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Last active December 25, 2015 03:59
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  • Save syohex/6913642 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save syohex/6913642 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AA of fujiwara-san
use strict;
use warnings;
use Furl;
use Imager;
use Text::AAlib qw(:all);
my $url = '';
my $ua = Furl->new;
my $res = $ua->get($url);
unless ($res->is_success) {
die "Can't download $url";
my $img = Imager->new();
$img->read(data => $res->content) or die $img->errstr;
$img->write(file => "fujiwara.jpg") or die $img->errstr;
system("convert -resize 20% fujiwara.jpg fujiwara2.jpg") == 0 or die "Can't convert";
$img = Imager->new;
$img->read(file => "fujiwara2.jpg");
my ($width, $height) = ($img->getwidth, $img->getheight);
my $aa = Text::AAlib->new(
width => $width,
height => $height,
$aa->put_image(image => $img);
my $aa_str = $aa->render();
$aa_str =~ s{\.}{ }msg;
$aa_str =~ s{^\s*$}{}msg;
print $aa_str;
unlink "fujiwara.jpg", "fujiwara2.jpg";
==- -<,
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v`=`= < ::
r:= : -; :;
<===i:: <:=: < =
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:v' - = +|==__== =
<>: | :=_ - ~+"~ - : ::
z-= = -++===_________=%` :;
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-~ :`
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-+_ =`
+=_ _=`
-+|_ ==~
~|==__ ___|~-
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw/max/;
use Time::HiRes qw/sleep/;
my $aa = <<'...';
==- -<,
_> +;
|` =
>` =
=` >
= _|`
= _>_ _=|===|==|+~-
= _+---+=_;___=|~~-
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v`=`= < ::
r:= : -; :;
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:v' - = +|==__== =
<>: | :=_ - ~+"~ - : ::
z-= = -++===_________=%` :;
~ =;_%` --~~~+~~~~"- ::
-~ :`
=, =`
-+_ =`
+=_ _=`
-+|_ ==~
~|==__ ___|~-
my @data = split /\n/, $aa;
sub put {
my ($x, $y, $str) = @_;
printf "\033[%d;%dH%s\n", $y, $x, $str;
sub clear {
print "\033[2J";
my $max_width = max map { length $_ } @data;
@data = map { $_ . (" " x ($max_width - length $_))} @data;
my $height = scalar @data;
for my $x (0..$max_width) {
for my $y (0..($height-1)) {
my $line = substr $data[$y], $x;
die "x=$x, y=$y, str=$data[$y]" unless defined $line;
put(0, $y, $line);
sleep 0.05;
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