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Created November 18, 2011 10:52
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Problema 1 de la hoja 3 de Teoría de Errores
function [t,y]=carga(fichero)
[t,y] = textread(fichero, '%f %f');
t = t';
y = y';
0 66.7
4 71.0
10 76.3
15 80.6
21 85.7
29 92.9
36 99.4
51 113.6
68 125.1
% t = [0 4 10 15 21 29 36 51 68]
% y = [66.7 71.0 76.3 80.6 85.7 92.9 99.4 113.6 125.1]
[t,y] = carga('nombre del fichero')
y_est = rectaregresion(t,y)
function rectaregresion=rectaregresion(t,y)
m = length(t);
A = At';
r = rank(A);
x_est = (At*A)^-1*At*y';
a = x_est(1);
b = x_est(2);
v_c = [];
y_ajust = [];
for i=1:m
y_ajust(i) = a*t(i)+b;
vi = y_ajust(i)-y(i);
v_c(i) = vi^2;
error = sum(v_c);
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