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Last active February 27, 2017 19:11
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SwiftでOpenGLを使ったゲームを作成する方法 ref:
- (void) loadStringsFile:(NSString*) file
// Load default localization dictionary
NSString* path = [[CCFileUtils sharedFileUtils] fullPathForFilename:file];
// Load strings file
NSDictionary* ser = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path];
// Check that format of file is correct
NSAssert([[ser objectForKey:@"fileType"] isEqualToString:@"SpriteBuilderTranslations"], @"Invalid file format for SpriteBuilder localizations");
// Check that file version is correct
NSAssert([[ser objectForKey:@"fileVersion"] intValue] == 1, @"Translation file version is incompatible with this reader");
// Load available languages
NSArray* languages = [ser objectForKey:@"activeLanguages"];
// Determine which language to use
NSString* userLanguage = NULL;
NSArray* preferredLangs = [NSLocale preferredLanguages];
for (NSString* preferredLang in preferredLangs)
// now loop thru languages from our cocosbuilder
for (NSString *localizedLanguage in languages)
// doing range of string as we might have en-GB set in our phone and that will match our en from the activeLanguages
if ([preferredLang rangeOfString:localizedLanguage].location != NSNotFound)
userLanguage = localizedLanguage;
if (userLanguage != NULL) {
// Create dictionary for translations
_translations = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Load translations
if (userLanguage != NULL)
NSArray* translations = [ser objectForKey:@"translations"];
for (NSDictionary* translation in translations)
NSString* key = [translation objectForKey:@"key"];
NSString* value = [(NSDictionary*)[translation objectForKey:@"translations"] objectForKey:userLanguage];
if (key != NULL && value != NULL)
[_translations setObject:value forKey:key];
-(void)draw:(CCRenderer *)renderer transform:(const GLKMatrix4 *)transform
void (*Func)(id, SEL) = (void(*)(id, SEL)) objc_msgSend;
Func(self, _drawSelector);
ld: warning: object file (/.../Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libcocos2d.a(IOSVersion.o)) was built for newer iOS version (9.3) than being linked (8.0)
ld: warning: object file (/.../Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/libcocos2d.a(IOSVersion.o)) was built for newer iOS version (9.3) than being linked (8.0)
The culprit is the minimum deployment target for the ObjectAL library -
In Xcode delve into the cocos2d project -> external -> ObjectAL project:
Goto build settings and search for 'deployment target'
and set the value to be <= your main project minimum deployment target.
- (id) init
if(nil != (self = [super init]))
NSString* versionStr = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];
unichar ch = [versionStr characterAtIndex:0];
version = (float)(ch - '0');
if(ch < '0' || ch > '9' || [versionStr characterAtIndex:1] != '.')
// NSLog(@"Error: %s: Cannot parse iOS version string \"%@\"", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, versionStr);
// Version 10以上
version = (float)(ch - '0') * 10 + (float)([versionStr characterAtIndex:1] - '0');
float multiplier = 0.1f;
NSUInteger vLength = [versionStr length];
for(NSUInteger i = 2; i < vLength; i++)
ch = [versionStr characterAtIndex:i];
if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
version += (ch - '0') * multiplier;
multiplier /= 10;
else if('.' != ch)
version = 5;
return self;
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