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Last active May 12, 2020 08:05
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testCase "Example test case" $ do
assertBool "arithmetic is still sane" $ 2 + 2 == 4
-- | Option describing if tests using the database are enabled or not
newtype Database = Database Bool deriving (Eq, Show)
instance IsOption Database where
defaultValue = Database False
parseValue = fmap Database . safeReadBool
optionName = pure "database"
optionHelp = pure "set the --database option to enable database tests"
optionCLParser = flagCLParser Nothing (Database True)
withDatabase :: TestTree -> TestTree
withDatabase t = askOption $ \Database doIt ->
if doIt then t else testGroup "empty" []
withDatabase $ testCase "connect to the DB" $ do
connected <- connect "" 5432
assertBool True connected
sh> stack test --test-arguments '--database'
data CustomOptions
= CustomOptions
{ _database :: Database,
_tracing :: Tracing,
_slow :: Slow,
_combineWith :: CombineWith
deriving (Eq, Show)
data CombineWith = All | Any deriving (Eq, Show)
instance IsOption CustomOptions where
-- we get the default values for each option
defaultValue = CustomOptions
{ _database = defaultValue,
_tracing = defaultValue,
_slow = defaultValue,
_combineWith = All
parseValue =
fmap (\b -> defaultValue {_combineWith = if b then Any else All}) .
optionName = pure "any"
optionHelp = pure "set the --any option to run tests having any of the other flags set"
optionCLParser =
flag' defaultValue {_combineWith = Any}
( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged CustomOptions String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged CustomOptions String))
<> (foldMap short Nothing)
withDatabase :: TestTree -> TestTree
withDatabase t = askOption $ \custom ->
localOption (custom {_database = Database True}) t
withCustomOptions :: TestTree -> TestTree
withCustomOptions t =
askOption $ \(database :: Database) ->
askOption $ \(tracing :: Tracing) ->
askOption $ \(slow :: Slow) ->
askOption $ \CustomOptions {..} ->
-- a list of conditions to be true when --any is not specified
allMatches =
[ case (_database, database) of (Database a, Database b) -> a == b,
case (_tracing, tracing) of (Tracing a, Tracing b) -> a == b,
case (_slow, slow) of (Slow a, Slow b) -> a == b
-- a list of conditions to be true when --any is specified
anyMatches =
[ database == Database True && _database == Database True,
tracing == Tracing True && _tracing == Tracing True,
slow == Slow True && _slow == Slow True
-- for OR any condition in the orMatches list must be true
-- for AND all the conditions in the andMatches list must be true
enabled =
case _combineWith of
All -> all (== True) allMatches
Any -> any (== True) anyMatches
if enabled then t else testGroup "empty" []
let defaultOptions =
[ database == Database False,
tracing == Tracing False,
slow == Slow False
defaultMatches =
[ _database == Database False,
_tracing == Tracing False,
_slow == Slow False
-- note that we also need a new option, `NoTag` set to True by default on all tests
-- and set to false as soon as another option is set
-- then anyMatches becomes
anyMatches =
[ database == Database True && _database == Database True,
sailfish == Sailfish True && _sailfish == Sailfish True,
slow == Slow True && _slow == Slow True,
noTag == NoTag True && all (== True) defaultMatches
-- some code ...
enabled =
if all (== True) defaultOptions
then all (== True) defaultMatches
case _combineWith of
All -> all (== True) allMatches
Any -> any (== True) anyMatches
testSpec "testing lists" $`
describe "Prelude.head" $ do
it "returns the first element of a list" $ do
head [23 ..] `shouldBe` (23 :: Int)
it "throws an exception if the list is empty" $
head [] `shouldThrow` anyException
testProperty "reverse a list" $ do
xs <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.alpha
reverse (reverse xs) === xs
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "simple assertions"
[ testCase "2+2=4" $
2+2 @?= 4
, testCase "7 is even" $
assertBool "Oops, 7 is odd" (even 7)
sh> stack test --test-arguments '--pattern "simple assertions"'
testGroup "One" [ testGroup "Two" [ testCase "Three" _ ] ]
sh> stack test --test-arguments '--pattern "$0 ~ /Two/"'
sh> stack test --test-arguments '--pattern "$1 !~ /SKIP/"'
sh> stack test --test-arguments '--hedgehog-tests 10000'
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