javascript: (async () => { |
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const shouldUseClipboard = async () => { |
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name: 'clipboard-write' |
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})].reduce((promise, fallback) => promise.catch(fallback), Promise.reject()).then(permissionStatus => permissionStatus.state === 'granted').catch(e => { |
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const obtainTitle = () => { |
const documentTitle = document.title; |
if (documentTitle.length > 0) return documentTitle; |
const h1 = document.querySelector('h1'); |
if (h1 && h1.textContent.length > 0) return h1.textContent; |
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return ""; |
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const sanitizeTitle = (title) => title.replace(/\[/g, '%EF%BC%BB').replace(/\]/g, '%EF%BC%BD'); |
const badgeRemover = (title) => document.title.replace(/^\([0-9]+\) /, ''); |
const googleSearch = ({ |
title, |
url: uriString |
}) => { |
const url = new URL(uriString); |
const [q, tbm] = url.searchParams.getAll('q', 'tbm'); |
[...url.searchParams.keys()].forEach(k => url.searchParams.delete(k)); |
url.searchParams.set('q', q); |
if (tbm) url.searchParams.set('tbm', tbm); |
return `[${title} ${url.toString()}]`; |
}; |
const twitter = ({ |
title, |
url: urlString, |
}) => { |
const url = new URL(urlString); |
const screenName = url.pathname.match(/^\/([^/]+)\//)?.[1] || 'Twitter'; |
const ogp = new Map([...document.head.querySelectorAll('meta[property^="og:"]')].map(e => [e.getAttribute('property'), e.getAttribute('content')])); |
if (ogp.has('og:description')) { |
const tweetContent = ogp.get('og:description').replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/^“/, '').replace(/”$/, ''); |
return `> [${screenName} ${url}] ${tweetContent}`; |
} else { |
const tweetContent = badgeRemover(title).replace(/\/ Twitter$/, ''); |
return `> [${screenName} ${url}] ${tweetContent}`; |
} |
}; |
const amazon = ({ |
title, |
url |
}) => { |
const urlShortener = (urlString) => { |
const url = new URL(urlString); |
const [, p, aid] = url.pathname.match(/\/(dp|gp\/product)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) || []; |
if (aid != undefined) { |
return `${url.origin}/${p}/${aid}`; |
} else { |
return urlString; |
} |
}; |
return `[${title} ${urlShortener(url)}]`; |
}; |
const clipboardCopy = async (text) => { |
if (await shouldUseClipboard()) { |
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console.error("Failed to copy: ", e); |
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const saveRanges = () => { |
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const restoreRange = (savedRanges) => { |
if (!(window.getSelection && Selection)) return; |
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const cleanup = () => { |
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove); |
copyButton.remove(); |
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const execCopy = () => { |
const ranges = saveRanges(); |
const input = document.createElement('input'); |
input.value = text; |
document.body.appendChild(input); |
input.select(); |
try { |
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return true; |
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console.error(e); |
return false; |
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cleanup(); |
input.remove(); |
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return new Promise((resolve) => { |
copyButton.addEventListener('keydown', (ev) => { |
ev.stopPropagation(); |
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if (ev.key === 'Enter' || ev.key === 'Space') { |
resolve(execCopy()); |
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copyButton.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { |
ev.stopPropagation(); |
ev.preventDefault(); |
resolve(execCopy()); |
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ev.preventDefault(); |
ev.stopPropagation(); |
cleanup(); |
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const windowPromptCopy = (text) => { |
if (!window.prompt) { |
return false; |
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window.prompt('copy it!', text); |
return true; |
}; |
const title = sanitizeTitle(obtainTitle()); |
const url = new URL(location.href); |
let text; |
if (url.origin === 'https://twitter.com' && url.pathname.split('/')[2] === 'status') { |
text = twitter({ |
title, |
url |
}); |
} else if (/^https?:\/\/www\.amazon\.(co\.jp|com)$/.test(url.origin)) { |
text = amazon({ |
title, |
url |
}); |
} else if (url.origin === 'https://www.youtube.com') { |
text = `[${badgeRemover(title)} ${url}]`; |
} else if (/^https?:\/\/www\.google\.(co.jp|com)$/.test(url.origin) && url.pathname === '/search') { |
text = googleSearch({ |
title, |
url |
}); |
} else { |
text = `[${title} ${url}]`; |
} |
const copySucceed = await [clipboardCopy, execCommandCopy, windowPromptCopy].reduce((prev, curr) => prev.then(p => p || curr(text)), Promise.resolve()); |
let result = copySucceed ? 'Copied!' : 'Failed to copy'; |
showPopup(result); |
undefined; |
})(); |