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Aura Christmas Weather Event
//--- Aura Script-------------------------------------
// Collect fire elementals
//--- Description-------------------------------------------
// Allows people to make mass elementals
public class Collect10FireElementalsQuestScript : QuestScript {
public override void Load() {
SetName("Collect Fire Elementals");
SetDescription("Collect 10 fire elementals to create a massive fire elemental.");
if (IsEnabled("QuestViewRenewal")) SetCategory(QuestCategory.Event);
AddObjective("collect", L("fire elementals"), 0, 0, 0, Collect(62006, 10));
//--- Aura Script-------------------------------------
// Collect ice elementals
//--- Description-------------------------------------------
// Allows people to make mass elementals
public class Collect10IceElementalsQuestScript : QuestScript {
public override void Load() {
SetName(L("Collect Ice Elementals"));
SetDescription("Collect 10 ice elementals to create a massive ice elemental.");
if (IsEnabled("QuestViewRenewal")) SetCategory(QuestCategory.Event);
AddObjective("collect", "ice elementals", 0, 0, 0, Collect(62007, 10));
//--- Aura Script------------------------------------
// Winter Angel 2nd title coupon
//--- Description------------------------------------------
// Activates the 2nd title
public class WinterAngelCouponItemScript : ItemScript {
public override void OnUse(Creature creature, Item item, string parameter) {
if (creature.Titles.IsUsable(15000)) return;
else {
//--- Aura Script------------------------------------
// If it snows on christmas 2nd title coupon
//--- Description------------------------------------------
// Activates the 2nd title
public class SnowsOnChristmasCouponItemScript : ItemScript {
public override void OnUse(Creature creature, Item item, string parameter) {
if (creature.Titles.IsUsable(15001)) return;
else {
//--- Aura Script------------------------------------
// I Hope it rains on christmas 2nd title coupon
//--- Description---------=====----------------------------
// Activates the 2nd title
public class RainsOnChristmasCouponItemScript : ItemScript {
public override void OnUse(Creature creature, Item item, string parameter) {
if (creature.Titles.IsUsable(15002)) return;
else {
//--- Aura Script ---------------------------
// Christmas Weather Event
//--- Description ---------------------------------
// Snow / Rain collection event
public class CWEventScript : GameEventScript {
public override void Load() {
SetName("Christmas Weather");
public override void AfterLoad() {
ScheduleEvent(DateTime.Parse("2016-12-11 00:00"), DateTime.Parse("2016-12-23 00:00"));//set event length
public class CWIntroScript : QuestScript {
public override void Load() {
SetName("Nao's Call");
SetDescription("Please meet with me at the top of Spiral Hill. - Nao -");
if (IsEnabled("QuestViewRenewal")) SetCategory(QuestCategory.Event);
AddObjective("meet_CW_Nao", "Meet with Nao", 16, 26158, 25067, Talk("Nao"));
AddHook("_Nao", "after_intro", MeetNao);
public async Task<HookResult> MeetNao(NpcScript npc, params object[] args) {
if (npc.QuestActive(this.Id, "meet_CW_Nao")) {
npc.Msg("Thank you for meeting me, <username/>.");
npc.Msg("I'll get right to it...<br/>As you know, Christmas will be upon us soon and I have a special gift for you.<br/>I'm tired of hearing people complain about the weather this time of year, so I'm letting you choose.<br/>If there were to be precipitation, would you rather it be rain or snow?", npc.Button("Rain", "@Rain"), npc.Button("Snow", "@Snow"), npc.Button("Is this a joke?", "@Joke"));
npc.Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"] = await npc.Select();
if (npc.Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"] == "@Joke") {
npc.Msg("*giggles*<br/><br/>...", npc.Button("Rain", "@Rain"), npc.Button("Snow", "@Snow"));
npc.Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"] = await npc.Select();
npc.Msg("Interesting choice...");
npc.Msg("Unfortunately, it's not that simple.<br/>I need your help to make sure this happens...");
npc.Msg("Don't look at me like that! This is totally legit I swear!<br/>Just pretend you're on a secret mission, ok? It'll be fun, I promise...");
npc.Msg("Listen closely, <username/>.<br/>Down there, on the other side of the road you'll find some sprites in the field.<br/>Your mission is to bring me 10 massive elementals. You can handle that, right?");
npc.Msg("Before you go, take this special gear.<br/>Make sure you wear that uniform at all times... *giggle*<br/>If you bring me a branch, an elemental, and some magic powder I can create a special tool.<br/>It would allow you to harvest directly from a sprite.");
if (npc.Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"] == "@Rain") {//tried to get teh nao look but she has fancy fabrics
//trudy rain robe
npc.GiveItem(new Item(new DropData(itemId: 19014, chance: 100, color1: 0x282828, color2: 0x6e6a56, color3: 0x0a0a0a)));
} else {
//nathane snow mountain coat
npc.GiveItem(new Item(new DropData(itemId: 19020, chance: 100, color1: 0x282828, color2: 0x6e6a56, color3: 0x0a0a0a)));
npc.FinishQuest(this.Id, "meet_CW_Nao");
return HookResult.Break;
return HookResult.Continue;
public class CWMissionScript : QuestScript {
public override void Load() {
SetName("Secret Mission");
SetDescription("Deliver 10 mass elementals to Nao.");
if (IsEnabled("QuestViewRenewal")) SetCategory(QuestCategory.Event);
AddObjective("CW_delivery", "deliver massive elementals", 16, 26158, 25067, Talk("Nao"));
public class CWMission2Script : QuestScript {
public override void Load() {
SetName("Keep on Giving");
SetDescription("The best keep giving.");
if (IsEnabled("QuestViewRenewal")) SetCategory(QuestCategory.Event);
AddPrerequisite(And(EventActive("aura_CW_event"), Completed(410001)));
AddObjective("CW_meetNao", "talk with Nao", 16, 26158, 25067, Talk("Nao"));
AddObjective("CW_delivery", "deliver massive elementals", 16, 26158, 25067, Talk("Nao"));
AddHook("_Nao", "after_intro", MeetNao);
public async Task<HookResult> MeetNao(NpcScript npc, params object[] args) {
if (npc.QuestActive(this.Id, "CW_meetNao")) {
npc.Msg("It's nice to see you again, <username/>.");
npc.Msg("You did a really good job with the last mission.<br/>I actually need some more elementals though.<br/>How 'bout it? I'll make it worth your time.");
npc.Msg("I only need a few more massive elementals.<br/>...<br/>About 20 should do.");
npc.FinishQuest(this.Id, "CW_meetNao");
return HookResult.Break;
return HookResult.Continue;
//--- Aura Script-------------------------------
// Christmas Weather Event Field Bosses
//--- Description--------------------------------------
// Spawns fire sprites every 5 min for the event
public class CWFireFieldBossScript : FieldBossBaseScript {
protected override bool ShouldSpawn() {
return IsEventActive("aura_CW_event");
protected override SpawnInfo GetNextSpawn() {
var spawn = new SpawnInfo();
spawn.BossName = "Fire Sprite";
spawn.LocationName = ("Battlefield North");
spawn.Location = new Location(16, 15968, 26349);
spawn.Time = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5);
spawn.LifeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
return spawn;
protected override void OnSpawnBosses() {
//Sprite Flock
SpawnBoss(80202, 0, 0);
SpawnBoss(80202, 250, 0);
SpawnBoss(80202, 200, 200);
SpawnBoss(80202, 0, 250);
SpawnBoss(80202, -200, 200);
SpawnBoss(80202, -250, 0);
SpawnBoss(80202, -200, -200);
SpawnBoss(80202, 0, -250);
SpawnBoss(80202, 200, -200);
BossNotice("{0} has appeared at {1}!", Spawn.BossName, Spawn.LocationName);
protected override void OnBossDied(Creature boss, Creature killer) {
BossNotice("{0} has defeated {1} that appeared at {2}!", killer.Name, Spawn.BossName, Spawn.LocationName);
//--- Aura Script-------------------------------
// Christmas Weather Event Field Bosses
//--- Description--------------------------------------
// Spawns fire sprites every 5 min for the event
public class CWIceFieldBossScript : FieldBossBaseScript {
protected override bool ShouldSpawn() {
return IsEventActive("aura_CW_event");
protected override SpawnInfo GetNextSpawn() {
var spawn = new SpawnInfo();
spawn.BossName = "Ice Sprite";
spawn.LocationName = ("Battlefield South");
spawn.Location = new Location(16, 15929, 22083);
spawn.Time = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5);
spawn.LifeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);
return spawn;
protected override void OnSpawnBosses() {
//Sprite Flock
SpawnBoss(80203, 0, 0);
SpawnBoss(80203, 250, 0);
SpawnBoss(80203, 200, 200);
SpawnBoss(80203, 0, 250);
SpawnBoss(80203, -200, 200);
SpawnBoss(80203, -250, 0);
SpawnBoss(80203, -200, -200);
SpawnBoss(80203, 0, -250);
SpawnBoss(80203, 200, -200);
BossNotice("{0} has appeared at {1}!", Spawn.BossName, Spawn.LocationName);
protected override void OnBossDied(Creature boss, Creature killer) {
BossNotice("{0} has defeated {1} that appeared at {2}!", killer.Name, Spawn.BossName, Spawn.LocationName);
//--- Aura Script ---------------------------
// Nao
//--- Description ---------------------------------
// Nao script for Christmas Weather event
public class NaoCWScript : NpcScript {
public override void Load() {
if (IsEventActive("aura_CW_event")) SetLocation(16, 26158, 25067, 132);
AddPhrase("...which would I pick...");
AddPhrase("Are they alright?");
AddPhrase("It's too foggy to see them...");
protected override async Task Talk() {
await Intro("A beautiful girl in a black dress with intricate patterns.<br/>Her deep azure blue eyes remind everyone of an endless blue sea full of mystique.<br/>With her pale skin and her distinctively sublime silhouette, she seems as if she belongs in another world.");
if (QuestActive(410001) || QuestActive(410002)) {
Msg("Hello... <username/><br/><br/>How is the mission going?", Button("Craft Harvesting Tool", "@Wand"), Button("Elemental Delivery", "@Delivery"), Button("Shop", "@Shop"), Button("End Chat", "@End"));
switch(await Select()) {
case "@Wand":
if (HasItem(52001, 1) && HasItem(62004, 1) && (HasItem(62006, 1) || HasItem(62007, 1))) {
Msg("...<br/><br/>LETS DO THIS!");
Msg("It is done...");
Msg("If anyone asks... you did not get this from me.");
var wand = new Item(52005);//small blue gem placeholder
if (Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"] == "@Rain") {
wand = (new Item(new DropData(itemId: 40724, chance: 100, color1: 0x000000, color2: 0x000000, color3: 0x000000)));
RemoveItem(62006, 1);//fire elemental
} else {
wand = (new Item(new DropData(itemId: 40725, chance: 100, color1: 0x000000, color2: 0x000000, color3: 0x000000)));
RemoveItem(62007, 1);//ice elemental
RemoveItem(52001, 1);//branches
RemoveItem(62004, 1);//magic powder (dungeon reward)
wand.Durability = 1000;
wand.OptionInfo.DurabilityMax = 1000;
GiveItem(wand);//fancy 1 dura ice/fire wand
} else Msg("Everything has its price, <username/>.<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>Come back when you have an elemental, branches, and some magic powder.");
case "@Delivery":
if (QuestActive(410001)) {
if (HasItem(62009, 10) || HasItem(62010, 10)) {
Msg("Awesome! Nice job <username/>!!");
Msg("*sigh*<br/>Ok, I can't actually change the weather all over Uladh just for you.<br/>How would that even work if everyone gets to choose?<br/>Seriously, how did you believe I could make everyone happy at the same time??");
Msg("*giggle*<br/>I can actually give you something better!<br/>How about your own personal cloud?<br/>It's soo cute!!");
Msg("Merry Christmas, <username/>.");
switch((string)Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"]) {
case "@Rain":
RemoveItem(62009, 10);//mass. fire elem.
GiveItem(75714);//i hope it rains 2nd title coupon
case "@Snow":
RemoveItem(62010, 10);//mass. ice elem.
GiveItem(75713);//if it snows on christmas 2nd title coupon
FinishQuest(410001, "CW_delivery");
} else Msg("...<br/><br/>I need 10 mass elementals, <username/>. Don't you want this to happen?");
} else {
var choice = Player.Vars.Perm["CW_choice"];
if ((HasItem(62009, 20) && choice == "@Rain") || (HasItem(62010, 20) && choice == "@Snow")) {
Msg("You are amazing, <username/>!<br/>Your determination is impressive.");
Msg("...<br/><br/>You've done so much for me <username/>, you're like my Christmas Angel.<br/><br/>*giggle*");
switch((string)choice) {
case "@Rain":
RemoveItem(62009, 20);//mass. fire elem.
case "@Snow":
RemoveItem(62010, 20);//mass. ice elem.
GiveItem(75712);//winter angel 2nd title coupon
FinishQuest(410002, "CW_delivery");
} else Msg("I know I'm asking for a lot, but I need 20 massive elementals.");
case "@Shop":
case "@End":
} else {
Msg("the world is quiet here, <username/>");
public class CWNaoShop : NpcShopScript {
public override void Setup() {
AddQuest("Quest", 410100, 0); //mass fire elemental
AddQuest("Quest", 410101, 0); //mass ice elemental
// Aura
// Database file
{ id: 80202, name: "CW Fire Sprite", group: "elemental/none", tags: "/elemental/firesprite/not_swallow/", gender: 0, vehicleType: 0, runSpeedFactor: 1, state: 0x80000000, invWidth: 6, invHeight: 10, attackMinBase: 10, attackMaxBase: 26, attackMinBaseMod: 0, attackMaxBaseMod: 0, injuryMinBase: 2, injuryMaxBase: 15, injuryMinBaseMod: 0, injuryMaxBaseMod: 0, range: 150, attackSpeed: 2, knockCount: 2, criticalBase: 40, criticalBaseMod: 0, balanceBase: 40, balanceBaseMod: 0, splashRadius: 180, splashAngle: 60, splashDamage: 0, stand: 0x03, ai: "firesprite", color1: 0x808080, color2: 0x808080, color3: 0x808080, sizeMin: 0.8, sizeMax: 1.2, level: 18, str: 10, int: 10, dex: 10, will: 10, luck: 10, cp: 1097.0, life: 450, mana: 350, stamina: 500, elementPhysical: 6, elementLightning: 0, elementFire: 3, elementIce: 0, exp: 700, goldMin: 100, goldMax: 300, drops: [{itemId: 62006, chance: 50}], skills: [{skillId: 20001, rank: "F"}, {skillId: 23001, rank: "8"}, {skillId: 23002, rank: "F"}, {skillId: 23003, rank: "A"}, {skillId: 23004, rank: "7"}, {skillId: 23005, rank: "A"}, {skillId: 30201, rank: "6"}] },
{ id: 80203, name: "CW Ice Sprite", group: "elemental/none", tags: "/elemental/icesprite/not_swallow/", gender: 0, vehicleType: 0, runSpeedFactor: 1, state: 0x80000000, invWidth: 6, invHeight: 10, attackMinBase: 10, attackMaxBase: 26, attackMinBaseMod: 0, attackMaxBaseMod: 0, injuryMinBase: 2, injuryMaxBase: 15, injuryMinBaseMod: 0, injuryMaxBaseMod: 0, range: 150, attackSpeed: 2, knockCount: 2, criticalBase: 40, criticalBaseMod: 0, balanceBase: 40, balanceBaseMod: 0, splashRadius: 180, splashAngle: 60, splashDamage: 0, stand: 0x03, ai: "icesprite", color1: 0x808080, color2: 0x808080, color3: 0x808080, sizeMin: 0.8, sizeMax: 1.2, level: 18, str: 10, int: 10, dex: 10, will: 10, luck: 10, cp: 1097.0, life: 450, mana: 350, stamina: 500, elementPhysical: 6, elementLightning: 0, elementFire: 0, elementIce: 3, exp: 700, goldMin: 100, goldMax: 300, drops: [{itemId: 62007, chance: 50}], skills: [{skillId: 20001, rank: "F"}, {skillId: 23001, rank: "A"}, {skillId: 23002, rank: "F"}, {skillId: 23003, rank: "A"}, {skillId: 23004, rank: "7"}, {skillId: 23005, rank: "9"}, {skillId: 30301, rank: "6"}] },
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