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Created May 9, 2016 04:48
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import Html exposing (text)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
out =
toString >> text
main =
[1, 2, 3]
|> update headL (((+) 3 >> (*) 7) |>
|> set tailL ([1..20] |> Just)
|> out
pairFirst : Lens (a, b) a
pairFirst =
newL fst (snd >> flip (,))
pairSecond : Lens (a, b) b
pairSecond =
newL snd (fst >> (,))
byKeyL : comparable -> Lens (Dict comparable v) (Maybe v)
byKeyL key =
newL (Dict.get key) (\dict opt ->
case opt of
Just v -> dict |> Dict.insert key v
Nothing -> dict |> Dict.remove key)
headL : Lens (List a) (Maybe a)
headL =
Lens <| \list ->
headOpt = list |> List.head
tailOpt = list |> List.tail
( headOpt
, Maybe.map2 ((::) |> flip) tailOpt >> Maybe.withDefault []
tailL : Lens (List a) (Maybe (List a))
tailL =
Lens <| \list ->
headOpt = list |> List.head
tailOpt = list |> List.tail
( tailOpt
, Maybe.map2 (::) headOpt >> Maybe.withDefault []
unconsL : Lens (List a) (Maybe (a, List a))
unconsL =
Lens <| \list ->
headOpt = (list |> List.head)
tailOpt = (list |> List.tail)
( Maybe.map2 (,) headOpt tailOpt
, ((::) |> uncurry) >> Maybe.withDefault []
type alias Endo p = p -> p
type Lens w p = Lens (w -> (p, p -> w))
newL : (w -> p) -> (w -> p -> w) -> Lens w p
newL getter setter =
Lens <| \whole -> (whole |> getter, whole |> setter)
split : Lens w p -> w -> (p, p -> w)
split (Lens splitter) whole =
whole |> splitter
(@) : Lens a b -> Lens b c -> Lens a c
(@) = composeLenses
infixl 9 @
composeLenses : Lens a b -> Lens b c -> Lens a c
composeLenses lensAB lensBC =
Lens <| \a ->
(b, withB) = a |> split lensAB
(c, withC) = b |> split lensBC
(c, withC >> withB)
update : Lens w p -> Endo p -> Endo w
update lens endo whole =
whole |> split lens |> \(part, withPart) -> part |> endo |> withPart
set : Lens w p -> p -> w -> w
set lens part whole =
part |> (whole |> split lens |> snd)
get : Lens w p -> w -> p
get lens whole =
whole |> split lens |> fst
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