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Last active April 15, 2017 02:20
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Document Title (Level 0)

Level 1 Section Title

Level 2 Section Title

Level 3 Section Title

Level 4 Section Title
Level 5 Section Title

Another Level 1 Section Title

Paragraphs don’t require any special markup in AsciiDoc. A paragraph is just one or more lines of consecutive text.

To begin a new paragraph, separate it by at least one blank line.

Rubies are red,
Topazes are blue.

Ruby is red.
Java is black.

A normal paragraph.

A sequence of lines that begin with at least one space is a literal paragraph.
Literal paragraphs are treated as preformatted text.
The text is shown in a fixed-width font
and endlines are preserved.

Another normal paragraph.

An admonition paragraph draws the reader’s attention to auxiliary information. Its purpose is determined by the label at the beginning of the paragraph.

Here are the other built-in admonition types:

Pro tip…​
Don’t forget…​
Watch out for…​
Ensure that…​

This text will be styled as a lead paragraph (i.e., larger font).

bold phrase & characters

italic phrase & characters

bold italic phrase & characters

monospace phrase & characters

monospace bold phrase & characters

monospace italic phrase & characters

monospace bold italic phrase & characters

Werewolves are allergic to cassia cinnamon.

Did the werewolves read the small print?

Where did all the cores run off to?

We need ten make that twenty VMs.

Once upon an infinite loop.

superscript phrase

subscript phrase

“double curved quotes”

‘single curved quotes’

Olaf’s desk was a mess.

All of the werewolves’ desks were a mess.

Olaf had been with the company since the ’60s.

My Document’s Title

My document provides…​

My Document’s Title

My document provides…​

My Document’s Title

Doc Writer <> v1.0, 2014-01-01

My document provides…​

My Document’s Title

Doc Writer <> v1.0, 2014-01-01 :toc: :imagesdir: assets/images :homepage:

My document provides…​

Primitive types and null values

  • Edgar Allen Poe

  • Sheri S. Tepper

  • Bill Bryson

  • level 1

    • level 2

      • level 3

        • level 4

          • level 5

  • level 1

  • ✓ checked

  • ✓ also checked

  • ❏ not checked

  • normal list item

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

  3. Step 3

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

    1. Step 2a

    2. Step 2b

  3. Step 3

  1. level 1

    1. level 2

      1. level 3

        1. level 4

          1. level 5

  2. level 1

first term

definition of first term

section term

definition of second term

first term

definition of first term

section term

definition of second term

  1. What is Asciidoctor?

    An implementation of the AsciiDoc processor in Ruby.

  2. What is the answer to the Ultimate Question?


Operating Systems
  1. Fedora

    • Desktop

  2. Ubuntu

    • Desktop

    • Server

  1. FreeBSD

  2. NetBSD

Cloud Providers
  1. OpenShift

  2. CloudBees

  1. Amazon EC2

  2. Rackspace

  • Every list item has at least one paragraph of content, which may be wrapped, even using a hanging indent.

    Additional paragraphs or blocks are adjoined by putting a list continuation on a line adjacent to both blocks.

    list continuation

    a plus sign (+) on a line by itself

  • A literal paragraph does not require a list continuation.

    $ gem install asciidoctor
  • AsciiDoc lists may contain any complex content.

    Application Language




    Ruby - automatic!

See [paragraphs] to learn how to write paragraphs.

Learn how to organize the document into sections.

Refer to Section B for more information.

See you when you get back from Section B!

Figure 1: A mountain sunset
GitHub mascot

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Click pause when you need a break.

Sunset What a beautiful sunset!

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