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Created June 19, 2024 21:44
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Syntruth Oh My Posh Theme
version = 2
console_title_template = '{{ .Folder }}'
blue = "#2c699a"
green = "#16db93"
lightblue = "#048ba8"
orange = "#f29e4c"
purple = "#54478c"
red = "#e94a47"
white = "#ffffff"
yellow = "#efea5a"
type = 'prompt'
alignment = 'left'
newline = true
type = 'time'
style = 'diamond'
foreground = 'p:lightblue'
template = '{{ .CurrentDate | date .Format }} '
time_format = 'Mon 15:04'
type = 'path'
style = 'plain'
foreground = 'p:orange'
template = '{{ .Path }} '
folder_separator_icon = ' 󰁕 '
home_icon = ''
style = 'full'
type = 'git'
style = 'diamond'
foreground = 'p:yellow'
template = '{{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ last (splitList "/" .HEAD) }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }}  {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }}  {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }}  {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }}'
branch_icon = ' '
fetch_stash_count = true
fetch_status = true
fetch_upstream_icon = true
fetch_worktree_count = true
type = 'prompt'
alignment = 'right'
type = 'status'
style = 'plain'
foreground_templates = ['{{ if gt .Code 0 }}p:red{{else}}p:green{{ end }}']
template = "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}  {{ else }}  {{ end }}"
always_enabled = true
type = 'executiontime'
style = 'diamond'
foreground = 'p:lightblue'
template = '{{ .FormattedMs }}s'
style = 'dallas'
threshold = 0.0
type = 'root'
style = 'diamond'
template = '  '
root_icon = ' '
type = 'prompt'
alignment = 'left'
newline = true
type = 'session'
style = 'plain'
foreground = 'p:blue'
template = '{{ .UserName }}{{ if .SSHSession }}@{{ .HostName }}{{ end }} <p:purple></> '
display_host = true
foreground = 'p:purple'
background = 'transparent'
template = ' '
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