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(def registers
{:stack []
:env {}
:control []
:dump []
:backtrack []
:free 0})
(defn classify
;; (symbol? x) :symbol
;; (number? x) :number
;; (nil? x) :nil
(seq? x) (case (first x)
fn :fn
if :if
let :let
letfn :letfn
quote :quote
try :try
throw :throw
(if (symbol? (first x))
:else :constant))
(defn null
(or (nil? x) (and (seq? x) (empty? x))))
(defn index
([e n] (index e n 1))
([e n i]
(if (null n)
(letfn [(indx2 [e n j]
(if (null n)
(if (= (first n) e) j (recur e (rest n) (inc j)))))]
(let [j (indx2 e (first n) 1)]
(if (null j)
(recur e (rest n) (inc i))
(cons i (list j))))))))
(defmulti -compile (fn [x namelist acc] (classify x)) :default :constant)
(defmethod -compile :constant
[e n c]
(if (null e)
(cons nil c)
(let [ij (index e n)]
(if (null ij)
(cons :LDC (cons e c))
(cons :LD (cons ij c))))))
(defmethod -compile :symbol
[x namelist acc]
(defmethod -compile :number
[x namelist acc]
(defmethod -compile :nil
[_ namelist acc]
(defmethod -compile :if
[[_ test then else] n c]
(compile test n
(cons :SEL (cons (compile then n (cons :JOIN nil))
(cons (compile else n (cons :JOIN nil)) c)))))
(defn compile-fn
[body n c]
(cons :LDF (cons (compile body n (cons :RTN nil)) c)))
(defmethod -compile :fn
[[_ bindings body] n c]
(let [n (cons bindings n)]
(compile-fn body n c)))
(defn compile-app
[args n c]
(if (null args)
(recur (rest args) n (compile (first args) n (cons :CONS c)))))
(defmethod -compile :let
[[_ bindings body] n c]
(let [newn (cons (list* (map first bindings)) n)
values (list* (map second bindings))]
(cons :NIL (compile-app values n (compile-fn body newn (cons :AP c))))))
(defmethod -compile :letfn
[[_ bindings body] n c]
(let [newn (cons (list* (map first bindings)) n)
values (list* (->> (map rest bindings)
(map (partial cons 'fn))))]
(concat '(:DUM :NIL)
(compile-app values newn (compile-fn body newn (cons :RAP c))))))
(defmethod -compile :quote
[x namelist acc]
(second x))
(defn compile-builtin
[args n c]
(if (null args)
(recur (rest args) n (compile (first args) n c))))
(defmethod -compile :invoke
[[op & args] n c]
(if (contains? '#{car cdr cons + - * /} op)
(let [c (cons op c)]
(compile-builtin args n c))
(cons :NIL (compile-app args n (compile op n (cons :AP c))))))
(defmethod -compile :list
[x namelist acc]
(list* (map #(-compile % namelist acc) x)))
(defn compile
([form] (compile form nil '(:STOP)))
([form n c]
(-compile form n c)))
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