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Created August 23, 2015 13:14
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<div class="foo">Sylvester</div>
<div class="bar"></div>
<div class="baz"></div>
/// Function to generate long shadows (because flat is so has-been).
/// Property-agnostic: works for both `box-shadow` and `text-shadow`.
/// `cos` and `sin` might need to be polyfilled if Compass or any
/// equivalent such as SassyMath is not in use.
/// @author Hugo Giraudel
/// @link Pure Sass `cos` and `sin`
/// @param {Direction} $direction
/// Shadow's direction (angle or keyword)
/// @param {Length} $length
/// Shadow's length
/// @param {Color} $color
/// Shadow's color
/// @param {Bool | Color} $fade [false]
/// Whether or not shadow should fade:
/// - `false` means no fading, shadow is `$color`
/// - `true` means fading from `$color` to transparent
/// - a color means fading from `$color` to `$fade`
/// @param {Number} $shadow-count [100]
/// Number of computed shadows
/// @return {List} - List of shadows
/// @require {function} Compass/helpers/math/cos
/// @require {function} Compass/helpers/math/sin
/// @example scss - Usage
/// .foo {
/// text-shadow: long-shadow(42deg, 1em, #16a085);
/// }
/// .bar {
/// box-shadow: long-shadow(to top left, 150px, hotpink, tomato);
/// }
@function long-shadow($direction, $length, $color, $fade: false, $shadow-count: 100) {
$shadows: ();
$conversion-map: (
to top: 180deg,
to top right: 135deg,
to right top: 135deg,
to right: 90deg,
to bottom right: 45deg,
to right bottom: 45deg,
to bottom: 0deg,
to bottom left: 315deg,
to left bottom: 315deg,
to left: 270deg,
to left top: 225deg,
to top left: 225deg
@if map-has-key($conversion-map, $direction) {
$direction: map-get($conversion-map, $direction);
@for $i from 1 through $shadow-count {
$current-step: ($i * $length / $shadow-count);
$current-color: if(not $fade, $color, if(type-of($fade) == 'color', mix($fade, $color, ($i / $shadow-count * 100)), rgba($color, 1 - $i / $shadow-count)));
$shadows: append($shadows, (sin(0deg + $direction) * $current-step) (cos(0deg + $direction) * $current-step) 0 $current-color, 'comma');
@return $shadows;
// Examples
.foo {
text-shadow: long-shadow(
// Shadow should have an angle of 42 degrees
$direction: 42deg,
// Shadow should be contain within a 100x100 box
$length: 100px,
// Shadow should start this color
$color: #16a085,
// To finish this color
$fade: #1abc9c
.bar {
box-shadow: long-shadow(
// Shadow should go to bottom right (45deg)
$direction: to left,
// With a length of 15em
$length: 15em,
// From this color
$color: #2980b9,
// To this color
$fade: #e67e22
.baz {
box-shadow: long-shadow(
// Shadow should have an angle of 25deg
$direction: -125deg,
// Spread on 120px
$length: 120px,
// From this color
$color: #8e44ad,
// To transparent
$fade: true,
// With only 10 shadows
$shadow-count: 10
// Demo styles
.foo {
font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
color: white;
line-height: 100vh;
font-size: 10em;
margin: auto;
text-align: center;
.bar, .baz {
height: 10em;
margin: auto;
.bar {
width: 10em;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #3498db;
.baz {
width: 20em;
background: #f39c12;
border-radius: .25em;
section {
height: 100vh;
background: #1abc9c;
display: flex;
section + section {
background: #e67e22;
section + section + section {
background: #9b59b6;
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