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Dmitry Sytkov sytkov

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vlsi /
Last active April 16, 2024 21:10
The fastest way of string concatenation in Oracle PL/SQL

When builing large strings with lots of concatenations in PL/SQL, custom approach like "use varchar2(32000) buffer to reduce the number of dbms_lob calls" makes sense even for Oracle

The response time improvement is 4..300+ times :) depending on the DB version and API you use.

Note that simple v_clob || TO_CHAR (SYSTIMESTAMP) || ', ' ==> v_clob || TO_CLOB(TO_CHAR (SYSTIMESTAMP) || ', ') trick (note the extra to_clob) makes 24 times improvement for 11g. The trick is bad for 12c where results in 1.5x degradation.

The code was published 4 year ago as an answer to "How to Quickly Append VARCHAR2 to CLOB":

Flet / gist:5bf4f31517ef37da4653
Created July 10, 2014 23:23
Avoiding `sudo npm` on Ubuntu

I've found the best way around needing sudo for global npm installs in Ubuntu is to use an .npmrc file and set a prefix for where npm installs things, then add that location to your PATH. This allows you to npm -g without sudo. With this setup I'm running ampersand's CLI without issue (and avoiding the need to sudo npm in general).

If you have any global modules installed, they should be uninstalled first so they are removed from the PATH. List all globally installed npm modules by running:

sudo npm -g ls -depth 0
codedokode / Как хранить в БД древовидные структуры (паста).md
Last active April 21, 2024 11:27
Как хранить в БД древовидные структуры

Эта версия статьи устарела. Новая версия статьи перенесена по адресу:

Как хранить в БД древовидные структуры

Те, кто знают английский, могут сразу перейти сюда:

Древовидные структуры - это такие структуры, где есть родители и дети, например, каталог товаров:

import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class DequeTest {
jdkanani / notepad.html
Last active June 16, 2024 13:44 — forked from jakeonrails/Ruby Notepad Bookmarklet
This bookmarklet gives you a code editor in your browser with a single click.
data:text/html, <style type="text/css">.e{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;}</style><div class="e" id="editor"></div><script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script><script>var e=ace.edit("editor");e.setTheme("ace/theme/monokai");e.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/ruby");</script>
For other language: Instead of `ace/mode/ruby`, Use
Markdown -> `ace/mode/markdown`
Python -> `ace/mode/python`
C/C++ -> `ace/mode/c_cpp`
Javscript -> `ace/mode/javascript`
Java -> `ace/mode/java`
Scala- -> `ace/mode/scala`
goldsky / connector.php
Last active November 25, 2020 20:30
Ajax's connector file using MODX's main index.php
* Ajax Connector
* @package mypackage
$validActions = array(
metametaclass / gist:3266976
Created August 5, 2012 20:14
delphi codegen
(use 'codegen)
(use 'clojure.pprint)
ID integer
;Position integer
Sort string
Number string
akost /
Created April 4, 2012 19:06
Bash script for recursive file convertion windows-1251 --> utf-8
# Recursive file convertion windows-1251 --> utf-8
# Place this file in the root of your site, add execute permission and run
# Converts *.php, *.html, *.css, *.js files.
# To add file type by extension, e.g. *.cgi, add '-o -name "*.cgi"' to the find command
find ./ -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" -o -name "*.css" -o -name "*.js" -type f |
while read file
betweenbrain / gist:2284129
Created April 2, 2012 14:56
Git command to export only changed files between two commits
git archive HEAD $(git diff --name-only SHA1 SHA2)