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Last active March 14, 2020 09:57
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PowerShell 快速设置代理的脚本
$defalut_proxy = '';
if ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('DEFAULT_PROXY') -ne $null) {
$defalut_proxy = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('DEFAULT_PROXY');
function Env-Proxy($operate, $proxy = $defalut_proxy) {
if ($operate -eq "get") {
return $env:HTTP_PROXY;
elseif ($operate -eq "set") {
$env:HTTP_PROXY = $proxy;
$env:HTTPS_PROXY = $proxy;
return "Success";
elseif ($operate -eq "del") {
if ($env:HTTP_PROXY -ne $null) {
Remove-Item env:HTTP_PROXY
Remove-Item env:HTTPS_PROXY
return "Success";
function Git-Proxy($operate, $proxy = $defalut_proxy) {
if ($operate -eq "get") {
return (git config --global --get http.proxy);
elseif ($operate -eq "set") {
git config --global http.proxy $proxy;
git config --global https.proxy $proxy;
return "Success";
elseif ($operate -eq "del") {
git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy
return "Success";
function Node-Proxy($operate, $proxy = $defalut_proxy) {
if ($operate -eq "get") {
$yarn_proxy = (yarn config get proxy);
if ($yarn_proxy -eq "undefined") {
return $null;
else {
return $yarn_proxy;
elseif ($operate -eq "set") {
npm config set proxy $proxy | Out-Null;
npm config set https-proxy $proxy | Out-Null;
yarn config set proxy $proxy | Out-Null;
yarn config set https-proxy $proxy | Out-Null;
return "Success";
elseif ($operate -eq "del") {
npm config delete proxy | Out-Null
npm config delete https-proxy | Out-Null
yarn config delete proxy | Out-Null
yarn config delete https-proxy | Out-Null
return "Success";
function Composer-Proxy($operate, $proxy = $defalut_proxy) {
return (Env-Proxy $operate $proxy);
function Scoop-Proxy($operate, $proxy = $defalut_proxy) {
if ($operate -eq "get") {
$scoop_proxy = (scoop config proxy);
if ($scoop_proxy -eq "'proxy' is not set") {
return $null;
else {
return $scoop_proxy;
elseif ($operate -eq "set") {
scoop config proxy $proxy.Substring(7) | Out-Null
return "Success";
elseif ($operate -eq "del") {
scoop config rm proxy | Out-Null
return "Success";
# 脚本部分
if ($args[0] -in "set", "get", "del") {
$used_proxy = $defalut_proxy;
if ($args[2] -ne $null) {
$used_proxy = $args[2];
if ($args[1] -eq "env") {
Write-Output (Env-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy);
if ($args[1] -eq "git") {
Write-Output (Git-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy);
if ($args[1] -in "npm", "node", "yarn") {
Write-Output (Node-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy);
if ($args[1] -eq "composer") {
Write-Output (Composer-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy);
if ($args[1] -eq "all" -or $args[1] -eq $null) {
Write-Output ("Env: " + (Env-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy));
Write-Output ("Git: " + (Git-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy));
Write-Output ("Node: " + (Node-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy));
Write-Output ("Composer: " + (Composer-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy));
Write-Output ("Scoop: " + (Scoop-Proxy $args[0] $used_proxy));
if ($args[1] -eq "proxy") {
if ($args[0] -eq "set") {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('DEFAULT_PROXY', $args[2], [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
elseif ($args[0] -eq "get") {
[System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('DEFAULT_PROXY', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
elseif ($args[0] -eq "del") {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('DEFAULT_PROXY', '', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
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