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Created November 10, 2023 02:01
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List of error codes, and their respective explanation & code number for FACEIO, facial authentication framework -
const AllFaceioErrorCodes = {
PERMISSION_REFUSED: 1, /* Access to the Camera stream was denied by the end user */
NO_FACES_DETECTED: 2, /* No faces were detected during the enroll or authentication process */
UNRECOGNIZED_FACE: 3, /* Unrecognized face on this application's Facial Index */
MANY_FACES: 4, /* Two or more faces were detected during the scan process */
PAD_ATTACK: 5, /* Presentation (Spoof) Attack (PAD) detected during the scan process */
FACE_MISMATCH: 6, /* Calculated Facial Vectors of the user being enrolled do not matches */
NETWORK_IO: 7, /* Error while establishing network connection with the target FACEIO processing node */
WRONG_PIN_CODE: 8, /* Wrong PIN code supplied by the user being authenticated */
PROCESSING_ERR: 9, /* Server side error */
UNAUTHORIZED: 10, /* Your application is not allowed to perform the requested operation (eg. Invalid ID, Blocked, Paused, etc.). Refer to the FACEIO Console for additional information */
TERMS_NOT_ACCEPTED: 11, /* Terms & Conditions set out by FACEIO/host application rejected by the end user */
UI_NOT_READY: 12, /* The FACEIO Widget code could not be (or is being) injected onto the client DOM */
SESSION_EXPIRED: 13, /* Client session expired. The first promise was already fulfilled but the host application failed to act accordingly */
TIMEOUT: 14, /* Ongoing operation timed out (eg, Camera access permission, ToS accept delay, Face not yet detected, Server Reply, etc.) */
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: 15, /* Widget instantiation requests exceeded the allowed limits for this application. Request upgrade to remove this limit */
EMPTY_ORIGIN: 16, /* Origin or Referer HTTP request header is empty or missing */
FORBIDDDEN_ORIGIN: 17, /* Domain origin is forbidden from instantiating fio.js */
FORBIDDDEN_COUNTRY: 18, /* Country ISO-3166-1 Code is forbidden from instantiating fio.js */
UNIQUE_PIN_REQUIRED: 19, /* Supplied PIN Code must be unique among other PIN's on this application */
SESSION_IN_PROGRESS: 20, /* Another authentication or enrollment session is in progress */
FACE_DUPLICATION: 21, /* Prevent face duplication during enrollment. Same user trying to enroll twice or more */
MINORS_NOT_ALLOWED: 22 /* Minors not allowed to enroll on this application */
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symisc commented Nov 10, 2023

List of error codes, and their respective explanation & code number for FACEIO, facial authentication framework -

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