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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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from gevent import monkey
import lxml.html
import sqlite3
import requests
import re
import grequests
import gevent
import gevent.monkey
import threading
import requests
import requests.exceptions
from time import sleep
from gevent.pool import Pool
s = requests.Session()
fd = open('Shemat.sql', 'r')
script =
baseHandler = sqlite3.connect('NewDB.db')
def fetch(url):
r = requests.get(
"" + url)
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.content
linesType = {
'l_zwykly': 'Bus',
'l_tram': 'Tram',
'l_bezp': 'Free'}
def getRoutesList():
rawPageCites = fetch("index.php?co=rozklady&submenu=linie_szczegolowo")
rawDataCites = lxml.html.fromstring(rawPageCites)
for data in rawDataCites.cssselect("table#tabelka_szczegoly_linii td.td_linia span.l_tram"):
spanData = data[0]
busName = data.text_content()
busType = linesType[data.attrib["class"]]
if busType == "Tram":
busId = baseHandler.execute("SELECT * FROM buses WHERE name='"+busName+"'").fetchone()
if busId == None:
print busName + " "+ busType
baseHandler.execute("INSERT INTO buses VALUES (NULL, '"+ busName+"', '"+ busType+"')")
busId = [getId('buses', busName)]
getBusInfo(data.cssselect("a")[0].attrib['href'], busId[0], busType)
def getBusInfo(link, idBus, Type):
infoBusRawPage = fetch(link)
infoBusRawData = lxml.html.fromstring(infoBusRawPage)
citesRawData = None
cities = {}
ignoreBus = 0
citesRawData = infoBusRawData.cssselect("div#dolne_info table#trasy_legenda")[0]
except IndexError:
links = infoBusRawData.cssselect("div#div_tabelki_tras ul li a")[0]
infoBusRawPage = fetch(links.attrib['href'])
infoBusRawData = lxml.html.fromstring(infoBusRawPage)
citesRawData = infoBusRawData.cssselect("div#dolne_info table#trasy_legenda")[0]
except IndexError:
ignoreBus = 1
if ignoreBus != 1:
checkCity = 0
cityId = ''
for listD in citesRawData.cssselect("tr td"):
wyw = listD.attrib['class']
wywFind = wyw.find('gmina', 0)
if wywFind != -1:
cityId = wyw[wywFind:]
checkCity = 1
except (KeyError or IndexError):
if checkCity == 1:
cities[cityId] = listD.text_content()
checkCity = 0
listRoutes = []
cs = re.compile('(nr_linii=[A-Za-z0-9]+)|(przyst=[0-9]+)|(id_trasy=[0-9]+)')
for infoData in infoBusRawData.cssselect("div#div_tabelki_tras div"):
idName = infoData.attrib["id"]
linkDb = []
if idName in ['prawo', 'lewo', 'srodek']:
index = ['prawo', 'lewo', 'srodek'].index(idName)
for stopL in infoBusRawData.cssselect("div#"+idName+" tr"):
if stopL.attrib['class'] != 'tr_kierunek':
tdBase = stopL.cssselect('td')
cityBase = tdBase[0].attrib['class']
cityName = cities[cityBase[cityBase.find('gmina', 0):]]
stopName = tdBase[1].text_content()
link = stopL.cssselect('td > a')[0].attrib['href']
linkDb.append([''+link, index])
cityId = getId('cities', cityName)
if baseHandler.execute('SELECT * FROM stops WHERE cityId='+str(cityId)+' AND name="'+stopName+'" LIMIT 1').fetchone() == None:
baseHandler.execute('INSERT INTO stops VALUES (NULL, '+str(cityId)+', "'+stopName+'")')
for lk in linkDb:
getRoutes(lk[0], idBus, lk[1])
except KeyError:
ignoreBus = 0
typesAll = {}
def getId(typedata, name):
queryType = None
queryType = typesAll[typedata][name]
except KeyError:
current = baseHandler.execute('SELECT id FROM '+typedata+' WHERE name="'+name+'"').fetchone()
if current == None:
baseHandler.execute('INSERT INTO '+typedata+' VALUES (NULL, "'+name+'")')
current = baseHandler.execute('SELECT id FROM '+typedata+' WHERE name="'+name+'"').fetchone()
typesAll[typedata] = {}
typesAll[typedata][name] = current[0]
return typesAll[typedata][name]
routesId = {}
def getRouteId(Id):
return routesId[Id]
except KeyError:
queryLink = baseHandler.execute('SELECT id FROM timetableRoutes WHERE routeId="'+str(Id)+'"').fetchone()
if queryLink == None:
return None
routesId[Id] = queryLink[0]
return True
def f(x):
ret = None
ret = s.get(x[0])
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
ret = s.get(x[0])
routeId = x[1]
currentType = x[2]
queryLink = getRouteId(routeId)
if queryLink == None:
getSingleRoute(ret.content, x[3], routeId, getId('timeTableType', currentType), x[4], x[5])
return 1
def getRoutes(link, bus, dire):
res = s.get(link)
ids = re.findall(ur'id_kursu=(.+?)&.+?class="(.+?)&?".<sup class="typ_(.*?)"', res.text)
base_url = ''
urls = [[base_url % id_[0], id_[0], id_[1], bus, dire, id_[2]] for id_ in ids]
p = Pool(25) , urls)
def getSingleRoute(data, bus, routeId, currentType, dire, lowFlor):
calcStopsInRoute = 0
for stop in re.findall(ur'\);">(.+?)</a>.+?(\d{1,2}:\d{2})', data):
calcStopsInRoute += 1
sTime = (stop[1]).split(':')
calcTime = (int(sTime[0])*3600) + (int(sTime[1])*60)
nameStop = stop[0]
stopId = getId('stops', nameStop)
baseHandler.execute('INSERT INTO timetable VALUES (NULL,'+str(stopId)+','+str(routeId)+','+str(calcStopsInRoute)+','+str(calcTime)+') ')
baseHandler.execute('INSERT INTO timetableRoutes VALUES (NULL, '+str(routeId)+', '+str(currentType)+','+str(bus)+','+str(dire)+','+str(lowFlor)+')')
CREATE TABLE "buses" (
"id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, --identyfikator pojazdu
"name" TEXT NOT NULL, --nazwa pojazdu
"type" TEXT NOT NULL --typ pojazdu (dla skryptu tylko tramwaje)
CREATE TABLE "cities" (
"id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, --identyfikator miasta
"name" TEXT --nazwa miasta
CREATE TABLE "stops" (
"id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, --identyfikator przystanku
"cityId" INTEGER, --identyfikator miasta w którym jest przystanek
"name" TEXT --nazwa przystanku
CREATE TABLE "timetable" (
"id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, --identyfikator elementu rozkładu
"stopId" INTEGER, --identyfikator przystnaku na rozkładzie
"routeId" INTEGER, --identyfikator rozkładu (według strony KZKGOPu
"countTable" INTEGER, --numer przystanku na rozkładzie
"rTime" INTEGER --czas przystanku w sekundach
CREATE TABLE "timetableRoutes" (
"id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, --identyfikator trasy rozkładu
"routeId" INTEGER, --identyfikator rozkładu (według strony KZKGOPu
"timeTableTypeId" INTEGER, --identyfiaktor typu rozkładu (baza niżej)
"busId" INTEGER, --identyfikator busa dla rozkładu
"routeDirection" INTEGER, --kierunek rozkładu 0 - prawo, 1 - lewo, 2 - środek (odpowiadanią temu co na stronie kzkgopu środek oznacza trasy okreżne)
"lowFloor" INTEGER --Kurs niskopodłogowy (1 - tak, 0 - nie)
CREATE TABLE "timeTableType"(
"id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, --identyfikator typu rozkładu
"name" TEXT --nazwa typu rozkładu (np Robocze, Wolne itp)
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