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Created June 23, 2019 00:46
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Draft weapon scraper for new wiki
import re
import yaml
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
from anytree import Node, RenderTree, PreOrderIter
CONFIG_FILE = "config.yml"
with open(CONFIG_FILE) as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
# Do some repair of invalid XML
pattern = re.compile("()|()")
xmlpath = Path(config['xmlpath'])
repaired = []
with open(xmlpath/'ObjectBlueprints.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
repaired.append(pattern.sub('', line))
objects = et.fromstringlist(repaired)
# Build the Qud object hierarchy from the XML data
obj_cache = {} # for quick reverse lookup of names
for obj in objects:
name = obj.get('Name')
parent = obj.get('Inherits')
if parent:
new = Node(name, parent=obj_cache[parent])
new = Node(name)
obj_cache[name] = new
for element in obj:
if element.tag in ('xtagGrammar', 'xtagTextFragments', 'inventoryobject', 'xtagWaterRitual'):
continue # we don't need this
if not hasattr(new, element.tag):
setattr(new, element.tag, {})
container = getattr(new, element.tag)
subname = element.attrib.pop('Name')
container[subname] = element.attrib
# Detach certain nodes
exclude = ('Projectile',)
for _ in exclude:
obj_cache[_].parent = None
def resolve_attr(node, container, name, attrib):
"""Search the Qud object inheritance graph for the specified attribute.
node: the object
container: part, tag, etc.
name: specify the name of the container item
attrib: the attrib to return the value of
the attribute requested, or None if not found in the graph."""
is_root = not hasattr(node, 'parent')
if not hasattr(node, container):
if not is_root:
return resolve_attr(node.parent, container, name, attrib)
return None
if name not in getattr(node, container):
if not is_root:
return resolve_attr(node.parent, container, name, attrib)
return None
if attrib not in getattr(node, container)[name]:
if not is_root:
return resolve_attr(node.parent, container, name, attrib)
return None
return getattr(node, container)[name][attrib]
def get_stats(weapon):
"""Retrieve display stats for a certain weapon"""
stats = {}
stats['title'] = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'Render', 'DisplayName')
stats['pv'] = 4
pen_bonus = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'MeleeWeapon', 'PenBonus')
if pen_bonus:
stats['pv'] += int(pen_bonus)
pv_bonus = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'MeleeWeapon', 'MaxStrengthBonus')
if pv_bonus:
stats['maxpv'] = stats['pv'] + int(pv_bonus)
stats['maxpv'] = stats['pv']
stats['damage'] = pv_bonus = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'MeleeWeapon', 'BaseDamage')
stats['commerce'] = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'Commerce', 'Value')
stats['id'] =
stats['tier'] = resolve_attr(weapon, 'tag', 'Tier', 'Value')
stats['weight'] = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'Physics', 'Weight')
stats['desc'] = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'Description', 'Short')
two_handed = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'Physics', 'bUsesTwoSlots')
stats['twohanded'] = 'yes' if two_handed == 'true' else 'no'
stats['skill'] = resolve_attr(weapon, 'part', 'MeleeWeapon', 'Skill')
return stats
def format_weapon_for_wiki(stats):
"""Output the stats for a weapon in wiki format"""
output = "{{Sandbox/User:Teamtoto/newitem\n"
output += "| title = {{#invoke: ColorParse | parse|" + stats['title'] + "}}\n"
for stat in ('pv', 'maxpv', 'damage', 'commerce', 'id', 'tier', 'weight', 'desc', 'twohanded', 'skill'):
output += f"| {stat} = {stats[stat]}\n"
output += "}}\n"
return output
root = obj_cache['MeleeWeapon']
for obj in PreOrderIter(root):
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