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Last active June 20, 2018 07:15
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Script Disclaimer: The sample scripts provided here are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. All scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind.
Server Group - Drain Stop Script
Collects current operation status of all nodes in Cluster - i.e. Paused, Running
Checks if Localhost is Paused -- $LocalNodeStatus=$True
Checks if additional nodes in cluster are paused $AdditionalNodeStatus=$True
If $LocalNodeStatus=$False and $AdditionalNodeStatus=False Drain Stop the local node
Checks that the local node is in Paused State
Check that all the VM have evacuated the node
If the $LocalNodeStatus=$False or $LocalVMNodeStatus=$False implying the drain stop has not been successful report failure
Issue exit code 1 and revert the node to Running
Twitter @Syswow64blog
$LocalNodeIsPaused = $False
$LocalVMNodeStatus = $False
$OtherNodesOffline = @()
$LocalNode = $env:computername
#//Setting the log location
$env:LogPath = "$env:ProgramData\SystemCenterBlog\Logs"
#// Checking the log path
if((Test-Path $env:logpath) -eq $False)
New-Item -path $env:LogPath -type directory
#Starting the log file
Start-Transcript -path "$env:LogPath\PatchDrain.log" -append
#// SMTP Config
$mail = ''
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($mail)
$from = ''
$to = ''
$sub = "Patch Start Script on [$LocalNode] $Node"
#// Functions
Function SendMail($subject,$message,[switch] $fail = $False) {
Write-Output "$subject`: $message"
if ($Fail) {Throw $message}
Function Check-VMNodeStatus{
$count = 0
write-host "$NodeName Checking Node has evacuated all running VM's.............. $(get-date)"
start-sleep 5
[void](Suspend-ClusterNode -drain -wait) # Graceful VM migration
#[void](Suspend-ClusterNode -drain -forcedrain -wait) # Forceful VM migration
$count += 1
Until (((get-VM).count -eq 0) -or ($count -eq 3))
if ($count -eq 3){return $False}
else {return $True}
Function Pause-LocalNode{
$count = 0
Write-host "$NodeName Drain node ...................... $(get-date)"
Suspend-ClusterNode -drain -wait
#Check that local node has been Paused
write-host "$NodeName Checking Node is in a Paused state........................ $(get-date)"
start-sleep 2
$count += 1
#$PausedClusterNodes = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSCluster_Node" -Namespace "root\MSCluster" | Where-Object {$_.state -eq 2}
Until ((Get-WmiObject -Class "MSCluster_Node" -Namespace "root\MSCluster" | Where-Object {$_.state -eq 2}).name -eq $NodeName -or $count -eq 60)
if ($count -eq 20)
write-host "$NodeName did not enter a Paused state ........................................... $(get-date)"
return $False
write-host "$NodeName is in a Paused state ........................................... $(get-date)"
return $True
Function Write-Output{
write-host "$Node has Operation Status $OperationStatus ...... $(get-date)"
write-host "$Node $ LocalNodeStatus = $NodePaused .......... $(get-date)"
write-host "$Node $ LocalVMNodeStatus = $VMStatus ............ $(get-date)"
#Get Cluster Node Status
$ClusterNodes = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSCluster_Node" -Namespace "root\MSCluster"
foreach ($CNode in $ClusterNodes)
if($CNode.State -eq 2) # Paused state
if ($ -eq $LocalNode) # check if local node is paused
write-host "Local node in Paused state = $LocalNodeIsPaused -- "$" .... $(get-date)"
else # another node is paused
$OtherNodesOffline += $ + "," + $CNode.state
write-host "Additional node in Paused State Will not proceed-- "$" .... $(get-date)"
elseif ($CNode.State -eq 1) # Check for Failed state and exit
write-host "Node is in failed state = $ .... $(get-date)"
$OtherNodesOffline += $ + "," + $CNode.state
if ($OtherNodesOffline.count -gt 0)
if ($LocalNodeIsPaused) # Resume the local node if this is paused also as the SCCM script is going to fail
foreach ($Node in $OtherNodesOffline)
$NodeName = $Node.split(",")[0]
$NodeState = $Node.split(",")[1]
write-host ""$NodeName" has Operation Status $NodeState .... $(get-date)"
write-host "SCCM Exit code 1................................................$(get-date)"
Return 1
if ($LocalNodeIsPaused -eq $False) # No nodes are paused, pause the local node
$LocalNodeIsPaused = Pause-LocalNode -NodeName $LocalNode # try to pause local node
if($LocalNodeIsPaused -eq $True) # Only Local Node paused, check VM Count
$CheckVMNode = Check-VMNodeStatus -NodeName $LocalNode
Write-Output -Node $LocalNode -OperationStatus 2 -NodePaused $LocalNodeIsPaused -VMStatus $CheckVMNode
if ($CheckVMNode -eq $true) # VM Status is true
write-host "SCCM Exit code 0................................................$(get-date)"
Return 0
else # VM Status is false
write-host "SCCM Exit code 1................................................$(get-date)"
Return 1
$NodeStatus = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSCluster_Node" -Namespace "root\MSCluster" | Where-Object {$ -like $LocalNode}
$CheckVMNode = Check-VMNodeStatus -NodeName $LocalNode
Write-Output -Node $LocalNode -OperationStatus $NodeStatus.state -NodePaused $LocalNodeIsPaused -VMStatus $CheckVMNode
Write-Host "SCCM Exit code 1................................................$(get-date)"
Return 1
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