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Last active July 11, 2016 16:49
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import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def hist_stats(x, y, bins=10, func=np.mean, nmin=None, **kwds):
x = np.random.rand(1000)
hist_stats(x, x, func=lambda x:np.percentile(x, [15,50,85]),
ls=['--', '-', '--'], lw=[1, 2, 1])
stats, edges, count = binstats(x, y, bins=bins, func=func, nmin=nmin)
stats = np.atleast_2d(stats.T)
assert len(edges) == 1
assert stats.ndim == 2
X = (edges[0][:-1] + edges[0][1:])/2.
lines = []
for i,Y in enumerate(stats):
args = {k:(v if np.isscalar(v) else v[i]) for k, v in kwds.items()}
lines += plt.plot(X, Y, **args)
return lines
def hist2d_stats(x, y, z, bins=10, func=np.mean, nmin=None, **kwds):
stats, edges, count = binstats([x, y], z, bins=bins, func=func, nmin=nmin)
(X, Y), Z = edges, stats.T
mask = ~np.isfinite(Z)
Z =, mask=mask)
kwds.setdefault('vmin', Z.min())
kwds.setdefault('vmax', Z.max())
return plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z, **kwds)
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