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Created May 17, 2020 10:44
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#Import libraries
import pyproj
import pandas as pd
#Pyspark functions - ONLY - DO not import functions like "import * from <package name>"
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType
#Read dataframe with XY(eastings and northings) and population value
pop_df ="XY_POP_DATA_FULL.csv", header='True', inferSchema='True')
#Make required casting
pop_df = pop_df.withColumn("X", col("X").cast(DoubleType()))
pop_df = pop_df.withColumn("Y", col("Y").cast(DoubleType()))
pop_df = pop_df.withColumn("Population", col("Population").cast(DoubleType()))
#Create a CRS projection string with same value as of the original GHS POP File
p = pyproj.proj.Proj(r'+proj=moll +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs')
#Function to get latitude and longitude from XY Coords
def get_lat(x,y):
return p(x,y,inverse=True)[1]
#Function to get latitude and longitude from XY Coords
def get_lon(x,y):
return p(x,y,inverse=True)[0]
#Convert functions to spark UDFs
spark_udf_lat = udf(get_lat, DoubleType())
spark_udf_lon= udf(get_lon, DoubleType())
#Apply on the population XY DF
pop_df = pop_df.withColumn("latitude", spark_udf_lat(col("X"),col("Y")))
pop_df = pop_df.withColumn("longitude", spark_udf_lon(col("X"),col("Y")))
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Subuday commented Sep 28, 2021

Do you write output file?

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Not in this code. But you can use the following code -

pop_df.to_csv('pop_df.csv', index=False)

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