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Created July 8, 2019 21:05
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#pragma once
#include "arch.h"
#include <dwmapi.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <windef.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include "../TranslucentTB/windows/windowclass.hpp"
class Window {
struct attrib_return_type;
struct attrib_return_type<DWMWA_NCRENDERING_ENABLED> {
using type = BOOL;
struct attrib_return_type<DWMWA_CAPTION_BUTTON_BOUNDS> {
using type = RECT;
struct attrib_return_type<DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS> {
using type = RECT;
struct attrib_return_type<DWMWA_CLOAKED> {
using type = DWORD;
using attrib_return_t = typename attrib_return_type<attrib>::type;
inline HRESULT get_attribute(attrib_return_t<attrib> &val) const noexcept
return DwmGetWindowAttribute(m_WindowHandle, attrib, &val, sizeof(val));
HWND m_WindowHandle;
static const Window NullWindow;
static const Window BroadcastWindow;
static const Window MessageOnlyWindow;
class FindEnum;
inline static Window Find(const std::wstring &className = { }, const std::wstring &windowName = { }, Window parent = Window::NullWindow, Window childAfter = Window::NullWindow) noexcept
return FindWindowEx(parent, childAfter, className.empty() ? nullptr : className.c_str(), windowName.empty() ? nullptr : windowName.c_str());
inline static Window Create(unsigned long dwExStyle, const std::wstring &className,
const std::wstring &windowName, unsigned long dwStyle, int x = 0, int y = 0,
int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, Window parent = Window::NullWindow, HMENU hMenu = nullptr,
HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(nullptr), void *lpParam = nullptr) noexcept
return CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, className.c_str(), windowName.c_str(), dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight,
parent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam);
inline static Window Create(unsigned long dwExStyle, const WindowClass &winClass,
const std::wstring &windowName, unsigned long dwStyle, int x = 0, int y = 0,
int nWidth = 0, int nHeight = 0, Window parent = Window::NullWindow,
HMENU hMenu = nullptr, HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(nullptr), void *lpParam = nullptr) noexcept
return CreateWindowEx(dwExStyle, winClass.atom(), windowName.c_str(), dwStyle, x, y, nWidth, nHeight,
parent, hMenu, hInstance, lpParam);
inline static Window ForegroundWindow() noexcept
return GetForegroundWindow();
inline static Window DesktopWindow() noexcept
return GetDesktopWindow();
inline static Window ShellWindow() noexcept
return GetShellWindow();
constexpr Window(HWND handle = Window::NullWindow) noexcept : m_WindowHandle(handle) { };
std::wstring title() const;
std::wstring classname() const;
std::filesystem::path file() const;
bool on_current_desktop() const;
inline bool cloaked() const noexcept
DWORD attr;
return SUCCEEDED(get_attribute<DWMWA_CLOAKED>(attr)) && attr;
inline bool maximised() const noexcept
return IsZoomed(m_WindowHandle);
inline bool minimised() const noexcept
return IsIconic(m_WindowHandle);
inline bool show(int state = SW_SHOW) noexcept
return ShowWindow(m_WindowHandle, state);
inline bool visible() const noexcept
return IsWindowVisible(m_WindowHandle);
inline bool valid() const noexcept
return IsWindow(m_WindowHandle);
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept
return valid();
inline HMONITOR monitor() const noexcept
return MonitorFromWindow(m_WindowHandle, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL);
inline DWORD thread_id() const noexcept
return GetWindowThreadProcessId(m_WindowHandle, nullptr);
inline DWORD process_id() const noexcept
DWORD pid;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(m_WindowHandle, &pid);
return pid;
inline RECT rect()
RECT result {};
GetWindowRect(m_WindowHandle, &result);
return result;
inline RECT client_rect()
RECT result {};
GetClientRect(m_WindowHandle, &result);
return result;
inline TITLEBARINFO titlebar_info() const noexcept
TITLEBARINFO info = { sizeof(info) };
GetTitleBarInfo(m_WindowHandle, &info);
return info;
inline LONG_PTR style() const noexcept
return GetWindowLongPtr(m_WindowHandle, GWL_STYLE);
inline LONG_PTR extended_style() const noexcept
return GetWindowLongPtr(m_WindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
inline LRESULT send_message(unsigned int message, WPARAM wparam = 0, LPARAM lparam = 0) const noexcept
return SendMessage(m_WindowHandle, message, wparam, lparam);
inline LRESULT send_message(const std::wstring &message, WPARAM wparam = 0, LPARAM lparam = 0) const
return send_message(RegisterWindowMessage(message.c_str()), wparam, lparam);
inline bool post_message(unsigned int message, WPARAM wparam = 0, LPARAM lparam = 0) const noexcept
return PostMessage(m_WindowHandle, message, wparam, lparam);
inline bool post_message(const std::wstring &message, WPARAM wparam = 0, LPARAM lparam = 0) const
return post_message(RegisterWindowMessage(message.c_str()), wparam, lparam);
inline Window find_child(const std::wstring &className = { }, const std::wstring &windowName = { }, Window childAfter = Window::NullWindow) const noexcept
return Find(className, windowName, *this, childAfter);
FindEnum find_childs(std::wstring className = { }, std::wstring windowName = { }) const;
constexpr HWND handle() const noexcept
return m_WindowHandle;
constexpr operator HWND() const noexcept
return m_WindowHandle;
constexpr bool operator ==(Window right) const noexcept
return m_WindowHandle == right.m_WindowHandle;
constexpr bool operator !=(Window right) const noexcept
return !operator==(right);
friend struct std::hash<Window>;
inline constexpr Window Window::NullWindow = nullptr;
inline const Window Window::BroadcastWindow = HWND_BROADCAST;
inline const Window Window::MessageOnlyWindow = HWND_MESSAGE;
// Specialize std::hash to allow the use of Window as unordered_map and unordered_set key.
namespace std {
struct hash<Window> {
inline std::size_t operator()(Window k) const noexcept
static constexpr std::hash<HWND> hasher;
return hasher(k.m_WindowHandle);
// Iterator class for FindEnum
class FindWindowIterator {
const std::wstring *m_class;
const std::wstring *m_name;
Window m_parent, m_currentWindow;
inline void MoveNext()
m_currentWindow = m_parent.find_child(*m_class, *m_name, m_currentWindow);
constexpr FindWindowIterator() noexcept :
{ }
inline FindWindowIterator(const std::wstring *className, const std::wstring *windowName, Window parent) :
friend class Window::FindEnum;
inline FindWindowIterator &operator ++()
return *this;
constexpr bool operator ==(const FindWindowIterator &right) const
return m_currentWindow == right.m_currentWindow;
constexpr bool operator !=(const FindWindowIterator &right) const
return !operator==(right);
constexpr Window operator *() const
return m_currentWindow;
class Window::FindEnum {
std::wstring m_class, m_name;
Window m_parent;
inline FindEnum(std::wstring className = { }, std::wstring windowName = { }, Window parent = Window::NullWindow) noexcept:
{ }
inline FindWindowIterator begin() const
return { &m_class, &m_name, m_parent };
constexpr FindWindowIterator end() const
return { };
inline Window::FindEnum Window::find_childs(std::wstring className, std::wstring windowName) const
return FindEnum(std::move(className), std::move(windowName), *this);
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