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Created August 8, 2015 06:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
# encoding: utf-8
import sys, time, binascii, struct
import pdb
import scapy.all as scapy
from scapy.all import IP, TCP
from hexdump import hexdump
import hsproto_pb2 as hsproto
from follow_tcp_stream import follow_tcp_stream
FIN = 0x01
SYN = 0x02
RST = 0x04
PSH = 0x08
ACK = 0x10
URG = 0x20
ECE = 0x40
CWR = 0x80
if __name__ == "__main__":
packets = scapy.rdpcap(sys.argv[1])
ports = [1119]
streams = []
for pkt in packets:
if TCP in pkt and \
(pkt[TCP].sport in ports or pkt[TCP].dport in ports) and \
pkt[TCP].flags == SYN:
stream = follow_tcp_stream(pkt, packets)
if stream:
for stream in streams:
print repr(stream), "at", time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(stream[0].time)), len(stream)
#for stream in streams:
if True:
stream = packets
client = stream[0][IP].src
server = stream[0][IP].dst
buffers = {
client : bytearray(),
server : bytearray()
for pkt in stream:
src = pkt[IP].src
if not type(pkt[TCP].payload) is scapy.NoPayload and not type(pkt[TCP].payload) is scapy.Padding:
b = buffers[src]
b += pkt[TCP].payload.load
if len(b) < 2:
headerlen, = struct.unpack('>H', b[:2])
if len(b) < 2 + headerlen:
headerdata = b[2:2+headerlen]
header = hsproto.bnet_protocol_Header()
if len(b) < 2 + headerlen + header.size:
print "waiting on %d bytes for client but only have %d" % (2 + headerlen + header.size, len(b))
data = b[2+headerlen:2+headerlen+header.size]
buffers[src] = b[2+headerlen+header.size:]
print "%s -> %s" % (src, pkt[IP].dst)
print header
# if header.service_id == 254:
# # response
# else:
print '\n'
# print "%s -> %s" % (client, server)
# print hexdump(str(buffers[client]))
# print "%s -> %s" % (server, client)
# print hexdump(str(buffers[server]))
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