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Created October 18, 2016 08:02
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import sys
opts = {
'window': 100000,
'intrachrom': False
args = sys.argv[1:]
for a, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg.startswith('-'):
if arg.startswith('-w') or arg.startswith('--window'):
opts['window'] = int(args[a+1])
if arg.startswith('-i'):
opts['intrachrom'] = True
args = args[a+1:]
def main():
breakpoints =[]
ensemble = []
for filename in args:
breakpoints += get_breakpoints(filename)
ensemble = find_fusions(breakpoints)
ensemble.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
print '%s ensemble fusions found:' % len(ensemble)
for calls in ensemble:
print ''
for call in calls:
result = '%s:%s %s >< %s %s:%s (%s, %s:%s)' % (call['5p']['chr'], call['5p']['pos'], call['5p']['gene'], call['3p']['gene'], call['3p']['chr'], call['3p']['pos'], call['caller'], call['file'], call['l'])
print result
def find_fusions(breakpoints):
fusions = []
for p1, point1 in enumerate(breakpoints):
match = [point1]
for point2 in breakpoints[p1+1:]:
if overlap(point1, point2):
callers = map(lambda x: x['caller'], match)
if len(set(callers)) > 1:
for calls in fusions:
if set(map(id, match)) < set(map(id, calls)):
return fusions
def get_breakpoints(filename):
# Returns list of positions, e.g. [ [[1, 123], [2, 789]], [[3, 321], [4, 987]] ]
caller = 0
breakpoints = []
#print 'Retrieving breakpoints for %s' % filename
for l,line in enumerate(open(filename)):
if caller:
point = {'caller': caller, 'line': line, 'file': filename, 'l': l}
cols = line.split('\t')
if caller == 'STAR':
point['5p'] = decolonize(cols[4])
point['3p'] = decolonize(cols[7])
point['5p']['gene'], point['3p']['gene'] = cols[0].split('--')
elif caller == 'FUSION_CATCHER':
point['5p'] = decolonize(cols[8])
point['3p'] = decolonize(cols[9])
point['5p']['gene'] = cols[0]
point['3p']['gene'] = cols[1]
elif caller == 'DEFUSE':
point['5p'] = {'chr': cols[24], 'pos': cols[37], 'gene': cols[30]}
point['3p'] = {'chr': cols[25], 'pos': cols[38], 'gene': cols[31]}
elif caller == 'CHIMERA':
pos1 = cols[2] if cols[8] == '-' else cols[1] # if 5' -> 3', use strand1 end
pos2 = cols[4] if cols[9] == '-' else cols[5] # if 5' -> 3', use strand2 start
point['5p'] = {'chr': cols[0].split('chr')[1], 'pos': pos1, 'gene': cols[12]}
point['3p'] = {'chr': cols[3].split('chr')[1], 'pos': pos2, 'gene': cols[13]}
point['5p']['gene'] = point['5p']['gene'].upper()
point['3p']['gene'] = point['3p']['gene'].upper()
elif line.startswith('#chrom5p'): caller = 'CHIMERA'
elif line.startswith('#fusion_name'): caller = 'STAR'
elif line.startswith('Gene_1_symbol'): caller = 'FUSION_CATCHER'
elif line.startswith('cluster_id'): caller = 'DEFUSE'
return breakpoints
def id(point):
return (point['file'], point['l'])
def decolonize(vals):
# converts "chr4:1234:+" to {'chr': '4', 'pos': '1234'}
chrom, pos = vals.split(':')[:2]
if chrom.startswith('chr'):
chrom = chrom.split('chr')[1]
return {'chr': chrom, 'pos': pos}
def overlap(pt1, pt2):
p1c1, p1c2, p2c1, p2c2 = pt1['5p']['chr'], pt1['3p']['chr'], pt2['5p']['chr'], pt2['3p']['chr']
if p1c1 == p2c1 and p1c2 == p2c2:
if p1c1 != p1c2 or opts['intrachrom']:
if abs(int(pt1['5p']['pos']) - int(pt2['5p']['pos'])) <= opts['window'] and abs(int(pt1['3p']['pos']) - int(pt2['3p']['pos'])) <= opts['window']:
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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