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Last active December 6, 2018 07:44
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AOC 2018 - Day 6 - Python
# Input and shared code between parts
coords = [tuple(int(c) for c in line.strip().split(',')) for line in open('day6.txt')]
xMax = max(coords, key=lambda c: c[0])[0]
yMax = max(coords, key=lambda c: c[1])[1]
def manhattanDistance(p, q):
return abs(p[0] - q[0]) + abs(p[1] - q[1]);
# Part 1
grid = {}
closestCount = {}
infinites = set()
for y in range(-1, yMax + 1):
for x in range(-1, xMax + 1):
minDistance = -1
closest = None
for coord in coords:
distance = manhattanDistance(coord, (x, y))
if minDistance == -1 or minDistance > distance:
minDistance = distance
closest = coord
elif minDistance == distance:
closest = None
grid[(x, y)] = closest
if closest not in closestCount:
closestCount[closest] = 0
closestCount[closest] += 1
for y in [-1, yMax]:
for x in range(-1, xMax + 1):
if (x, y) in grid:
closest = grid[(x, y)]
for x in [-1, xMax]:
for y in range(-1, yMax + 1):
if (x, y) in grid:
closest = grid[(x, y)]
closestCount = {coord: closestCount[coord] for coord in closestCount if coord not in infinites}
print(max(closestCount.items(), key=lambda c: c[1])[1])
# Part 2
maxDistance = 10000
patchCount = 0
for y in range(-1, yMax + 1):
for x in range(-1, xMax + 1):
totalDistance = 0
for coord in coords:
totalDistance += manhattanDistance(coord, (x, y))
if totalDistance < maxDistance:
patchCount += 1
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