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Created January 20, 2013 09:39
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Save syxanash/4577529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
it simply switches on and off the wireless device, on Hamlet routers.
# (C) syxanash 2011 - syxanash[ at ]
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Getopt::Long;
use Tk;
use vars qw($VERSION);
##### User Credential #####
my $username = 'username';
my $password = 'password';
my $VERSION = '0.7.2';
my $current_setting = '';
##### Start painting the GUI #####
# Main Window
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
$mw->title( 'Hamlet WiFi Switcher ' . $VERSION );
# Checks the current wireless configuration
$current_setting = check_status();
my $frm_gender = $mw->Frame();
my $lbl_gender = $frm_gender->Label(
-text => "Desideri attivare il Wireless sulla tua rete?" );
my $rdb_m = $frm_gender->Radiobutton(
-text => "Si",
-value => "attivato",
-variable => \$current_setting
my $rdb_f = $frm_gender->Radiobutton(
-text => "No",
-value => "disattivato",
-variable => \$current_setting
my $but = $mw->Button( -text => "fatto", -command => \&push_button );
#Text Area
my $textarea = $mw->Frame();
my $txt = $textarea->Text( -width => 55, -height => 4 );
my $srl_y =
$textarea->Scrollbar( -orient => 'v', -command => [ yview => $txt ] );
my $srl_x =
$textarea->Scrollbar( -orient => 'h', -command => [ xview => $txt ] );
-yscrollcommand => [ 'set', $srl_y ],
-xscrollcommand => [ 'set', $srl_x ]
$txt->insert( 'end', '[?] Wireless attualmente: ' . $current_setting . "\n" );
#Geometry Management
$lbl_gender->grid( -row => 1, -column => 1 );
$rdb_m->grid( -row => 1, -column => 2 );
$rdb_f->grid( -row => 1, -column => 3 );
$frm_gender->grid( -row => 3, -column => 1, -columnspan => 2 );
$but->grid( -row => 4, -column => 1, -columnspan => 2 );
$txt->grid( -row => 1, -column => 1 );
$srl_y->grid( -row => 1, -column => 2, -sticky => "ns" );
$srl_x->grid( -row => 2, -column => 1, -sticky => "ew" );
$textarea->grid( -row => 5, -column => 1, -columnspan => 2 );
##### Various sub functions #####
#This function will be executed when the button is pushed
sub push_button {
$txt->delete( '1.0', 'end' );
$txt->insert( 'end',
"[?] Il Wireless verra' $current_setting tra pochi secondi...\n" );
sub switch_device {
my $switching_choice = shift;
my $mech = establish_connection(0);
my $current_status;
if ( $switching_choice eq 'attivato' ) {
$switching_choice = 1;
elsif ( $switching_choice eq 'disattivato' ) {
$switching_choice = 0;
else {
$txt->insert( 'end',
'[!] Hai inserito una scelta sbagliata...' . "\n" );
$mech->submit_form( with_fields => { wlan_APenable => $switching_choice },
if ( $mech->success() ) {
-title => 'Hamlet WiFi Switcher',
-icon => 'info',
-type => 'ok',
-message => 'Cambiamenti fatti con successo!'
else {
-title => 'Hamlet WiFi Switcher',
-icon => 'warning',
-type => 'ok',
-message => 'Ooops qualcosa e\' andato storto...'
$current_status = check_status();
$txt->insert( 'end',
"[?] Il Wireless e\' stato $current_status con successo.\n" );
sub check_status {
my $mech_content = establish_connection(1);
my $content;
my $current_status;
$content = $mech_content->content;
if ( $content =~ m{VALUE="1" CHECKED>}i ) {
$current_status = 'attivato';
elsif ( $content =~ m{VALUE="0" CHECKED>}i ) {
$current_status = 'disattivato';
else {
-title => 'Hamlet WiFi Switcher',
-icon => 'warning',
-type => 'ok',
-message => 'Errore nel parsing della pagina HTML!'
$txt->insert( 'end', '[!] Errore nel parsing della pagina HTML...',
"\n" );
return $current_status;
sub establish_connection {
my $flag = shift;
my $mech;
my $mech_content;
$mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
$mech->credentials( $username => $password );
$mech_content =
$mech->get( 'http://'
. $username . ':'
. $password
. '@' );
unless ( $mech_content->is_success ) {
-title => 'Hamlet WiFi Switcher',
-icon => 'warning',
-type => 'ok',
-message => 'Non riesco a stabilire una connessione: '
. $mech_content->status_line()
$txt->insert( 'end',
'[!] Non riesco a stabilire una connessione: '
. $mech_content->status_line()
. "\n" );
$flag == 1
? return $mech_content
: return $mech;
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