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Forked from lachlansneff/
Created January 21, 2019 21:27
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Wasmer Rust Embedder App Example
extern crate wasmer_clif_backend;
extern crate wasmer_runtime;
use std::{
use wasmer_clif_backend::CraneliftCompiler;
use wasmer_runtime::{
self as runtime,
export::{Context, Export, FuncPointer},
import::{Imports, NamespaceMap},
types::{FuncSig, MemoryIndex, Type},
fn main() {
// Read the wasm file produced by our sample application...
let mut wasm_file =
// ... and put it into a vector.
let mut wasm_bytes = Vec::new();
wasm_file.read_to_end(&mut wasm_bytes).unwrap();
// Instantiate the compiler we're going to use. The wasmer-runtime
// is designed to support multiple compiler backends. Right now,
// only the Cranelift compiler is supported, but we're working on
// an LLVM backend as well!
let compiler = CraneliftCompiler::new();
// Compile our webassembly into a wasmer-runtime `Module`.
let module = runtime::compile(&wasm_bytes, &compiler).unwrap();
// Let's define that "env" namespace that was implicitly used
// by our sample application.
// First, we have to create a `NamespaceMap` and insert our "print_str"
// function into it. We define that function lower down on the page.
let mut env_namespace = NamespaceMap::new();
// This is the name of the function we want to expose.
// The `Export` enum lets us add functions, memories, tables,
// and globals to a namespace. We're working on a procedural-macro
// that will automatically create this structure automagically, so you
// don't have to write all this gobbledygook.
Export::Function {
// We force the user to make a `FuncPointer` here because
// the runtime has no way of knowing if the function pointer
// you pass in is valid (print_str in this case) or
// if you specify the correct function signature.
func: unsafe { FuncPointer::new(print_str as _) },
// `Context::Internal` tells the runtime that we want to use
// the context that is internally used by the webassembly module
// we're about to run.
ctx: Context::Internal,
// This tells the runtime what the signature (the parameter
// and return types) of the function we're defining here is.
// Make sure to check this carefully!
signature: FuncSig {
// `Type::I32` just means that this function receives
// the webassembly "i32" type.
params: vec![Type::I32, Type::I32],
// Our function doesn't return anything, so this is empty.
// Eventually, webassembly will support multiple return values,
// but currently, this only allows zero or one return types.
returns: vec![],
// This lets us register our namespace and import it into this module
// as we instantiate it.
let mut imports = Imports::new();
// Register our namespace with the name: "env".
// imports.register(...) is designed to take any type
// that implements the `Namespace` trait. This even lets us
// register an already existing wasmer `Instance`
// as an imported namespace.
imports.register("env", env_namespace);
// Here we go!
// Instantiate the module with the imports we just created
// to create, you guessed it, an `Instance`.
// You can create any number of instances with a single module.
let mut instance = module.instantiate(imports).unwrap();
// At last, we can call the function exported by our webassembly
// sample application.
// Since our exported function doesn't receive any parameters,
// we just pass it an empty slice as the parameter list."hello_wasm", &[]).unwrap();
// Let's define our "print_str" function.
// The declaration must start with "extern" or "extern "C"".
extern fn print_str(ptr: u32, len: u32, vmctx: *mut vm::Ctx) {
// Webassembly only supports a single memory for now,
// but in the near future, it'll support multiple.
// Therefore, we don't assume you always just want to access first
// memory and force you to specify.
let memory_index = MemoryIndex::new(0);
// Get a slice that maps to the memory currently used by the webassembly
// instance.
let memory = unsafe { (*vmctx).memory(memory_index) };
// Get a subslice that corresponds to the memory used by the string.
let str_slice = &memory[ptr as usize .. (ptr + len) as usize];
// Convert the subslice to a `&str`.
let str = str::from_utf8(str_slice).unwrap();
// Print it!
println!("{}", str);
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