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Last active April 24, 2021 05:21
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points to points
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
import numba
numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS = 20
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True)
def binorm(xj, yj, x, y, xsig, ysig, nsig2_min=9.):
r = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
for j in range(xj.shape[0]):
dy2 = ((y[i] - yj[j]) / ysig[i])**2
if dy2 > nsig2_min:
dx2 = ((x[i] - xj[j]) / xsig[i])**2
if dx2 > nsig2_min:
r[i] += np.exp(-0.5 * (dx2 + dy2))
r[i] *= 0.5 / (np.pi * xsig[i] * ysig[i])
return r
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
import numba
numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS = 20
# numba.set_num_threads(20)
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=True)
def binorm(xj, yj, wj, x, y, xsig, ysig, nsig2_min=9.):
r = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
for j in range(xj.shape[0]):
dy2 = ((y[i] - yj[j]) / ysig[i])**2
if dy2 > nsig2_min:
dx2 = ((x[i] - xj[j]) / xsig[i])**2
if dx2 > nsig2_min:
r[i] += np.exp(-0.5 * (dx2 + dy2)) * wj[j]
r[i] *= 0.5 / (np.pi * xsig[i] * ysig[i])
return r
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
import numba
numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS = 20
# numba.set_num_threads(20)
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=False)
def binorm_weighted_clip(xj, yj, wj, x, y, xsig, ysig, rcut=10.):
flat distribution beyond r_cut
r2_cut = rcut**2
wj_sum = 0.0
for j in prange(xj.shape[0]):
wj_sum += wj[j]
c = np.exp(-0.5 * r2_cut)
r = np.full_like(x, c * wj_sum)
for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
for j in range(xj.shape[0]):
r2 = ((y[i] - yj[j]) / ysig[i])**2
if r2 >= r2_cut:
r2 = ((x[i] - xj[j]) / xsig[i])**2 + r2
if r2 >= r2_cut:
r[i] += (np.exp(-0.5 * r2) - c) * wj[j]
r[i] /= 2 * np.pi * xsig[i] * ysig[i]
return r
import numpy as np
from numba import njit, prange
import numba
import math
numba.config.NUMBA_NUM_THREADS = 20
# numba.set_num_threads(20)
@njit(parallel=True, fastmath=False)
def binorm_weighted_clip_renorm(xj, yj, wj, x, y, xsig, ysig, ymin, ymax, rcut=8.0):
flat distribution beyond r_cut, renormalized in [ymin, ymax]
xj, yj, wj : shape (nj,)
Model points
x, y, xsig, ysig : shape (n,)
Observation points and errors
ymin, ymax : float
Observation window
rcut : float
rcut >= 7 is recommended
cdf(x1, x2) = 0.5 * (erf(x2 / sqrt(2)) - erf(x1 / sqrt(2)))
r2_cut = rcut**2
wj_sum = 0.0
for j in prange(xj.shape[0]):
wj_sum += wj[j]
c = math.exp(-0.5 * r2_cut) # lower bound of normal
p = np.full_like(x, c * wj_sum)
s = math.sqrt(2)
for i in prange(x.shape[0]):
norm = 0.0
for j in range(xj.shape[0]):
# norm += (math.erf((ymax - yj[j]) / (ysig[i] * s)) -
# math.erf((ymin - yj[j]) / (ysig[i] * s))) * wj[j] # *0.5
d = (ymax - yj[j]) / ysig[i]
if d < 6.0:
pobs = math.erf(d / s)
pobs = 1.0 # precision 1e-9
d = (ymin - yj[j]) / ysig[i]
if d > -6.0:
pobs = pobs - math.erf(d / s)
pobs = pobs + 1.0
norm = norm + pobs * wj[j]
r2 = ((y[i] - yj[j]) / ysig[i])**2
if r2 >= r2_cut:
r2 = ((x[i] - xj[j]) / xsig[i])**2 + r2
if r2 >= r2_cut:
p[i] += (math.exp(-0.5 * r2) - c) * wj[j]
p[i] /= math.pi * xsig[i] * ysig[i] * norm # * 2
return p
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