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Created April 15, 2014 12:47
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(ns hello-cljs.main)
(defn log [str]
(.log js/console str))
(def state (atom {:direction [1 0]}))
(defn canvas []
(let [canvas (.getElementById js/document "game")
ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
width (.-width canvas)
height (.-height canvas)]
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) "black")
(.fillRect ctx 0 0 width height)
(defn draw-block [ctx [x y]]
(set! (.-strokeStyle ctx) "rgba(255,255,255, 0.5)")
(.strokeRect ctx (+ (* x 10) 0.5) (+ (* y 10) 0.5) 8 8)
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) "rgba(255,255,255, 0.2)")
(.fillRect ctx (+ (* x 10) 0.5) (+ (* y 10) 0.5) 8 8))
(defn erase-block [ctx [x y]]
(set! (.-fillStyle ctx) "black")
(.fillRect ctx (* x 10) (* y 10) 10 10))
(defn game-over [] false)
(defn new-food [] [(rand-int 30) (rand-int 30)])
(defn collision? [snake newhead]
(let [[nx ny] newhead]
(not (nil? (some #{newhead} snake)))
(< nx 0) (> nx 30)
(< ny 0) (> ny 30))))
(defn game [[ctx snake food]]
(let [
[hx hy] (first snake)
[dx dy] (get @state :direction)
newhead [(+ hx dx) (+ hy dy)]]
(if (collision? snake newhead)
(if (= food newhead)
(let [
newfood (new-food)
newsnake (conj snake newhead)]
(draw-block ctx newfood)
[ctx newsnake newfood])
(let [newsnake (conj (butlast snake) newhead)]
(erase-block ctx (last snake))
(draw-block ctx newhead)
[ctx newsnake food])))))
(defn game-loop [gstate]
(if gstate
(js/setTimeout (fn [] (game-loop (game gstate))) 100)))
(game-loop (let [
ctx (canvas)
snake [[5 5] [4 5] [3 5]]
food (new-food)]
(draw-block ctx food)
[ctx snake food]))
(.addEventListener js/document "keydown" (fn [event]
(let [
[odx ody] (get @state :direction)
newdir (condp = (.-keyCode event)
39 [1 0] ;right
40 [0 1] ;down
37 [-1 0] ;left
38 [0 -1] ;up
[ndx ndy] newdir]
(if (not (and
(false? newdir))
(and (not (= odx 0)) (= odx (- ndx)))
(and (not (= ody 0)) (= ody (- ndy))))
(swap! state assoc :direction newdir)))))
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