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Forked from jonmmease/heatlane-spec.json
Last active July 11, 2022 23:23
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Vega-Lite Heatlane
"$schema": "",
"description": "Heatlane chart:",
"data": {"url": "data/cars.json"},
"height": 150,
"width": 400,
"title": "Heatlane",
"transform": [
{"bin": true, "field": "Horsepower"},
"aggregate": [{"op": "count"}],
"groupby": ["bin_maxbins_10_Horsepower", "bin_maxbins_10_Horsepower_end"]
{"bin": true, "field": "count"},
{"calculate": "-datum.bin_maxbins_10_count_end/2", "as": "y2"},
{"calculate": "datum.bin_maxbins_10_count_end/2", "as": "y"}
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "bin_maxbins_10_Horsepower",
"type": "quantitative",
"title": "Horsepower",
"axis": {"grid": false}
"x2": {"field": "bin_maxbins_10_Horsepower_end"},
"y": {"field": "y", "axis": null},
"y2": {"field": "y2"}
"layer": [
"mark": {
"type": "bar",
"xOffset": 2,
"x2Offset": -2,
"color": "black",
"cornerRadius": 3
"encoding": {"color": {"field": "y", "type": "ordinal", "title": "count", "legend": null, "scale": {"scheme": ["#828585","#7a7e7e","#737678","#6a7072","#60686c","#3e666e","#226070","#21576f","#204e6d","#1d466c"
"mark": {
"type": "bar",
"xOffset": 2,
"x2Offset": -2,
"yOffset": -3,
"y2Offset": 3
"encoding": {"color": {"field": "y", "type": "ordinal", "title": "count", "scale": {"scheme": "lightGreyTeal"}}}
"resolve": {"scale": {"color": "independent"}}
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