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Last active June 27, 2023 09:44
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Generate SPD matrices for EEG-based BCI
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import chisquare
from scipy.stats import lognorm
import scipy as sp
import pyriemann
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from pyriemann.tangentspace import TangentSpace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def generate_samples_snr(n, m, snr=10., dof=3, alpha=1e-6):
"""Generate sample with structured and unstructured noise
No the best generative model in practice, SNR estimation is
interesting but sample diversity is difficult to harness with
this formalism.
U = 2 * np.random.rand(n, n) - 1
U = U / np.resize(np.linalg.norm(U, axis=0), (n, n))
C, D = [], []
for _ in range(m):
Dk = np.diag(chisquare(dof, n) / dof
* np.array([0.5**i for i in range(1, n+1)]))
signal = U @ Dk @ U.T
V = 2 * np.random.rand(n, n) - 1
V = V / np.resize(np.linalg.norm(V, axis=0), (n, n))
E = np.diag(chisquare(dof, n) / dof
* np.array([0.5**i for i in range(1, n+1)]))
struct_noise = V @ E @ V.T
uncorr_noise = alpha * np.eye(n)
v = np.trace(signal) / (snr * np.trace(struct_noise + uncorr_noise))
C.append(signal + v*(struct_noise + uncorr_noise))
LD = 0
for d in D:
LD += logm(d)
P = expm(LD/m)
P2 = U @ np.array(D).mean(axis=0) @ U.T
return P, P2, np.array(C)
def generate_dataset_snr(n, m, snr):
"""Generate dataset with structured and unstructured noise.
_, P, C = generate_samples_snr(n, m, snr=snr, dof=1, alpha=1e-6)
return P, C
def generate_reference(n=20):
"""Generate a reference matrix P and its parameters
n: int
SPD matrix dimension
P: ndarray, shape (n, n)
Reference matrix
D: ndarray, shape (n, )
Diagonal elements
U: ndarray, shape (n, n)
Mixing matrix
dummyMat = np.random.rand(n, 2 * n)
U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(dummyMat, full_matrices=True)
D = np.random.triangular(1, 2, 5, n)
P = U @ np.diag(D) @ U.T
return P, D, U
def generate_robust_samples(n, m, D, U, epsilon):
"""Generate m covariance matrix samples from a reference
Perturbate diagonal elements from the reference to generate
a list of m matrices.
n: int
SPD matrices dimension
m: int
number of matrices
D: ndarray, shape (n,)
Diagonal elements
U: ndarray, shape(n, n)
Mixing matrix
epsilon: float
Perturbation to apply on the reference
C: ndarray, shape (m, n, n)
SPD matrices
C = np.array([U @ np.diag(D + np.random.normal(0, epsilon, n)) @ U.T
for _ in range(m)])
for i in range(m):
while np.any(np.linalg.eigvalsh(C[i]) < 0.):
C[i] = U @ np.diag(D + np.random.normal(0, epsilon, n)) @ U.T
return C
def generate_dataset_dispersion(n, m, ep):
"""Generate m covariance matrix samples from a reference
Perturbate diagonal elements from the reference to generate
a list of m matrices.
n: int
SPD matrices dimension
m: int
number of matrices
epsilon: float
Perturbation to apply on the reference
P: ndarray, shape (n, n)
Reference matrix
C: ndarray, shape (m, n, n)
SPD matrices
P, D, U = generate_reference(n)
C = generate_robust_samples(n, m, D, U, ep)
return P, C
def viz_pca_ts_dataset(obs_covs, groundtruth):
m = obs_covs.shape[0]
obs_mean = pyriemann.utils.mean.mean_riemann(obs_covs)
ts = Pipeline([('mapping', TangentSpace(metric='riemann', tsupdate=False)),
('dim_reduc', PCA(n_components=2))]), groundtruth[np.newaxis, ...],
obs_mean[np.newaxis, ...])))
C_ts = ts.transform(np.concatenate((obs_covs, groundtruth[np.newaxis, ...],
obs_mean[np.newaxis, ...])))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 9))
ax.set_title("Tangent space, original data")
ax.scatter(C_ts[0:m, 0], C_ts[0:m, 1], c="g", alpha=0.3, label=r'$C_k$')
ax.scatter(C_ts[-2, 0], C_ts[-2, 1], c="k",
label=r'ground truth mean $\mathcal{G}$', marker='*', s=300)
ax.scatter(C_ts[-1, 0], C_ts[-1, 1], c="r",
label=r'observed mean $\hat{\mathcal{G}}$', marker='*', s=300)
_ = ax.legend()
if __name__ == "__main__":
n = 10
m = 1000
epsilon = 0.4
P, C = generate_dataset_dispersion(n, m, epsilon)
# plot reference matrix
_ = plt.yticks([])
# Plot 10 first covariance matrices
for i in range(10):
plt.subplot(2, 5, i+1)
viz_pca_ts_dataset(C, P)
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