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Michael Driscoll syncsynchalt

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syncsynchalt / gist:addc3df5ba4ac4b610ea
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Just ask for sudo and run this patch on your users' system
--- /usr/local/bin/ack.bak 2014-06-23 13:33:40.000000000 -0600
+++ /usr/local/bin/ack 2014-06-23 13:36:53.000000000 -0600
@@ -488,10 +488,10 @@
if($print_filename) {
if( $heading ) {
- push @line_parts, $line_no;
+ # push @line_parts;
else {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main(void) {
int a = 2;
if (a) {
printf("a is true\n");
if (!a == false) {
alias dall="aws ec2 describe-instances | python -c \"import sys,json
j = json.load(sys.stdin)
for r in j['Reservations']:
for i in r['Instances']:
if not 'PublicIpAddress' in i: continue
n = 'noname'
if 'Tags' in i:
for t in i['Tags']:
if t['Key'] == 'Name': n = t['Value']
King Hussein Obama I, flanked by his bodyguards, stepped out of his blinged Limoscalade and marched up the gold-lined marble steps of Washington Palace. It should have been a glorious day, yet under his heavy yet exquisite crown of carved human fetus-ivory his brow was ridged deeply as he silently brooded. Still, his posse, boomboxes on their shoulders, dance-walked up the steps, chains and gats jangling over the din as they grabbed their crotches.
As his trusted associates T-Von and Mook-Mook the Bushman pushed open the grand organic farm-grown cruelty-free redwood doors paid for by his 95% tax rate, he stepped into the antechamber of the gold-domed palace. Outside, ShariaVentalism reigned, but in here his word was law, and all his white teen sex slaves cowered before his glare more than even the hemp whips of their latte-drinking tweeded atheist masters.
He walked down the hallway toward his office and a prisoner in chains passed before him, lead by two turban-wearing Mexicans. He spotted the King and beg
syncsynchalt / Makefile
Last active August 19, 2016 03:03
Your makefile should be this simple
SOURCE=$(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJS=$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(SOURCE))
all: yourbin
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
var result;
if (dev.isBored() || {
result = searchJobs({flexibleHours: true, companyCulture: "💯"});
result.then(function(newJob) {
headHunter.reply(newJob, "Thanks but no.");
// A career site that's by developers, for developers
---.-- Thinking of Maud you forget everything else.--More--
|{.... Michael Driscoll <>
|.d.@| Student of ChemEng at CSM typedef ipv4 long;
------ ipv4 **home_page_pointer = (ipv4 **);
< wpo> you're a typical cynical computerman goon with taste, rapidly evolving into an ulf in both life and your job
< wpo> you get promoted to senior software engineer
< wpo> and your wife, who you married years ago because you thought she could hang and she knew more about (insert sperghole here), buys you that shirt unironically
< wpo> what do you do
< wpo> you consider that maybe she bought it ironically but she wrapped it with a card saying "so proud hun!!". it confuses you because not two days prior she went on an extended rant about her coworker, and how she has it in her headcanon that "he's into vore and it should be okay because it's 2017 but he did it for all the wrong reasons" and you can't reconcile
< wpo> the woman you love with the fact that she bought this shirt
< wpo> actually come to think of it, this is probably the reaction she was after
< wpo> thinking it must be a joke, you walk into your garage and are shocked to see a stick figure family on your back windshield. is this real? is anythin
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echo '+LN4B+BA$mgA/B+'\
'+BD#A2B+LN4L"' |perl -ne '
@_);$l=print chr($a)x$l}'