake or data warehouse team. The main objective of Data Mesh is to evolve beyond the traditional centralized data management methods of utilizing data warehouses and data lakes.

Data Contract is an API-like agreement between software/data engineers who own services and data consumers that understand how the business works. The goal is to generate well-modeled, high-quality, trusted, real-time data.

Both Data Mesh and Data Contract have their own strengths and weaknesses. Data Nets, on the other hand, are designed to combine the best of both worlds.

Data Nets are more flexible than Data Mesh, because they can be easily reconfigured to add or remove data sources. Data Nets are also more scalable than Data Mesh, because they can handle a large number of data sources and data consumers.

Data Nets are more resistant to changes in the underlying data sources than Data Contract, because they are built on a distributed data architecture. Data Nets are also more scalable than Data Contract, because they can handle a large number of data sources and data consumers.

Data Nets are the best of both worlds. They are more flexible than Data Mesh, more scalable than Data Contract, and more resistant to changes in the underlying data sources.

Section 3: Comparing Data Nets with Data Mesh and Data Contracts

Data Nets are the final nail in the coffin for the modern data stack. With the dbt semantic layer, data orchestrators, neural networks and generative AI all working together, Data Nets provide the most complete picture of what is possible with data today.

In contrast, Data Mesh and Data Contracts are both limited in their scope. Data Mesh only addresses the issue of how data is managed within an organization, while Data Contracts focus on defining the interface between different software components. Neither of these approaches take into account the advances made in artificial intelligence or how to best utilize data for predictive purposes.

The 4 notable capabilities provided the new AI-enabled data stack:

  • Automated data pipelines: Data Nets provide the ability to automatically build and maintain data pipelines, freeing up data engineers to focus on other tasks.
  • Neural networks: With Data Nets, neural networks can be used to automatically identify patterns in data and make predictions about future events.
  • Generative AI: Data Nets also allow for the use of generative AI, which can create new data that is realistic and accurate.
  • Real-time data: Data Nets provide the ability to access data in real-time, making it possible to make decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

  • Automated data pipelines: Data Nets make it possible to automatically set up and manage data pipelines with very little input from data engineers. This frees up time for data engineers to focus on more important tasks.
  • Tracking observability: Data Nets provide a complete picture of what is happening with data at all times, making it easier to identify issues and fix them before they cause problems.
  • Healing from outages and schema changes: Data Nets can automatically detect and recover from outages or schema changes, minimizing the impact on business operations.
  • Automated machine learning: With the help of neural networks and generative AI, Data Nets can automatically learn from data and improve over time.

Section 3: Comparing Data Nets with Data Mesh and Data Contracts

Data Nets are the final nail in the coffin for the modern data stack. With the dbt semantic layer, data orchestrators, neural networks and generative AI all working together, Data Nets provide the most complete picture of what is possible with data today.

In contrast, Data Mesh and Data Contracts are both limited in their scope. Data Mesh only addresses the issue of how data is managed within an organization, while Data Contracts focus on defining the interface between different software components. Neither of these approaches take into account the advances made in artificial intelligence or how to best utilize data to automate routine data engineering chores like setting up pipelines, tracking observability, generating realistic data mocks and healing from outages and schema changes.

The 4 most exciting capabilities provided by this new generative AI-enabled data stack:

  • Data is no longer restricted to a single source or format. Data Nets can easily ingest data from multiple sources and formats, including streaming data, and make it available for analysis in real-time.

  • Data can be automatically cleansed, transformed and aggregated as needed, without the need for manual intervention.

  • Neural networks can be used to automatically generate realistic data mocks for testing purposes, eliminating the need for time-consuming and error-prone manual processes.

  • Outages and schema changes can be automatically detected and healed in real-time, ensuring that data is always accurate and up-to-date.

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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Section 4: When do you need a Data Net?

Data Nets are best suited for applications where data is constantly changing and where there is a need for real-time predictions. They are also well suited for training on large datasets, which would be prohibitively expensive with traditional methods.

Some examples of when you might need a Data Net include:

  • When you are training a model on streaming data, such as video or sensor data.
  • When you need to make predictions in real-time, such as detecting fraud or identifying potential customers.
  • When you are working with a large dataset that would be too expensive to process with traditional methods.

Section 4: When do you need a Data Net?

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether or not a Data Net is right for your organization. In general, a Data Net can be beneficial if you need to:

  • Ingest data from multiple sources and formats
  • Automate the creation and management of data pipelines
  • Monitor and improve the performance of data pipelines over time
  • Detect and recover from outages or schema changes in real-time
  • Generate realistic data mocks for testing purposes

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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Section 6. What does a Data Net architecture look like?

A Data Net is a distributed data processing platform that uses neural networks and generative AI to automatically cleanse, transform, and aggregate data from multiple sources in real-time. Data Nets are designed to be highly scalable and fault-tolerant, making them ideal for use in mission-critical applications.

Data Nets consist of three main components:

  1. Ingestion layer: This layer ingests data from multiple sources and formats, including streaming data. The ingestion layer is responsible for cleansing and transforming the data as needed.
  2. Processing layer: This layer uses neural networks and generative AI to automatically process the data and generate insights. The processing layer can also be used to train machine learning models.
  3. Output layer: This layer makes the processed data available for consumption by downstream applications or users. The output layer can also be used to trigger alerts or notifications if necessary

Section 6. What are the 5 layers of Data Net architecture?

The 5 layers of Data Net architecture are:

  1. Ingestion layer: responsible for collecting data from various sources and formats.
  2. Transformation layer: responsible for cleansing, transforming and aggregating data as needed.
  3. Neural network layer: responsible for automatically generating realistic data mocks for testing purposes.
  4. Outage detection and recovery layer: responsible for detecting and recovering from outages or schema changes in real-time.
  5. Machine learning layer: responsible for automatically learning from data and improving over time

Section 6. What are the 5 layers of Data Net architecture?

The 5 layers of Data Net architecture are:

  1. Ingestion layer: responsible for ingesting data from multiple sources and formats.
  2. Transformation layer: responsible for cleansing, transforming and aggregating data as needed.
  3. Neural network layer: responsible for generating realistic data mocks for testing purposes.
  4. Healing layer: responsible for detecting and healing downtime and schema changes in real-time.
  5. Machine learning layer: responsible for learning from data and improving over time.

Section 6. What is dbt's reponse to Data Net architecture and why have they been controversial?

DBT's response to Data Nets has been controversial for a number of reasons. Firstly, dbt Labs' new product manager for the dbt Semantic Layer, Cameron Afzal, has been critical of the Data Net approach, arguing that it fails to take into account the need for precision and flexibility when defining business metrics. Secondly, some data engineers have argued that the Data Net approach is too reliant on artificial intelligence and neural networks, which they believe are not yet mature enough technologies to be used in production data pipelines. Finally, there is concern that the use of generative AI could lead to unpredictable results and potentially introduce bias into data products.

Section 6. What is Tristan Handy, CEO of dbt's response to Data Net architecture and why have they been controversial?

Data Nets have been controversial because they represent a departure from the traditional data stack, which has been relied upon for many years. Data Nets are a new way of managing and processing data, made possible by the confluence of dbt semantic layer, data orchestrators, neural networks and generative AI. This new stack is more flexible and scalable than the traditional stack, but it also requires a different set of skills to manage effectively. As such, there has been some pushback from those who are comfortable with the status quo.

Tristan Handy, CEO of dbt, believes that Data Nets are the future of data management and offers several reasons why:

  • Data Nets offer better performance than traditional data stacks. They are able to process data more quickly and efficiently thanks to their use of parallel processing and distributed computing.
  • Data Nets are more scalable than traditional data stacks. They can easily ingest large amounts of data from multiple sources without requiring significant upfront investment.
  • Data Nets provide complete observability into all aspects of the data lifecycle. This makes it easier to identify issues early on and take corrective action before problems arise.
  • Data Nets can automatically detect and recover from downtime or schema changes in real time, minimizing disruptions to business operations

Section 6. Why is the new Data Net architecture a concern for dbt and how might they respond?

The new Data Net architecture is a concern for dbt because it threatens to replace the existing data stack with something that is more AI-driven and less reliant on manual intervention. This would reduce the need for data engineers, who are responsible for setting up and maintaining data pipelines. Tristan Handy, CEO of dbt, has said that "Data Nets are a potential threat to the entire data engineering industry."

Additionally, Data Nets could also automate many of the tasks that data engineers currently perform, such as cleansing and transforming data, aggregating data, and generating realistic mocks for testing purposes. While this would be beneficial in many ways, it would also make dbt less relevant in the overall scheme of things.

Section 6. Why is the new Data Net architecture a concern for Snowflake and how might they respond?

The new Data Net architecture is a concern for Snowflake because it threatens to disrupt their business model. Snowflake has built its business on the idea of selling data warehousing as a service. However, the new data stack that Data Nets enable does not require a centralized data warehouse. This could lead to customers switching to the new data stack, which would be bad for Snowflake's bottom line.

Snowflake may respond to this threat by trying to acquire or partner with companies that are working on Data Nets technology. They may also try to make their own products compatible with the new data stack.

Section 6. Why is the new Data Net architecture a concern for Databricks and what are 5 ways that they might respond?

The new Data Net architecture is a concern for Databricks because it threatens to disrupt their business model. Databricks' core product is their managed Apache Spark platform, which is used by data engineers to build and run data pipelines. Data Nets are a new generation of data pipelines that are powered by neural networks and generative AI, and they do not require the use of Apache Spark. This means that data engineers will no longer need to use Databricks' platform to build and run their data pipelines, which will reduce demand for Databricks' products and services.

There are several ways that Databricks could respond to this threat:

  1. They could try to acquire or partner with a company that offers a Data Net solution. This would give them access to the technology they need to stay competitive in the market.
  2. They could try to improve their existing platform so that it can compete with Data Nets solutions. This would involve making major changes to their platform, which may be difficult and time-consuming.
  3. They could pivot their business model from selling software products to selling consulting services around data engineering best practices. This would require them to make significant changes to their sales and marketing strategy.
  4. They could focus on selling their platform to other industries, such as the internet of things or edge computing. This would require them to invest in new marketing and sales initiatives.
  5. They could try to sell their platform as a way to manage Data Nets solutions. This would involve making changes to their platform so that it can integrate with Data Nets solutions.

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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Section 7. Main technological and cloud data warehousing trends

In this section, we'll take a look at some of the main trends enabling Data Nets and the AI-first data stack.

7.1 Data virtualization and data federation

Data virtualization is a technique that allows data from multiple sources to be accessed and combined as if it were all stored in a single location. This enables data consumers to access the data they need without having to worry about where it is physically located or how it is formatted.

Data federation is a related technique that allows data from multiple sources to be combined into a single logical view. This can be done using either physical or logical techniques. Physical federation involves replicating the data into a single location, while logical federation leaves the data in its original location and uses special software to combine it into a single view.

Both of these techniques are important for enabling Data Nets, as they allow data from multiple sources to be easily accessed and combined. This makes it possible to build complex applications that use data from many different places without having to worry about where the data is coming from or how it is organized.

7.2 Data orchestration

Data orchestration is the process of managing and coordinating data pipelines. It includes tasks such as extracting data from multiple sources, transforming it into the desired format, and loading it into a data warehouse or other target system.

Data orchestration is a critical part of any data engineering solution, as it ensures that data flows smoothly through the various stages of the pipeline. It also makes it possible to easily modify or add new steps to the pipeline as needed.

There are many different tools available for performing data orchestration, including Apache Airflow, Prefect, Dagster, and AWS Step Functions. Data Nets make use of these tools to automatically set up and manage complex data pipelines with very little input from data engineers. This frees up time for them to focus on more important tasks.

7.3 Neural networks and generative AI

Neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence that is inspired by the way the brain works. They are composed of a large number of interconnected processing nodes, or neurons, that can learn to recognize patterns of input data.

Generative AI is a type of AI that is focused on generating new data rather than just recognizing patterns in existing data. It can be used for tasks such as creating realistic mockups of data for testing purposes or generating new images from scratch.

Both neural networks and generative AI are important for Data Nets, as they allow complex applications to be automatically built and maintained with very little input from humans. This frees up time for data engineers to focus on more important tasks.

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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Section 8. Organizational and socio-technical adjustments

If Data Nets are the future, what will that mean for data engineering organizations and the data engineering profession?

There are a few key ways that Data Nets will impact data engineering organizations:

  • The role of the data engineer will become more focused on governance and quality control, as automated pipelines take care of the heavy lifting.
  • Data engineers will need to be comfortable with code, as they will be responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting complex algorithms.
  • There will be a greater emphasis on collaboration between data engineers and other teams, as Data Nets require a cross-functional approach.
  • There will be a need for new tools and processes to support Data Nets, which may require investment from organizational leaders.

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swyxio commented Oct 20, 2022

Write an improved draft of the introduction to this essay

In recent years, there has been a confluence of data engineering, neural networks and generative AI which has given rise to a new breed of data architectures known as Data Nets. Data Nets are composed of four main components: a data router, a data store, a control plane and a data pipeline. In direct contrast with the dbt semantic layer, Data Nets are designed to be fully automated and take advantage of advances in Neural Nets and Generative AI. This essay will explore the advantages of Data Nets over traditional approaches to data management, as well as the implications of this new breed of data architecture on the future of data engineering.

Data engineering has come a long way in recent years, thanks in part to advances in neural networks and generative AI. These technologies have given rise to a new breed of data architectures known as Data Nets.

Data Nets have the following characteristics:

  • A net is composed of a set of interconnected data tables.
  • The net must be fully automated, with intelligent algorithms that determine the best way to route data between the tables.
  • The net must be highly available and scalable, able to handle large workloads on demand.
  • The net should be able to evolve over time, adding new features and capabilities as needed.

In addition, the Data Net is designed to be highly scalable and easily integrated into existing systems. It can be used to supplement or replace an existing data warehouse, or it can be used as the primary data store for a new system.

The Data Net is also intended to be highly available, with built-in redundancy and failover capabilities.

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