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Last active August 7, 2018 19:47
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render() {
return (
<Header androidStatusBarColor="#af1313" style={{ backgroundColor: '#d11919' }}>
<Body style = {{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', }}>
<Title>BLOOD DONORS</Title>
<Content style = {{ marginLeft: 10, marginRight:10 }}>
<View style = {{ backgroundColor:"#f2eded", marginTop: 10 }}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress = { () => this._toggleDonorPost()}>
<Text style = {{ fontSize:20, color:'#770707', }}>Add more donors</Text>
<View style = {{ paddingLeft: 20, paddingRight: 20, paddingBottom: 40 }}>
<View style = {{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop:20 }}>
<Text style = {{ fontSize:15, fontWeight: 'bold', color:'#e89494', }}>DONATE YOUR BLOOD</Text>
<Item rounded style = {{ marginBottom: 20, marginTop:20 }}>
<Input placeholder="Name"
onChangeText={input => this.setState({ name: input })}
<Item rounded style = {{ marginBottom: 20, marginTop:20 }}>
<Input placeholder="Mobile"
onChangeText={input => this.setState({ mobile: input })}
keyboardType = { "phone-pad" }
<View style = { styles.picker }>
selectedValue={ ( && this.state.pickerValue) || 'a'}
<Picker.Item label="Blood Group" value="null" />
<Picker.Item label="A+" value="A+" />
<Picker.Item label="A-" value="A-" />
<Picker.Item label="B+" value="B+" />
<Picker.Item label="B-" value="B-" />
<Picker.Item label="AB+" value="AB+" />
<Picker.Item label="AB-" value="AB-" />
<Picker.Item label="O+" value="O+" />
<Picker.Item label="O-" value="O-" />
<Button block light onPress={ () => this.addDonor(,, } style = {{ marginLeft: 30, marginRight:30 }}>
<View style = {{ flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', marginTop:20, marginBottom: 10 }}>
<Text style = {{ fontSize:15, fontWeight: 'bold', color:'#e89494', }}>DONORS</Text>
<View style = { styles.picker }>
selectedValue={ (this.state.grouptoBeFiltered && this.state.pickerValue) || 'a'}
<Picker.Item label="Blood Group" value="null" />
<Picker.Item label="A+" value="A+" />
<Picker.Item label="A-" value="A-" />
<Picker.Item label="B+" value="B+" />
<Picker.Item label="B-" value="B-" />
<Picker.Item label="AB+" value="AB+" />
<Picker.Item label="AB-" value="AB-" />
<Picker.Item label="O+" value="O+" />
<Picker.Item label="O-" value="O-" />
{this.state.grouptoBeFiltered == null
{this.state.donors.filter( element => ==this.state.grouptoBeFiltered).map((item, index) => (
<ListItem thumbnail>
<Text>{} ({})</Text>
<Text note numberOfLines={1}>Mob: {}</Text>
<Button transparent onPress={() => Communications.phonecall(`${}`, true)}>
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