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Created November 12, 2019 22:24
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Bin conv with light hls
#ifndef _APINT
#define _APINT
#define NULL __null
template <int Bits>
using ap_uint = __attribute__((__ap_int(Bits))) unsigned ;
template <int Bits>
using ap_int = __attribute__((__ap_int(Bits))) int ;
template <typename F>
F partSelect(F input, const int l,const int r)
return ((input ) &((1<<(l+1))-1))>> r ;
#include "bin_conv.h"
TwoBit encode_bit(const Bit &b) { return (b == 0) ? TwoBit(1) : TwoBit(-1); }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conv
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ConvOut conv3x3b(const TwoBit line_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS][CONV_ROWS][CONV_COLS],
const Bit conv_params_m[K][K], const ap_uint<4> bank,
const IdxType cc) {
ConvOut sum = 0;
for (ap_uint<2> kr = 0; kr < K; ++kr) {
for (ap_uint<2> kc = 0; kc < K; ++kc) {
TwoBit data = line_buffer_m[bank][kr][cc + kc];
const Bit &wt = conv_params_m[2 - kr][2 - kc];
data = ((wt & partSelect(data,0,0) ^ partSelect(data,1,1)) << 1) | partSelect(data, 0, 0);
sum += data;
return sum;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Produce 32 elements of conv results
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void conv_word(const TwoBit line_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS][CONV_ROWS][CONV_COLS],
const Bit conv_params_m[K][K],
ConvOut conv_out_buffer_m[WORD_SIZE]) {
for (ap_uint<4> bank = 0; bank < CONV_BANKS; ++bank) {
for (ap_uint<4> cc = 0; cc < BANK_WIDTH; ++cc) {
conv_out_buffer_m[bank * BANK_WIDTH + cc] =
conv3x3b(line_buffer_m, conv_params_m, bank, cc);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Process each line in a word, we need to outline this loop to
// avoid false control dependencies in Vivado HLS
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void process_word(const TwoBit word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS][CONV_COLS],
const TwoBit old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS][CONV_COLS],
const bool lb[CONV_BANKS], const bool rb[CONV_BANKS],
TwoBit line_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS][CONV_ROWS][CONV_COLS],
const Bit conv_params_m[K][K],
ConvOut conv_out_buffer_m[WORD_SIZE],
const ap_uint<3> log_width, const ap_uint<6> words_per_image,
const IdxType wrd) {
// slices_per_line = width / BANK_WIDTH
const ap_uint<5> slices_per_line = 1 << (log_width - LOG_BANK_WIDTH);
const bool first_wrd = (wrd == 0);
const bool last_wrd = (wrd == words_per_image);
// Prologue
// Update bottom row, slices are shifted left. Some slices copied from
// previous word (middle row)
for (ap_uint<4> bank = 0; bank < CONV_BANKS; ++bank) {
ap_int<6> s_idx = bank + slices_per_line - CONV_BANKS;
if (s_idx < 0) {
// set to zero or copy from old word (middle row)
for (ap_uint<4> cc = 1; cc < CONV_COLS - 1; ++cc) {
line_buffer_m[bank][CONV_ROWS - 1][cc] =
old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS + s_idx][cc];
line_buffer_m[bank][CONV_ROWS - 1][0] =
lb[bank] ? TwoBit(0) : old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS + s_idx][0];
line_buffer_m[bank][CONV_ROWS - 1][CONV_COLS - 1] =
rb[bank] ? TwoBit(0)
: old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS + s_idx][CONV_COLS - 1];
} else {
// fill from new word
for (ap_uint<4> cc = 1; cc < CONV_COLS - 1; ++cc) {
line_buffer_m[bank][CONV_ROWS - 1][cc] =
(last_wrd) ? TwoBit(0) : word_buffer_m[s_idx][cc];
line_buffer_m[bank][CONV_ROWS - 1][0] =
(last_wrd || lb[bank]) ? TwoBit(0) : word_buffer_m[s_idx][0];
line_buffer_m[bank][CONV_ROWS - 1][CONV_COLS - 1] =
(last_wrd || rb[bank]) ? TwoBit(0)
: word_buffer_m[s_idx][CONV_COLS - 1];
// Convolution
conv_word(line_buffer_m, conv_params_m, conv_out_buffer_m);
// Update
// Fill line buffer with lines from the new word
for (ap_uint<4> bank = 0; bank < CONV_BANKS; ++bank) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Top row, slices are shifted right by slices_per_line
ap_int<6> s_idx0 = bank - slices_per_line;
if (s_idx0 >= 0) {
// slice from input word
for (ap_uint<4> cc = 1; cc < CONV_COLS - 1; ++cc) {
line_buffer_m[bank][0][cc] = word_buffer_m[s_idx0][cc];
line_buffer_m[bank][0][0] =
lb[bank] ? TwoBit(0) : word_buffer_m[s_idx0][0];
line_buffer_m[bank][0][CONV_COLS - 1] =
rb[bank] ? TwoBit(0) : word_buffer_m[s_idx0][CONV_COLS - 1];
} else {
// set to zero or copy from old word (middle row)
for (ap_uint<4> cc = 1; cc < CONV_COLS - 1; ++cc) {
line_buffer_m[bank][0][cc] =
(first_wrd) ? TwoBit(0)
: old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS + s_idx0][cc];
line_buffer_m[bank][0][0] =
(first_wrd || lb[bank]) ? TwoBit(0)
: old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS + s_idx0][0];
line_buffer_m[bank][0][CONV_COLS - 1] =
(first_wrd || rb[bank])
? TwoBit(0)
: old_word_buffer_m[CONV_BANKS + s_idx0][CONV_COLS - 1];
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Middle row, simply copy the word into the line buffer
for (ap_uint<4> cc = 1; cc < CONV_COLS - 1; ++cc) {
line_buffer_m[bank][1][cc] = word_buffer_m[bank][cc];
// Fill end buffer bits
line_buffer_m[bank][1][0] = lb[bank] ? TwoBit(0) : word_buffer_m[bank][0];
line_buffer_m[bank][1][CONV_COLS - 1] =
rb[bank] ? TwoBit(0) : word_buffer_m[bank][CONV_COLS - 1];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A single PE reads from all inputs and weights to generate a single
// output feature map.
// * Make sure this function gets inlined by VHLS, or cosim may fail!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void bin_conv(
Word wt_mem[CONVOLVERS][C_WT_WORDS], NormComp nc,
Word dmem[2][CONVOLVERS][C_DMEM_WORDS], ap_uint<1> d_i_idx,
ap_uint<1> d_o_idx, const unsigned n_inputs, const Address o_index,
const ap_uint<1> new_batch,
const ap_uint<2> width_mode, // 0=8'b, 1=16'b, 2=32'b
const ap_uint<2> norm_mode // 0='do nothing', 1='do norm', 2='do pool'
) {
const ap_uint<3> log_width = width_mode + LOG_BANK_WIDTH;
const ap_uint<5> words_per_image = 1 << (2 * width_mode);
const unsigned n_phases = n_inputs / CONVOLVERS;
const unsigned images_per_phase = PIX_PER_PHASE >> (2 * log_width);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// buffers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Bit conv_params[CONVOLVERS][K][K];
ConvSum fixed_buffer[WORDS_PER_PHASE][WORD_SIZE];
ConvSum fixed_temp[WORD_SIZE];
// per-convolver buffers
TwoBit old_word_buffer[CONVOLVERS][CONV_BANKS][CONV_COLS];
ConvOut conv_out_buffer[CONVOLVERS][WORD_SIZE];
// edge padding flag bits
bool lb[CONV_BANKS];
bool rb[CONV_BANKS];
static Address wt_addr = 0; // address of weight word
static ap_uint<3> wt_offset = 0; // offset 0..6 of param
if (new_batch != 0) {
wt_addr = 0;
wt_offset = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Calculate edge padding flag bits
const ap_uint<4> log_slice = log_width - LOG_BANK_WIDTH;
const ap_uint<4> w_div_8 = (1 << log_width) >> 3;
ap_uint<4> mask = ~ap_uint<4>(0); // set mask to all 1s
mask = mask >> (4 - log_slice);
for (ap_uint<4> bank = 0; bank < CONV_BANKS; ++bank) {
const ap_uint<4> x = bank & mask;
lb[bank] = (x == 0); // (bank % w_div_8) == 0
rb[bank] = (x + 1 == w_div_8); // (bank % w_div_8) == w_div_8-1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reset conv buffer
for (IdxType i = 0; i < WORDS_PER_PHASE; ++i) {
for (IdxType j = 0; j < WORD_SIZE; ++j) {
fixed_buffer[i][j] = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute in phases
// Each phase processes CONVOLVERS * WORDS_PER_PHASE input words
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (ap_uint<10> p = 0; p < n_phases; p += images_per_phase) {
// wrd = which word in the current image
// wrd_phase = which wrd in the current phase
ap_uint<8> wrd = 0;
ap_uint<8> wrd_phase = 0;
// Load a word each iteration, and then process it
// We load WORDS_PER_PHASE words per phase, however we also need 1 extra
// "empty" iteration per image in the phase to do the loop epilogue, so the
// loop bound is WORDS_PER_PHASE + images_per_phase
for (ap_uint<8> count = 0; count < WORDS_PER_PHASE + images_per_phase;
++count) {
// First word of an image
if (wrd == 0) {
Word wt_word_buffer[CONVOLVERS];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load param word
// Each word contains CONV_W_PER_WORD weight filters, after we use
// them all we should load the next word
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
for (IdxType m = 0; m < CONVOLVERS; ++m) {
/*if (wt_offset == 0)
wt_word_buffer[m] = wt_mem[m][wt_addr];
wt_word_buffer[m] = wt_word_buffer[m] >> WT_SIZE;
wt_word_buffer[m] =
wt_mem[m][wt_addr] >> ap_uint<6>(WT_SIZE * wt_offset);
if (wt_offset == CONV_W_PER_WORD - 1) {
wt_offset = 0;
} else {
// print_wt_word(wt_word_buffer[0]);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load params
// Each word contains CONV_W_PER_WORD weight filters packed into the first
// 63 bits, the last bit is unused. Wts are stored in output-major order.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
for (IdxType m = 0; m < CONVOLVERS; ++m) {
for (ap_uint<2> kr = 0; kr < K; ++kr) {
for (ap_uint<2> kc = 0; kc < K; ++kc)
conv_params[m][kr][kc] = partSelect(wt_word_buffer[m], kr * K + kc, kr * K + kc);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Every word in an image
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load word
// (wrd_phase-wrd) is which wrd in the current phase, aligned to img
// boundary
if (wrd != words_per_image) {
for (IdxType m = 0; m < CONVOLVERS; ++m) {
Word word = dmem[d_i_idx][m][p * words_per_image + wrd_phase];
for (IdxType bank = 0; bank < CONV_BANKS; ++bank) {
for (IdxType cc = 0; cc < CONV_COLS - 2; ++cc) {
word_buffer[m][bank][cc + 1] =
encode_bit(partSelect(word, ap_uint<6>(bank * BANK_WIDTH + cc), ap_uint<6>(bank * BANK_WIDTH + cc)));
word_buffer[m][bank][0] =
(bank == 0)
? TwoBit(0)
: encode_bit(partSelect(word, ap_uint<6>(bank * BANK_WIDTH - 1), ap_uint<6>(bank * BANK_WIDTH - 1)));
word_buffer[m][bank][CONV_COLS - 1] =
(bank == CONV_BANKS - 1)
? TwoBit(0)
: encode_bit(partSelect(word, ap_uint<6>(bank * BANK_WIDTH + BANK_WIDTH), ap_uint<6>(bank * BANK_WIDTH + BANK_WIDTH)));
// Compute
for (IdxType m = 0; m < CONVOLVERS; ++m) {
// Do the following for each word in an image
process_word(word_buffer[m], old_word_buffer[m], lb, rb, line_buffer[m],
conv_params[m], conv_out_buffer[m], log_width,
words_per_image, wrd);
for (IdxType m = 0; m < CONVOLVERS; ++m) {
for (IdxType bank = 0; bank < CONV_BANKS; ++bank) {
for (IdxType cc = 0; cc < CONV_COLS; ++cc) {
old_word_buffer[m][bank][cc] = word_buffer[m][bank][cc];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sum results across convolvers
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
for (IdxType i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) {
// Ignore conv results after processing the first word
if (wrd > 0) {
ConvSum s = 0;
for (IdxType m = 0; m < CONVOLVERS; ++m)
s += conv_out_buffer[m][i];
fixed_buffer[wrd_phase - 1][i] += s;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Increment counters
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
if (wrd != words_per_image) {
} else {
wrd = 0;
} // wrd_phase = 0 .. WORDS_PER_PHASE
} // n_phases
for (ap_uint<5> w = 0; w < words_per_image; ++w) {
for (IdxType b = 0; b < WORD_SIZE; ++b) {
fixed_temp[b] = fixed_buffer[w][b];
for (ap_uint<8> i = words_per_image; i < WORDS_PER_PHASE;
i += words_per_image) {
for (IdxType b = 0; b < WORD_SIZE; ++b) {
fixed_temp[b] += fixed_buffer[w + i][b];
for (IdxType b = 0; b < WORD_SIZE; ++b) {
fixed_buffer[w][b] = fixed_temp[b];
const Address bank_idx = o_index % CONVOLVERS;
const Address bank_off = o_index / CONVOLVERS;
const ap_uint<5> pool_width = 1 << (log_width - 1);
static Word outword;
Word poolword = 0;
for (ap_uint<6> w = 0; w < words_per_image; ++w) {
Word binword = 0;
Address o_bank_idx = bank_idx;
Address o_bank_offset = bank_off * words_per_image + w;
const ap_uint<6> out_offset = (w % 4) << 4;
for (ap_uint<7> i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE; ++i) {
binword = (((fixed_buffer[w][i] >= nc) ? 0 : 1) << i) | binword;
if (norm_mode == 1) {
outword = binword;
} else if (norm_mode == 2) {
// horizontal pooling first
ap_int<WORD_SIZE / 2> poolword_h = 0;
for (ap_uint<6> i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE / 2; ++i) {
poolword_h = ((partSelect(binword, 2 * i, 2 * i) & partSelect(binword, 2 * i + 1, 2 * i + 1)) << i) | poolword_h;
// vertical pooling
for (ap_uint<6> i = 0; i < WORD_SIZE / 4; ++i) {
// source indices
ap_uint<5> i0 = i >> (log_width - 1);
i0 = (i0 << log_width) + partSelect(i, log_width - 2, 0);
ap_uint<5> i1 = i0 + pool_width;
// dest index
ap_uint<6> d0 = out_offset + i;
poolword = ((partSelect(poolword_h,i0,i0) & partSelect(poolword_h,i1,i1)) << i) | poolword;
// For log_width > 3 we can just assign the word, but log_width = 3 means
// width = 8, which means pooled width = 4, which is only 16 bits, which
// is less than 1 Word. So each time we get here we only have 16 bits,
// meaning we have to accumulate four of these 16-bit batches before
// writing a word out.
if (log_width != LOG_BANK_WIDTH) {
o_bank_offset /= 4;
outword = poolword;
} else {
outword = (partSelect(poolword, 15, 0) << 48) | (outword >> WORD_SIZE / 4);
o_bank_idx = (o_index / 4) % CONVOLVERS;
o_bank_offset = (o_index / 4) / CONVOLVERS;
dmem[d_o_idx][o_bank_idx][o_bank_offset] = outword;
#include "ap_int.h"
// Constants
const unsigned CONVOLVERS = 2;
const unsigned WORD_SIZE = 64;
const unsigned WT_SIZE = 9;
const unsigned CONV_W_PER_WORD = 7;
const unsigned CONV1_W_PER_WORD = 4;
const unsigned KH_PER_WORD = 4;
const unsigned BYTE_SIZE = 8;
const unsigned K = 3;
const unsigned WT_L = 16*4*512; // parameter to control wt mem size
const unsigned C_WT_WORDS = ((WT_L+CONV_W_PER_WORD-1)/CONV_W_PER_WORD + CONVOLVERS-1) / CONVOLVERS; // wt words per convolver
const unsigned KH_WORDS = WT_L/128*16 / WORD_SIZE;
const unsigned DMEM_WORDS = 128*32*32 / WORD_SIZE;
const unsigned DMEM_O_WORDS = 512*4*4 / WORD_SIZE;
const unsigned DB_MEM_WORDS = 32*32;
const unsigned PIX_PER_PHASE = 2*32*32;
const unsigned MAX_WIDTH = WORD_SIZE;
const unsigned BANK_WIDTH = 8;
const unsigned LOG_BANK_WIDTH = 3;
const unsigned CONV_ROWS = 3;
const unsigned CONV_COLS = BANK_WIDTH+2;
// Typedefs
typedef ap_int<WORD_SIZE> Word;
typedef ap_int<WT_SIZE> WtType;
typedef ap_uint<16> Address;
typedef ap_int<12> ConvSum;
typedef ap_int<5> ConvOut;
typedef ap_uint<10> IdxType;
typedef ap_int<16> NormComp;
typedef ap_int<16> DenseSum;
typedef ap_uint<1> Bit;
typedef ap_uint<2> TwoBit;
clock = 5
HLS_lib_path = ../../../HLS_Data_Lib/
loop_pipeline label=Loop_bin_conv_5 II=1
loop_pipeline label=Loop_bin_conv_21 II=1
loop_pipeline label=Loop_bin_conv_24 II=1
array_partition variable=line_buffer scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=conv_params scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=fixed_buffer scope=bin_conv dim=2 complete
array_partition variable=fixed_temp scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=word_buffer scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=old_word_buffer scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=lb scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=rb scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=wt_word_buffer scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
array_partition variable=conv_out_buffer scope=bin_conv dim=0 complete
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