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Last active February 1, 2024 15:11
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
puts "Checking for database driver..."
resource_request = YAML.load_file('/kratix/input/object.yaml')
dbDriver = resource_request.dig('spec', 'dbDriver')
if dbDriver.nil?
puts "No database driver specified, skipping"
exit 0
if dbDriver != 'postgresql' then
puts "Unsupported db driver: #{dbDriver}"
puts "Supported drivers: postgresql"
exit 1
puts "Postgresql database driver detected, including database resources"
name = resource_request.dig('metadata', 'name')
namespace = resource_request.dig('metadata', 'namespace')
teamId = "#{name}team"
dbName = "#{name}db"
# Create a directory
Dir.mkdir('/kratix/output/platform') unless File.exist?('/kratix/output/platform')
# This is creating a resource request, to be sent to the Platform, for a new
# Postgresql database.
postgresqlRequest = {
'apiVersion' => "",
'kind' => 'postgresql',
'metadata' => {
'name' => "#{dbName}",
'namespace' => "#{namespace}"
'spec' => {
'teamId' => "#{teamId}",
'dbName' => "#{dbName}"
# This is telling Kratix that the contents of `/kratix/output/platform` should
# be sent to the Platform.
destinationSelectorsRequest = [{
'directory' => 'platform',
'matchLabels' => {
'environment' => 'platform'
env = [{
'name' => 'PGPASSWORD',
'valueFrom' => {
'secretKeyRef' => {
'name' => "#{secretRef}",
'key' => 'password'
}, {
'name' => 'PGUSER',
'valueFrom' => {
'secretKeyRef' => {
'name' => "#{secretRef}",
'key' => 'username'
}, {
'name' => 'PGHOST',
'value' => "#{teamId}-#{dbName}-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local"
}, {
'name' => 'DBNAME',
'value' => "#{dbName}"
# Injecting the database credentials into the app deployment
existingDeployment = YAML.load_file('/kratix/output/deployment.yaml')
existingDeployment['spec']['template']['spec']['containers'][0]['env'] = env
# Writing the files
File.write('/kratix/output/deployment.yaml', existingDeployment.to_yaml)
File.write('/kratix/output/platform/postgresql.yaml', postgresqlRequest.to_yaml)
File.write('/kratix/metadata/destination-selectors.yaml', destinationSelectorsRequest.to_yaml)
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