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Last active November 4, 2016 23:22
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import Html as H exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes as HA
import Html.Events as HE
import Html.App as App
main : Program Never
main =
{ model = init
, view = view
, update = update
type alias Model =
{ fallstart : Int
, initSpeed : Int
, speedup : Int
, eachDays : Int
init : Model
init =
{ fallstart = 1600
, initSpeed = 400
, speedup = 200
, eachDays = 4
type Msg
= SetFallstart Int
| SetInitSpeed Int
| SetSpeedup Int
| SetEachDays Int
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
SetFallstart fallstart ->
{ model | fallstart = fallstart }
SetInitSpeed initSpeed ->
{ model | initSpeed = initSpeed }
SetSpeedup speedup ->
{ model | speedup = speedup }
SetEachDays eachDays ->
{ model | eachDays = eachDays }
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
H.div []
[ paramsView model
, reachWords 40000 model
, reachWords 50000 model
, afterDays 30 model
paramsView : Model -> Html Msg
paramsView model =
H.p []
[ H.text "With "
, input
{ value = model.fallstart
, shift = 100
, targetToMsg = SetFallstart
, H.text " words written beforehand, an initial speed of "
, input
{ value = model.initSpeed
, shift = 100
, targetToMsg = SetInitSpeed
, H.text " and speeding up by "
, input
{ value = model.speedup
, shift = 100
, targetToMsg = SetSpeedup
, H.text " words every "
, input
{ value = model.eachDays
, shift = 1
, targetToMsg = SetEachDays
, H.text " days:"
reachWords : Int -> Model -> Html msg
reachWords target model =
H.p []
[ H.text
("You'll reach "
++ toString target
++ " words after "
++ toString (daysToReach target model)
++ " days."
afterDays : Int -> Model -> Html msg
afterDays days model =
H.p []
[ H.text
("After "
++ toString days
++ " days, you'll have "
++ toString (wordsAfter days model)
++ " words."
daysToReach : Int -> Model -> Int
daysToReach target model =
loop day =
if wordsAfter day model >= target then
loop (day + 1)
loop 0
wordsAfter : Int -> Model -> Int
wordsAfter days model =
speedups = days // model.eachDays
+ days * model.initSpeed
+ speedups ^ 2 * model.speedup // 2
input : { value : Int, shift : Int, targetToMsg : Int -> Msg } -> Html Msg
input { value, shift, targetToMsg } =
up = abs shift
down = -up
H.span []
[ H.text (toString value)
, button (value > 0) (toString down) (targetToMsg (value + down))
, button True ("+" ++ toString up) (targetToMsg (value + up))
button : Bool -> String -> Msg -> Html Msg
button active label msg =
(if active then [ activeStyle, HE.onClick msg ] else [ inactiveStyle ])
[ H.text label ]
activeStyle =
[ ( "background", "#005500" ), ( "color", "#ffffff" ) ]
inactiveStyle =
[ ( "background", "#555555" ), ( "color", "#ffffff" ) ]
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