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Last active August 30, 2023 00:15
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Tiny Dream C++ Integration Boilerplate - Refer to for the official documentation
* Tiny Dream Integration Boilerplate.
* Compile this file together with the Tiny Dream header (tinydream.hpp) to generate
* the executable. Example of heavy optimized compilation under g++:
* g++ -o tinydream boileplate.cpp -funsafe-math-optimizations -Ofast -flto=auto -funroll-all-loops -pipe -march=native -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextra `pkg-config --cflags --libs ncnn` -lstdc++ -pthread -Wl -flto -fopt-info-vec-optimized
* To run the program simply type:
* ./tinydream "pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, (landscape), (high quality)"
* Under Microsoft Visual Studio (>= 2019), just drop `tinydream.hpp` on your source
* tree and you're done.
* Do not forget to link to the current backend tensor library (TINY_DREAM_INFERENCE_ENGINE).
* You will need to Pre-trained Models from in order
* to start generating images (Stable Diffusion Inference).
* If you have any trouble integrating Tiny-Dream on your project, please submit a support
* ticket at:
* This simple program is a quick introduction on how to embed
* and start experimenting with Tiny Dream (Stable Diffusion inference)
* without having to do a lot of tedious reading and configuration.
* Make sure you have the latest release of Tiny-Dream
* plus the Pre-Trained Models from:
* The Tiny Dream C++ documentation is available to consult on:
#include "tinydream.hpp"
#include <iostream>
* Register a log consumer callback first
* The main task of the supplied callback is to consume log messages
* generated during Stable Diffusion inference.
* Inference may take some time to execute depending on the available
* resources so it make sense to log everything to the terminal or
* text file for example.
* The supplied callback must have the following signature:
* void(const char *zLogMsg,int msgLen void *pUserData)
* Refer to the setLogCallback() API documentation at:
* for additional information.
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) || defined (_MSC_VER)
#include <Windows.h>
#define TD_WIN
/* Assume POSIX compatible */
#include <unistd.h>
void logCallback(const char* zLogMsg, int msgLen, [[maybe_unused]] void* pCookie)
// All this log consumer callback does, is just redirecting
// the generated log messages by the inference engine
// to the default standard output (STDOUT)
#ifdef TD_WIN
WriteFile(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), static_cast<LPCVOID>(zLogMsg), static_cast<DWORD>(msgLen), 0, 0);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, static_cast<const void*>(zLogMsg), static_cast<size_t>(msgLen));
#endif /* __WINT__ */
* Main Entry Point. The only required argument is the Positive Prompt.
* Passing a Negative Prompt (words separated by commas) is highly recommended though.
* We recommend that you experiment with different seed & step values
* in order to achieve a desirable result.
* ./tinydream "positive prompt" ["negative prompt"] [seed] [step]
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
tinyDream td; // stack allocated tinyDream object
// Display the library current inference engine, version number, and copyright notice
std::cout << tinyDream::about() << std::endl;
// At least a positive prompt must be supplied via command line
if (argc < 2) {
std::cout << "Missing Positive (and potentially Negative) Prompt: Describe something you'd like to see generated..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Example of Prompts:" << std::endl;
// Example of built-in Positive/Negative Prompts
auto prompts = tinyDream::promptExample();
std::cout << "\tPositive Prompt: " << prompts.first << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tNegative Prompt: " << prompts.second << std::endl;
return -1;
// Register a log handler callback responsible of
// consuming log messages generated during inference.
td.setLogCallback(logCallback, nullptr);
// Optionally, set the assets path if the pre-trained models
// are not extracted on the same directory as your executable
// The Tiny-Dream assets can be downloaded from:
td.setAssetsPath("/path/to/tinydream/assets"); // Remove or comment this if your assets are located on the same directory as your executable
// Optionally, set a prefix of your choice to each freshly generated image name
// td.setImageOutputPrefix("tinydream-");
// Optionally, set the directory where you want
// the generated images to be stored
int seedMax = 90;
if (argc > 3) {
* Seed in Stable Diffusion is a number used to initialize the generation.
* Controlling the seed can help you generate reproducible images, experiment
* with other parameters, or prompt variations.
seedMax = std::atoi(argv[3]);
int step = 30;
if (argc > 4) {
* adjusting the inference steps in Stable Diffusion: The more steps you use,
* the better quality you'll achieve but you shouldn't set steps as high
* as possible. Around 30 sampling steps (default value) are usually enough
* to achieve high-quality images.
step = std::atoi(argv[4]);
* User Supplied Prompts - Generate an image that matches the input criteria.
* Positive Prompt (required): Describe something you'd like to see generated (comma separated words).
* Negative Prompt (optional): Describe something you don't like to see generated (comma separated words).
std::string positivePrompt{ argv[1] };
std::string negativePrompt{ "" };
if (argc > 2) {
negativePrompt = std::string{ argv[2] };
* Finally, run Stable Diffusion in inference
* The supplied log consumer callback registered previously should shortly receive
* all generated log messages (including errors if any) during inference.
* Refer to the official documentation at:
* for the expected parameters the tinyDream::dream() method takes.
for (int seed = 1; seed < seedMax; seed++) {
std::string outputImagePath;
true, /* Set to false if you want 512x512 pixels output instead of 2048x2048 output */
// You do not need to display the generated image path manually each time via std::cout
// as the supplied log callback should have already done that.
std::cout << "Output Image location: " << outputImagePath << std::endl; // uncomment this if too intrusive
return 0;
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symisc commented Aug 13, 2023

PixLab's Tiny Dream Integration Boilerplate.

Compile this file together with the Tiny Dream header (tinydream.hpp) to generate the executable. Example of heavy optimized compilation under g++:

g++ -o tinydream boileplate.cpp -funsafe-math-optimizations -Ofast -flto=auto -funroll-all-loops -pipe -march=native -std=c++17 -Wall -Wextrapkg-config --cflags --libs ncnn -lstdc++ -pthread -Wl -flto -fopt-info-vec-optimized

To run the program simply type:

./tinydream "pyramid, desert, palm trees, river, (landscape), (high quality)"

Under Microsoft Visual Studio (>= 2019), just drop tinydream.hpp on your source tree and you're done.

  • Do not forget to link to the current backend tensor library (TINY_DREAM_INFERENCE_ENGINE).
  • You will need to Pre-trained Models from in order to start generating images (Stable Diffusion Inference).
  • Finally, If you have any trouble integrating Tiny-Dream on your project, please submit a support ticket at:

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