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Last active November 17, 2021 20:28
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String Permutations - Tail Recursion - Algorithms to generate all possible permutations of a given string. Why aren't "curried string trees" a thing? I tried my best to stick with tail-recursion, but Python didn't like it.
# This was my idea before starting to code:
#[c, a, t]
#[a, t]
#[t, a]
#[(c, [(a, [(t, [])]), (t, [(a, [])])]), (a, [(c, [(t, [])]), (t, [(c, [])])]),...]
#[[cat, cta], [act, atc],...]
#[cat, cta, act, atc]
# Runtime: O(2^n)
# create a list of nested tuples and arrays (char, [tuples]) to represent curried strings
def perms(s: str, i: int = 0, r: list[tuple] = []) -> list[tuple]:
n = len(s)
if i == n:
return r
return perms(s, i+1, [*r, (s[i], perms(s[:i]+s[i+1:]))])
# Runtime: O(n)
# curried function, will pre-append the fixed char to the string it's mapped over.
def combine(c: chr):
# mappee gets mapped!
def mappee(s: str) -> str:
return c + s
return mappee
# Runtime: R <= O(n*m), n = len(list), m = max(map(len, list))
# return a list of the values in nested collections (shallow)
def flatten(lst: list[list[any]]) -> list[any]:
return [e for l in lst for e in l]
# Runtime: R > O(n!)
# works with longer length strings than the version below
# return a list of the strings represented by a tuple tree.
def extract_strings(t: tuple[str, list[tuple]]) -> list[list[str]]:
if not t[1]:
return [t[0]]
return list(map(combine(t[0]), flatten(list(map(extract_strings, t[1])))))
# find permutations, store as a list of nested tuples (curried string trees)
a = perms('taco')
# print(a)
# condense string trees
b = list(map(extract_strings, a))
# output results
c = flatten(b)
print(c, len(c))
# # I think this version is better written, but it does worse in Python.
# # Runtime: R > O(n!)
# # works up to 5 chars, then exceeds max recursion depth
# def extract_strings(lst: list[tuple[str, list[tuple]]], r: list[str] = []) -> list[str]:
# if not lst:
# return r
# else:
# if not lst[0][1]:
# return extract_strings(lst[1:], [*r, lst[0][0]])
# else:
# return extract_strings([*lst[1:], *list(map(lambda t: (combine(lst[0][0])(t[0]), t[1]), lst[0][1]))], r)
# a = perms('cat')
# b = extract_strings(a)
# print(b, len(b))
# Optimization based on symmetry. (there will always be an even number of permutations, or 1 permutation)
# ['taco', 'taoc', 'tcao', 'tcoa', 'toac', 'toca', 'atco', 'atoc', 'acto', 'acot', 'aotc', 'aoct', 'ctao', 'ctoa', 'cato', 'caot', 'cota', 'coat', 'otac', 'otca', 'oatc', 'oact', 'octa', 'ocat'] 24
# 1 7 3 11 9 12 2 8 5 -12 10 -11 4 -10 6 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 12 + (-, 12)
# expanded, formatted curried-string-tree for "taco"
# [('t',
# [('a',
# [('c',
# [('o', [])]),
# ('o',
# [('c', [])])]),
# ('c',
# [('a',
# [('o', [])]),
# ('o',
# [('a', [])])]),
# ('o',
# [('a',
# [('c', [])]),
# ('c',
# [('a', [])])])]),
# ('a',
# [('t',
# [('c',
# [('o', [])]),
# ('o',
# [('c', [])])]),
# ('c',
# [('t',
# [('o', [])]),
# ('o',
# [('t', [])])]),
# ('o',
# [('t',
# [('c', [])]),
# ('c',
# [('t', [])])])]),
# ('c',
# [('t',
# [('a',
# [('o', [])]),
# ('o',
# [('a', [])])]),
# ('a',
# [('t',
# [('o', [])]),
# ('o',
# [('t', [])])]),
# ('o',
# [('t',
# [('a', [])]),
# ('a',
# [('t', [])])])]),
# ('o',
# [('t',
# [('a',
# [('c', [])]),
# ('c',
# [('a', [])])]),
# ('a',
# [('t',
# [('c', [])]),
# ('c',
# [('t', [])])]),
# ('c',
# [('t',
# [('a', [])]),
# ('a',
# [('t', [])])])])]
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