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Created December 3, 2011 22:56
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ATmega168 Analog Comparator example
AVR ATmega168 Analog Comparator Demonstration
by Mike Szczys
I'm using a voltage divider with a photoresistor on
PC6 and a voltage divider with equal values on PC7
to yield a 2.5V reference signal.
The analog comparator is set to throw an interrupt
whenever there is a zero crossing. I then check the
ACO bit to see if I should turn on LEDs on Port B or
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
void initComparator(void){
ACSR |= (1<<ACIE); //Enable analog comparator interrupt
void initIO(void){
DDRB = 0xFF; //PortB as Outputs
PORTB = 0xFF; //All outputs high
int main(void){
initIO(); //Initialize I/O
initComparator(); //Initialize the analog comparator
while(1){ }
//Check for rising or falling edge
if (ACSR & (1<<ACO)) PORTB = 0x00;
else PORTB = 0xFF;
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