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Last active December 5, 2017 14:31
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calculate pi by sectional measurement in multi threads.
program pi_from_sectional_measurement
implicit none
!$ integer threads_count, thread_number
! Const
real(8), parameter :: pi25 = 3.141592653589793238462643D0
! Input data
integer intervals_count
! Benchmark
real(8) time_start, time_end
! Temporary val
integer i
real(8) width, x
! Answer
real(8) :: area = 0.0D0
!$ real(8) :: total_area = 0.0D0
open(10, FILE = "input_pi2.dat")
read(10, *) intervals_count
print *, "Intervals count: ", intervals_count
width = 1.0D0 / dfloat(intervals_count)
!$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(threads_count, thread_number)
!$ threads_count = OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS()
!$ thread_number = OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM()
!$ write(6, "(A, I6, A, A, I6)") "Thread number: ", thread_number, ", ", "The number of threads: ", threads_count
!$ if (threads_count == 1) then
call cpu_time(time_start)
!$ else
!$ time_start = OMP_GET_WTIME()
!$ end if
!$OMP PARALLEL DO REDUCTION(+: total_area) PRIVATE(i, x, area)
do i = 1, intervals_count
x = 0.5D0 * width + width * dfloat(i - 1)
area = area + width * (4.0D0 / (1.0D0 + x * x))
!$ total_area = area
end do
!$ area = total_area
!$ if (threads_count == 1) then
call cpu_time(time_end)
!$ else
!$ time_end = OMP_GET_WTIME()
!$ end if
write(6, "(A, E15.8)") "pi = ", area
write(6, "(A, E15.8)") "error = ", dabs(area - pi25)
write(6, "(A, E15.8)") "Exec time = ", time_end - time_start, "sec"
end program pi_from_sectional_measurement
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