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Created October 16, 2011 19:27
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Scala experiments
package snake
import scala.util.{Random}
import swing.{SimpleSwingApplication, MainFrame, Panel, event}
import event.{KeyPressed}
object App extends SimpleSwingApplication {
import event.Key._
import java.awt.{Dimension, Graphics2D, Rectangle}
import java.awt.{Color}
import java.awt.event.{ActionEvent}
import javax.swing.{Timer, AbstractAction}
override def top = frame
val frame = new MainFrame {
title = "Scala Snake"
contents = mainPanel
lazy val mainPanel = new Panel {
focusable = true
background =
preferredSize = new Dimension(200, 200)
override def paint(g: Graphics2D) {
g.setColor(new Color(0x1B, 0x00, 0x3F))
g.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height)
reactions += {
case KeyPressed(_, key, _, _) =>
def onKeyPress(keyCode: Value) = keyCode match {
case Left => game.moveBy(-1, 0)
case Right => game.moveBy(1, 0)
case Up => game.moveBy(0, -1)
case Down => game.moveBy(0, 1)
case _ =>
val timer = new Timer(100, new AbstractAction() {
override def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) {
var game = Game.newGame
def onPaint(g: Graphics2D) {
def drawBlock(x: Int, y: Int) {
g.draw(new Rectangle(x * 10 + 1, y * 10 + 1, 8, 8))
game = game.tick
if (game.over) frame.timer.stop
// Display Food
drawBlock(game.foodPosition.x, game.foodPosition.y)
// Display Snake
game.grid.snake.foreach { cell: Cell =>
drawBlock(cell.x, cell.y)
object Game {
def newGame: Game = {
new Game(Grid.newGrid, (0, 1), new Position(2, 2))
class Game(
val grid: Grid,
val lastMove: Tuple2[Int, Int],
val foodPosition: Position) {
var nextMove = lastMove
def tick: Game = {
val eatResult = eat
val newGrid = new Grid(grid.snake, grid.playerPosition + nextMove, eatResult._2)
new Game(newGrid.tick, nextMove, eatResult._1)
def moveBy(move: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = {
if (move != (lastMove._1 * (-1), lastMove._2 * (-1)))
nextMove = move
def eat: Tuple2[Position, Int] = {
if (grid.playerPosition == foodPosition) {
(grid.popFood, grid.lifeTime + 1)
else (foodPosition, grid.lifeTime)
def over: Boolean = grid.isPlayerOut || grid.isPlayerOnObstacle
object Grid {
def newGrid: Grid = {
new Grid(Nil, new Position(10, 10), 10)
class Grid(
val snake: List[Cell],
val playerPosition: Position,
val lifeTime: Int
) {
val width = 20
val height = 20
def tick: Grid = {
new Grid(
new Cell(playerPosition.x, playerPosition.y, lifeTime) :: decrement(snake),
def decrement(initSnake: List[Cell]) = {{ cell: Cell =>
new Cell(cell.x, cell.y, cell.lifeTime - 1)
}.filter(_.lifeTime >= 1)
def popFood: Position = {
def foodPosition: Position = {
val position = new Position(Random.nextInt(width), Random.nextInt(height))
if (isOnObstacle(position)) return foodPosition
return position
return foodPosition
def isPlayerOut: Boolean =
playerPosition.x < 0 || playerPosition.x > width ||
playerPosition.y < 0 || playerPosition.y > height
def isPlayerOnObstacle: Boolean = isOnObstacle(playerPosition)
def isOnObstacle(position: Position): Boolean = {
snake.filter { cell: Cell =>
(cell.x == position.x) && (cell.y == position.y)
}.length > 1
class Cell(val x: Int, val y: Int, val lifeTime: Int)
class Position(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
def ==(pos: Position) = pos.x == x && pos.y == y
def +(move: Tuple2[Int, Int]) = new Position(x + move._1, y + move._2)
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s4wny commented Jan 28, 2013

How do I run this?

scala snake.scala
But then? It creates a folder with many files, which file should I run and how?

(I'm new too scala and java)

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