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Export Contacts to Obsidian Markdown
-- Set the folder path for the Obsidian notes
set folderPath to "/Users/sean/Vaults/Test/People"
-- Function to convert special labels to human-readable form and title case them
on getReadableLabel(originalLabel)
if originalLabel is "_$!<Home>!$_" then
return "Home"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<Work>!$_" then
return "Work"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<Mobile>!$_" then
return "Mobile"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<Main>!$_" then
return "Main"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<HomeFAX>!$_" then
return "Home Fax"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<WorkFAX>!$_" then
return "Work Fax"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<OtherFAX>!$_" then
return "Other Fax"
else if originalLabel is "_$!<Pager>!$_" then
return "Pager"
return originalLabel
end if
end getReadableLabel
-- Function to title case a label and append "Phone" or "Email" as appropriate
on titleCaseLabel(theLabel, isPhone)
set theLabel to words of theLabel
set titleCasedLabel to ""
repeat with aWord in theLabel
set firstChar to (character 1 of aWord) as text
set firstChar to do shell script "echo " & firstChar & " | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'"
set titleCasedLabel to titleCasedLabel & firstChar & (text 2 thru -1 of aWord) & " "
end repeat
set titleCasedLabel to text 1 thru -2 of titleCasedLabel
if isPhone then
if titleCasedLabel does not end with "Phone" then
return titleCasedLabel & " Phone"
return titleCasedLabel
end if
if titleCasedLabel does not end with "Email" then
return titleCasedLabel & " Email"
return titleCasedLabel
end if
end if
end titleCaseLabel
-- Function to pretty format phone numbers
on prettyFormatPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)
set phoneNumber to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of phoneNumber & " | sed 's/[^0-9+]*//g'"
set lengthOfNumber to length of phoneNumber
if (phoneNumber starts with "+1" or phoneNumber starts with "1") and lengthOfNumber ≥ 11 then
if phoneNumber starts with "+1" then
set phoneNumber to text 3 thru -1 of phoneNumber
else if phoneNumber starts with "1" then
set phoneNumber to text 2 thru -1 of phoneNumber
end if
set formattedNumber to "+1-" & text 1 thru 3 of phoneNumber & "-" & text 4 thru 6 of phoneNumber & "-" & text 7 thru 10 of phoneNumber
else if phoneNumber starts with "+" then
set formattedNumber to "+" & text 2 thru -1 of phoneNumber
else if lengthOfNumber ≥ 10 then
set formattedNumber to "+1-" & text 1 thru 3 of phoneNumber & "-" & text 4 thru 6 of phoneNumber & "-" & text 7 thru 10 of phoneNumber
set formattedNumber to phoneNumber
end if
return formattedNumber
end prettyFormatPhoneNumber
tell application "Contacts"
-- Get all the contacts
set allPeople to every person
repeat with aPerson in allPeople
-- Get the name of the contact
set aName to name of aPerson
log aName
-- Create the note content that will be saved to the file
set aNote to "# " & aName & linefeed & linefeed & "## Contact" & linefeed & linefeed
-- Add phone numbers
if (count of phones of aPerson) > 0 then
set phoneList to phones of aPerson
if (count of phoneList) is 1 then
set formattedPhone to my prettyFormatPhoneNumber(value of item 1 of phoneList)
set aNote to aNote & "Phone: " & formattedPhone & linefeed
repeat with aPhone in phoneList
set phoneLabel to my getReadableLabel(label of aPhone)
set phoneLabel to my titleCaseLabel(phoneLabel, true)
set formattedPhone to my prettyFormatPhoneNumber(value of aPhone)
set aNote to aNote & phoneLabel & ": " & formattedPhone & linefeed
end repeat
end if
end if
-- Add email addresses
if (count of emails of aPerson) > 0 then
set emailList to emails of aPerson
if (count of emailList) is 1 then
set aNote to aNote & "Email: " & (value of item 1 of emailList) & linefeed
repeat with anEmail in emailList
set emailLabel to my getReadableLabel(label of anEmail)
set emailLabel to my titleCaseLabel(emailLabel, false)
set aNote to aNote & emailLabel & ": " & (value of anEmail) & linefeed
end repeat
end if
end if
-- Add addresses
if (count of addresses of aPerson) > 0 then
set addressList to addresses of aPerson
if (count of addressList) is 1 then
set singleAddress to formatted address of item 1 of addressList
set aNote to aNote & "Address: " & my singleLineAddress(singleAddress) & linefeed
repeat with anAddress in addressList
set singleAddress to formatted address of anAddress
set aNote to aNote & "Address: " & my singleLineAddress(singleAddress) & linefeed
end repeat
end if
end if
-- Add the Notes section header
set aNote to aNote & linefeed & "## Notes" & linefeed & linefeed
-- Add any notes from the contact
if (note of aPerson is not missing value) then
set noteContent to note of aPerson
set noteLines to paragraphs of noteContent
repeat with aLine in noteLines
if aLine starts with "# " or aLine is "" then
-- Skip this line
set aNote to aNote & aLine & linefeed
end if
end repeat
end if
-- Create the Markdown file
set fn to folderPath & "/" & aName & ".md"
set fileRef to null
set fileRef to open for access fn with write permission
write aNote to fileRef
close access fileRef
on error
if fileRef is not null then
close access fileRef
end if
end try
end repeat
end tell
-- Function to convert a multiline address to a single line
on singleLineAddress(multilineAddress)
set singleLine to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of multilineAddress & " | tr '\\n' ','"
set singleLine to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of singleLine & " | sed 's/,,/,/g'"
set singleLine to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of singleLine & " | sed 's/,/, /g'"
set singleLine to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of singleLine & " | sed 's/, *$//'"
return singleLine
end singleLineAddress
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