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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Add gaps between pairs of adjacent blocks or inline elements. Supports nesting.
// Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.4.14)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
// Add a prefix to each item in a list
@function prependEach($items, $prefix) {
$output: ();
@each $item in $items {
$output: append($output, "#{$prefix}#{$item}", 'comma');
@return $output;
// Return only the last component of a selector chain.
// Supports comma-separated lists of chains.
@function selectorLeaves($selectors) {
$output: ();
@each $selector in $selectors {
$output: append($output, nth($selector, length($selector)), 'comma');
@return $output;
// Target adjacent elements with the same selector(s)
// Supports nesting (the entire selector is not repeated on both sides of '+')
@mixin adjacentSame {
$targets: prependEach(selectorLeaves(&), '+');
#{$targets} { @content }
// ----- Adjacent Gap -----
// use with multiple selectors to add spacing between any adjacent pair
// e.g.:
// a, .btn { @include adjacentGapInline(3px) }
// will add a 3px margin between: a + a, a + .btn, .btn + a, .btn + .btn
// gap between block elements uses margin-top
// (in the future this should use margin-block-start)
@mixin adjacentBlockGap ($gap) {
@include adjacentSame { margin-top: $gap }
// gap between inline elements uses margin-left
// (in the future this should use margin-inline-start)
@mixin adjacentInlineGap ($gap) {
@include adjacentSame { margin-left: $gap }
.this .works {
a, .btn { @include adjacentInlineGap(3px)}
// here's what would happen without the functions/mixin
.this .doesnt .work {
a, .btn {
& + & { margin-left: 3px }
.this .works a + a, .this .works a + .btn, .this .works .btn + a, .this .works .btn + .btn {
margin-left: 3px;
.this .doesnt .work a + .this .doesnt .work a, .this .doesnt .work .btn + .this .doesnt .work a, .this .doesnt .work a + .this .doesnt .work .btn, .this .doesnt .work .btn + .this .doesnt .work .btn {
margin-left: 3px;
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