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Created February 14, 2021 02:08
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  • Save symbioquine/3be25b130c57f1108eb7ca9bd055f17e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ docker-compose logs --follow www2
Attaching to devel_www2_1
www2_1 | + '[' -d /opt/drupal ']'
www2_1 | ++ ls -A /opt/drupal/composer.json
www2_1 | ls: cannot access '/opt/drupal/composer.json': No such file or directory
www2_1 | + '[' '' ']'
www2_1 | + echo 'farmOS codebase not detected. Copying from pre-built files in the Docker image.'
www2_1 | + cp -rp /var/farmOS/. /opt/drupal
www2_1 | farmOS codebase not detected. Copying from pre-built files in the Docker image.
www2_1 | + wait_db_ready
www2_1 | + su www-data -s /bin/bash -c 'drush site-install farm --locale=en --db-url=pgsql://farm:farm@db2/farm --site-name=Test0 --account-name=root --account-pass=test'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | You are about to:
www2_1 | * Create a sites/default/settings.php file
www2_1 | * DROP all tables in your 'farm' database.
www2_1 |
www2_1 | Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:
www2_1 | [notice] Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while.
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_select_language
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_select_profile
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_load_profile
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_verify_requirements
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_settings_form
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_verify_database_ready
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_base_system
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_bootstrap_full
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_profile_modules
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_profile_themes
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_install_profile
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_configure_form
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: \Drupal\farm\Form\FarmModulesForm
www2_1 | [warning] is_dir(): Unable to find the wrapper "private" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? FileSystem.php:523
www2_1 | [warning] is_dir(): Unable to find the wrapper "private" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? FileSystem.php:523
www2_1 | [notice] entity_reference_integrity_enforce.settings rewritten by farm_entity
www2_1 | [notice] simple_oauth.settings rewritten by farm_api
www2_1 | [notice] jsonapi.settings rewritten by farm_api
www2_1 | [notice] jsonapi_extras.settings rewritten by farm_api
www2_1 | [notice] gin.settings rewritten by farm_ui_theme
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: farm_install_modules
www2_1 | [notice] Cron run completed.
www2_1 | [notice] Performed install task: install_finished
www2_1 | [success] Installation complete.
www2_1 | + echo '
www2_1 | $databases['\''migrate'\'']['\''default'\''] = [
www2_1 | '\''database'\'' => '\''farm'\'',
www2_1 | '\''username'\'' => '\''farm'\'',
www2_1 | '\''password'\'' => '\''farm'\'',
www2_1 | '\''prefix'\'' => '\'''\'',
www2_1 | '\''host'\'' => '\''db'\'',
www2_1 | '\''port'\'' => '\''3306'\'',
www2_1 | '\''namespace'\'' => '\''Drupal\Core\Database\Driver\mysql'\'',
www2_1 | '\''driver'\'' => '\''mysql'\'',
www2_1 | ];'
www2_1 | + cp -r /opt/farmOS_1x_files /opt/drupal/web/sites/default/files/migrate
www2_1 | + chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/drupal/web/sites/default/files/migrate
www2_1 | + wait_db_ready
www2_1 | + su www-data -s /bin/bash
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal pm-enable --yes farm_migrate
www2_1 | > The following module(s) will be enabled: farm_migrate, migrate, migrate_drupal, migrate_plus, migrate_tools
www2_1 |
www2_1 | // Do you want to continue?: yes.
www2_1 |
www2_1 | [success] Successfully enabled: farm_migrate, migrate, migrate_drupal, migrate_plus, migrate_tools
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/1 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 1 item (1 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_system_date'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14%
www2_1 | 7/7 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 7 items (7 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_user'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/728 [>---------------------------] 0%
www2_1 | 73/728 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 146/728 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 219/728 [========>-------------------] 30%
www2_1 | 288/728 [===========>----------------] 39%
www2_1 | 360/728 [=============>--------------] 49%
www2_1 | 437/728 [================>-----------] 60%
www2_1 | 497/728 [===================>--------] 68%
www2_1 | 510/728 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 583/728 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 656/728 [=========================>--] 90%
www2_1 | 728/728 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 728 items (728 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_file'
www2_1 | [notice] Processed 0 items (0 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_file_private'
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_taxonomy
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/8 [===>------------------------] 12%
www2_1 | 8/8 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 8 items (8 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_animal_type'
www2_1 | [notice] Processed 0 items (0 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_crop_family'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/372 [>---------------------------] 0%
www2_1 | 38/372 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 75/372 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 112/372 [========>-------------------] 30%
www2_1 | 149/372 [===========>----------------] 40%
www2_1 | 186/372 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 224/372 [================>-----------] 60%
www2_1 | 261/372 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 293/372 [======================>-----] 78%
www2_1 | 298/372 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 335/372 [=========================>--] 90%
www2_1 | 372/372 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 372 items (372 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_plant_type'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/57 [>---------------------------] 1%
www2_1 | 6/57 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 12/57 [=====>----------------------] 21%
www2_1 | 18/57 [========>-------------------] 31%
www2_1 | 29/57 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 35/57 [=================>----------] 61%
www2_1 | 40/57 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 52/57 [=========================>--] 91%
www2_1 | 57/57 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 57 items (57 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_season'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/8 [===>------------------------] 12%
www2_1 | 5/8 [=================>----------] 62%
www2_1 | 8/8 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 8 items (8 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_log_category'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/5 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 4/5 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 5/5 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 5 items (5 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_unit'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/1 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 1 item (1 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_taxonomy_material'
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_asset
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/67 [>---------------------------] 1%
www2_1 | 7/67 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 14/67 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 21/67 [========>-------------------] 31%
www2_1 | 27/67 [===========>----------------] 40%
www2_1 | 34/67 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 41/67 [=================>----------] 61%
www2_1 | 47/67 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 54/67 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 61/67 [=========================>--] 91%
www2_1 | 67/67 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 67 items (67 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_asset_animal'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/2 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 2/2 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 2 items (2 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_asset_equipment'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/372 [>---------------------------] 0%
www2_1 | 19/372 [=>--------------------------] 5%
www2_1 | 38/372 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 68/372 [=====>----------------------] 18%
www2_1 | 75/372 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 112/372 [========>-------------------] 30%
www2_1 | 146/372 [==========>-----------------] 39%
www2_1 | 181/372 [=============>--------------] 48%
www2_1 | 186/372 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 224/372 [================>-----------] 60%
www2_1 | 261/372 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 293/372 [======================>-----] 78%
www2_1 | 298/372 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 327/372 [========================>---] 87%
www2_1 | 335/372 [=========================>--] 90%
www2_1 | 372/372 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 372 items (372 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_asset_plant'
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_area
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/179 [>---------------------------] 0%
www2_1 | 18/179 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 36/179 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 54/179 [========>-------------------] 30%
www2_1 | 72/179 [===========>----------------] 40%
www2_1 | 90/179 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 108/179 [================>-----------] 60%
www2_1 | 126/179 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 144/179 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 162/179 [=========================>--] 90%
www2_1 | 179/179 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 179 items (179 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_area_land'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/171 [>---------------------------] 0%
www2_1 | 18/171 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 35/171 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 52/171 [========>-------------------] 30%
www2_1 | 69/171 [===========>----------------] 40%
www2_1 | 86/171 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 103/171 [================>-----------] 60%
www2_1 | 120/171 [===================>--------] 70%
www2_1 | 137/171 [======================>-----] 80%
www2_1 | 154/171 [=========================>--] 90%
www2_1 | 171/171 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 171 items (171 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_area_none'
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/2 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 2/2 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 2 items (2 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_area_structure'
www2_1 | [notice] Processed 0 items (0 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_area_water'
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_quantity
www2_1 |
www2_1 | 1/559 [>---------------------------] 0%
www2_1 | 56/559 [==>-------------------------] 10%
www2_1 | 102/559 [=====>----------------------] 18%
www2_1 | 112/559 [=====>----------------------] 20%
www2_1 | 168/559 [========>-------------------] 30%
www2_1 | 211/559 [==========>-----------------] 37%
www2_1 | 224/559 [===========>----------------] 40%
www2_1 | 280/559 [==============>-------------] 50%
www2_1 | 336/559 [================>-----------] 60%
www2_1 | 386/559 [===================>--------] 69%
www2_1 | 392/559 [===================>--------] 70% [notice] Processed 427 items (427 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with 'farm_migrate_quantity'
www2_1 | + drush --root=/opt/drupal migrate:import --group=farm_migrate_log
www2_1 | [error] Migration farm_migrate_log_activity did not meet the requirements. Missing migrations farm_migrate_quantity. requirements: farm_migrate_quantity.
www2_1 |
www2_1 | In MigrateToolsCommands.php line 866:
www2_1 |
www2_1 | farm_migrate_log_activity migration failed.
www2_1 |
www2_1 |
www2_1 | migrate:import [--all] [--group GROUP] [--tag TAG] [--limit LIMIT] [--feedback FEEDBACK] [--idlist IDLIST] [--idlist-delimiter [IDLIST-DELIMITER]] [--update] [--force] [--continue-on-failure] [--execute-dependencies] [--skip-progress-bar] [--sync] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-d|--debug] [-y|--yes] [--no] [--remote-host REMOTE-HOST] [--remote-user REMOTE-USER] [-r|--root ROOT] [-l|--uri URI] [--simulate] [--pipe] [-D|--define DEFINE] [--druplicon] [--xh-link XH-LINK] [--notify [NOTIFY]] [--] <command> [<migration_names>]
www2_1 |
devel_www2_1 exited with code 1
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