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Last active April 14, 2016 19:36
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// AKA'd as Lerp
// Returns the point between A and B if t is time or progress and is clamped between 0 and 1
function LinearBezier(A, B, t) : float {
return (1-t) * A +
(t) * B;
// Querp?
function QuadraticBezier(A, B, C, t) : float {
return (1-t) * LinearBezier(A, B, t) +
(t) * LinearBezier(B, C, t);
// Curp.
function CubicBezier(A, B, C, D, t) : float {
return (1-t) * QuadraticBezier(A, B, C, t) +
(1) * QuadraticBezier(B, C, D, t);
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