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Last active August 29, 2018 08:28
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vagrant ssh -c issue
➜  kvt git:(kvt) ✗ bash
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant -v
Vagrant 2.1.2
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'ubuntu-1604-lts' up with 'google' provider...
Bringing machine 'centos-7' up with 'google' provider...
Bringing machine 'debian-9' up with 'google' provider...
==> centos-7: Checking if box 'google/gce' is up to date...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Checking if box 'google/gce' is up to date...
==> debian-9: Checking if box 'google/gce' is up to date...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Name:            i-2018082910-b8b68ba4
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Project:         ebpf-211311
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Type:            n1-standard-1
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Disk type:       pd-standard
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Disk size:       10 GB
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Disk name:       
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Image:           
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Image family:    ubuntu-1604-lts
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Instance Group:  
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Zone:            europe-north1-a
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Network:         default
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Network Project: ebpf-211311
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Metadata:        '{}'
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Labels:          '{}'
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Network tags:    '[]'
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- IP Forward:      
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Use private IP:  false
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- External IP:     
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Preemptible:     true
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Auto Restart:    false
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- On Maintenance:  TERMINATE
==> ubuntu-1604-lts:  -- Autodelete Disk: true
==> debian-9: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> debian-9:  -- Name:            i-2018082910-ee58247b
==> debian-9:  -- Project:         ebpf-211311
==> debian-9:  -- Type:            n1-standard-1
==> centos-7: Launching an instance with the following settings...
==> centos-7:  -- Name:            i-2018082910-8744d113
==> debian-9:  -- Disk type:       pd-standard
==> centos-7:  -- Project:         ebpf-211311
==> debian-9:  -- Disk size:       10 GB
==> centos-7:  -- Type:            n1-standard-1
==> debian-9:  -- Disk name:       
==> centos-7:  -- Disk type:       pd-standard
==> debian-9:  -- Image:           
==> centos-7:  -- Disk size:       10 GB
==> debian-9:  -- Image family:    debian-9
==> centos-7:  -- Disk name:       
==> debian-9:  -- Instance Group:  
==> centos-7:  -- Image:           
==> debian-9:  -- Zone:            europe-north1-a
==> centos-7:  -- Image family:    centos-7
==> debian-9:  -- Network:         default
==> centos-7:  -- Instance Group:  
==> debian-9:  -- Network Project: ebpf-211311
==> centos-7:  -- Zone:            europe-north1-a
==> debian-9:  -- Metadata:        '{}'
==> centos-7:  -- Network:         default
==> debian-9:  -- Labels:          '{}'
==> centos-7:  -- Network Project: ebpf-211311
==> debian-9:  -- Network tags:    '[]'
==> centos-7:  -- Metadata:        '{}'
==> debian-9:  -- IP Forward:      
==> centos-7:  -- Labels:          '{}'
==> debian-9:  -- Use private IP:  false
==> centos-7:  -- Network tags:    '[]'
==> debian-9:  -- External IP:     
==> centos-7:  -- IP Forward:      
==> debian-9:  -- Preemptible:     true
==> centos-7:  -- Use private IP:  false
==> debian-9:  -- Auto Restart:    false
==> centos-7:  -- External IP:     
==> debian-9:  -- On Maintenance:  TERMINATE
==> centos-7:  -- Preemptible:     true
==> debian-9:  -- Autodelete Disk: true
==> centos-7:  -- Auto Restart:    false
==> centos-7:  -- On Maintenance:  TERMINATE
==> centos-7:  -- Autodelete Disk: true
==> debian-9: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Machine is booted and ready for use!
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> debian-9: Machine is booted and ready for use!
==> debian-9: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> centos-7: Waiting for instance to become "ready"...
==> centos-7: Machine is booted and ready for use!
==> centos-7: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> debian-9: Machine is ready for SSH access!
==> debian-9: Running provisioner: file...
==> debian-9: Running provisioner: docker...
==> centos-7: Machine is ready for SSH access!
==> centos-7: Running provisioner: file...
    debian-9: Installing Docker onto machine...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Machine is ready for SSH access!
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Running provisioner: file...
==> centos-7: Running provisioner: docker...
==> ubuntu-1604-lts: Running provisioner: docker...
    centos-7: Installing Docker onto machine...
    ubuntu-1604-lts: Installing Docker onto machine...
    debian-9: Running: inline script
    debian-9: Loaded image: kvt:latest
    ubuntu-1604-lts: Running: inline script
    ubuntu-1604-lts: Loaded image: kvt:latest
    centos-7: Running: inline script
    centos-7: Loaded image: kvt:latest
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant status
Current machine states:

ubuntu-1604-lts           running (google)
centos-7                  running (google)
debian-9                  running (google)

This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
above with their current state. For more information about a specific
VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant ssh -c pwd debian-9
Connection to closed.
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant ssh -c ls debian-9
Connection to closed.
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant ssh -c "ls /" debian-9
The machine with the name '/' was not found configured for
this Vagrant environment.
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ vagrant ssh -c 'ls /' debian-9
The machine with the name '/' was not found configured for
this Vagrant environment.
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ CMD="ls /" vagrant ssh -c "$CMD" debian-9
This command requires a specific VM name to target in a multi-VM environment.
gergely@gdell:~/go/src/$ exit
➜  kvt git:(kvt) ✗ exit
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