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Last active April 14, 2016 13:36
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Abstraction overhead

Simple test on Fortran abstraction overhead

This test is a tentative to investigate the abstraction overhead in modern Fortran: it could be not well-posed and not interesting at all, it is just a replay of a question on a Google Group CLF thread

Proposed code for testing

The overhead.f90 test porgram contains

module constants
  implicit none
  integer, parameter, public :: n = 1e9
  integer, parameter, public :: m = 1e3
end module constants

module base_t
  use constants, only : m
  implicit none

  type, abstract, public :: Base
    real :: x(m)
      procedure(base_add), deferred, pass(self) :: add
  end type

  abstract interface
    subroutine base_add(self, ndx, val)
      import :: Base
      class(Base), intent(inout) :: self
      integer,     intent(in)    :: ndx
      real,        intent(in)    :: val
    end subroutine
  end interface
end module base_t

module derived_t
  use base_t, only : Base
  implicit none

  type, extends(Base), public :: Derived
      procedure, pass(self) :: add => derived_add
  end type

    subroutine derived_add(self, ndx, val)
      class(Derived), intent(inout) :: self
      integer,        intent(in)    :: ndx
      real,           intent(in)    :: val

      self%x(ndx) = val
    end subroutine
end module derived_t

module solid_t
  use constants, only : m
  implicit none

  type :: Solid
    real :: x(m)
      procedure, pass(self) :: add => solid_add
  end type


  subroutine solid_add(self, ndx, val)
    class(Solid), intent(inout) :: self
    integer,      intent(in)    :: ndx
    real,         intent(in)    :: val

    self%x(ndx) = val
  end subroutine

end module solid_t

program overhead
  use base_t, only : Base
  use constants, only : m, n
  use derived_t, only : Derived
  use solid_t, only : Solid
  implicit none
  integer            :: profiling(1:2)
  integer            :: count_rate

  call system_clock(profiling(1), count_rate)
  call test_solid
  call system_clock(profiling(2), count_rate)
  print "(A)", "Solid, non abstract add"
  print*, real(profiling(2) - profiling(1))/count_rate

  call system_clock(profiling(1), count_rate)
  call test_derived
  call system_clock(profiling(2), count_rate)
  print "(A)", "Derived, abstract add"
  print*, real(profiling(2) - profiling(1))/count_rate

    subroutine test_solid()
      integer     :: i
      integer     :: ndx
      real        :: val
      type(solid) :: s
      do i = 1, n
        call random_number(val)
        ndx = m * val
        ndx = max(ndx, 1)
        call s%add(ndx, val)
      end do
    end subroutine

    subroutine test_derived()
      integer                  :: i
      integer                  :: ndx
      real                     :: val
      class(Base), allocatable :: d
      allocate(Derived :: d)
      do i = 1, n
        call random_number(val)
        ndx = m * val
        ndx = max(ndx, 1)
        call d%add(ndx, val)
      end do
    end subroutine
end program overhead


On an Intel dual six-cores Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz the bechmarks show

Optimized compilation

Add type GNU gfortran 5.3.0 Intel ifort 15.0.3
Non abstract 7.21899986 7.515000
Abstract 9.01000023 13.49110

For both GNU and Intel compilers the compiling flags were -O3 that means different things for the two vendors, but in general enables a certain level of optimization.

Non optimized compilation

Add type GNU gfortran 5.3.0 Intel ifort 15.0.3
Non abstract 18.9899998 27.53160
Abstract 15.0279999 21.80600

For both GNU and Intel compilers the compiling flags were -O0 that should disable optimizations.


For this (possible naive) test it seems that relevant overheads happen for optimized compilations.

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Great work.
Thank you Stefano.

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