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syoma755 /
Last active November 29, 2016 06:42
Christmas RGB LED Rainbow Control

It's time for Christmas!

If you have RGB LED Stripes or whatever type of lightning, which has red, green and blue colors which can be controlled via 0-100 brightness levels, this flow is for you.


syoma755 /
Last active October 28, 2016 18:51
Flow for automatic light control using motion, luminance sensors and scheduler to regulate brightness

#Introduction This flow allows automatic dimmed light control using movement and ambient light sensitivity sensors. Light turns on when movement detected and if it is dark outside (threshold can be changed). It turns off after configurable delay. The required light brightness also selected depending on time - e.g if it is late in the night the light turns on with minimum brightness only - to act like a backlight. In the morning the brightness is restored to normal.

The flow has only standard nodes and doesn't have any dependencies.



It is assumed that all sensors and dimmers are MQTT devices, posting and subscribing to appropriate topics. Published flow assumes presence of following devices. Off-course you can adopt it easily for your situation: