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Last active April 21, 2022 15:24
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SonarQube on AWS EC2 - Installation and integration with Jenkins

This article will briefly describe how to install SonarQube as Docker container on Amazon EC2 and integrate it with Jenkins.

Create database instance and user

Go to RDS > Parameter Groups
Create a new Parameter Group with the following parameter:

max_allowed_packet = 268435456

We need to create a new RDS database for SonarQube (you may use an existing MySQL instance)

  1. Go to RDS Instances
  2. Launch a new DB instance
  3. Select MySQL
  4. Define your master username and password

Then create the database and add a user:

GRANT ALL ON sonar.* TO 'sonar'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar';
GRANT ALL ON sonar.* TO 'sonar'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'sonar';

Run SonarQube as EC2 Container

Let's create a new container for SonarQube and add it to ELB load balancer to make it easily accessible

  1. Go to EC2 Container Service
  2. Create a new cluster
  3. On cluster details page, switch to "Task Definitions"
  4. Create new Task Definition:
  • Give it a name (eg. SonarQube)
  • Set task tole to None
  • Select Bridge Network mode
  1. Add a container Container name: SonarQube
    Image: sonar:latest
    You may want to add memory limit. Minimum 1024MB is recommended.
    Ports: 9000 -> 9000

ENVIRONMENT Add env varialbes:
SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL = jdbc:mysql://

Once the task is defined, it's time to create the ELB:

  1. Got to EC2 Dashboard -> Load Balancers
  2. Create a new Load Balancer
  3. Select the "Classic Load Balancer"
  4. Give it a name (eg. SonarQubeELB)
  5. Select a proper VPC subnet (should be the same as your ECS Cluster)
  6. Then load balance the HTTP protocol port 80 to Instance Port: 9000
  7. Add the right availability zone
  8. Define Health Check HTTP:9000 (you may want to test HTTP:9000/images/favicon.ico)

Finally, we have to create a new Service based on out task defined earlier and add it to the ELB we just created.

  1. Go back to EC2 Container Service
  2. Select your cluster
  3. Create a new Service
  4. Select SonarQube as task definition, give your service a name
  5. Number of tasks will be set to 1
  6. Then click on Configure ELB
  7. Select the Classic Load Balancer
  8. Select the SonarQubeELB you created
  9. Save

Once the service will start the task and become ACTIVE , you will see your SolarQube up and running.
It can be accessible by DNS name of the load balancer.

Integration with Jenkins

Connect using SSH to your Jenkins server.
Edit the settings.xml file, located in $MAVEN_HOME/conf or ~/.m2, to set the plugin prefix and the SonarQube server URL.

                <!-- Optional URL to server. Default value is http://localhost:9000 -->

Login to your Jenkins with administrative user:

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins
  2. Configure System
  3. In "SonarQube Servers" section
  4. add the SolarQube Server URL and an auth token to access it.

How to generate a token:

Analyzing a Maven Project

Analyzing a Maven project consists of running a Maven goal: sonar:sonar in the directory where the pom.xml file sits.

mvn clean verify sonar:sonar
# In some situation you may want to run sonar:sonar goal as a dedicated step. Be sure to use install as first step for multi-module projects
mvn clean install
mvn sonar:sonar

Analyzing a Project using SolarQube Scanner Plugin

Add a Post Build step: Execute SonarQube Scanner.
You will be required to provide some parameters in Analysis Properties:

sonar.projectName=Project Name goes here
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wburgers commented Sep 3, 2019

check out this answer SonarSource/docker-sonarqube#282 (comment)
You can specify this config in the task definition on ecs.
It solved the issue for me :)

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Thanks! This worked.

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vennemp commented Jan 27, 2020

I have followed these steps. And am getting the following error:

web[][o.s.s.p.Platform] Web server startup failed: Unable to determine database dialect to use within sonar with dialect null jdbc url SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL = jdbc:mysql://

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