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Created March 7, 2012 22:36
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(ns simpleq.core)
(defn- start-simpleq-thread-loop [q thread-active exception]
(.start (Thread.
#((comment println "Thread started")
(loop [expr (first @q)]
(comment println "Sleeping for 2 sec")
(comment Thread/sleep 2000)
(comment println (str "Executing " expr))
(eval expr)
(catch Exception e
(ref-set thread-active false)
(ref-set exception [expr e]))))
(dosync (alter q (comp vec rest)))
(dosync (when-not (first @q)
(ref-set thread-active false)))
(when @thread-active
(recur (first @q)))))))
(defn new-simpleq []
(let [q (ref [])
thread-active (ref false)
exception (ref nil)]
(fn [expr]
(condp = expr
:exception @exception
:continue (when @exception
(alter q (comp vec rest))
(ref-set thread-active true)
(ref-set exception nil))
(start-simpleq-thread-loop q thread-active exception))
(when @exception
(throw (Exception. "Simple Q had an exception")))
(comment println (str "Q:" @q))
(dosync (alter q conj expr))
(comment println (str "T-A:" @thread-active))
(when-not @thread-active
(ref-set thread-active true)
(start-simpleq-thread-loop q thread-active exception))))))))
(defn test-simpleq-fn [sq expr]
(sq expr)
(catch Exception e
(let [exc (sq :exception)]
(println e)
(println (str "Caused by:" exc))
(sq :continue)
(when-not (= (first exc) expr)
(sq expr))))))
(defn test-simpleq-pr [sq msg]
(test-simpleq-fn sq `(do (Thread/sleep 2000) (println ~msg))))
(defn test-simpleq-thread [sq]
(test-simpleq-pr sq "**** 1")
(test-simpleq-fn sq '(do (Thread/sleep 2000) (println "**** 2")))
(test-simpleq-fn sq '(do (Thread/sleep 2000) (println "**** 3")))
(println (str "EXC: "(sq :exception)))
(test-simpleq-fn sq '(/ 1 0))
(test-simpleq-fn sq '(do (Thread/sleep 2000) (println "**** 4")))
(test-simpleq-fn sq '(do (Thread/sleep 2000) (println "**** 5")))
(Thread/sleep 10000)
(test-simpleq-fn sq '(do (Thread/sleep 2000) (println "**** 6"))))
(defn test-simpleq []
(let [sq (new-simpleq)]
(test-simpleq-thread sq)))
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