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Created December 3, 2011 15:44
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package hltest
// Church Numerals
sealed trait Nat {
type Self <: Nat
type Apply[F[_], _]
type + [_ <: Nat] <: Nat
type * [_ <: Nat] <: Nat
type Flip_^ [_ <: Nat] <: Nat
type ^ [T <: Nat] = T # Flip_^[Self]
type ++ = Succ[Self]
def self: Self
def ++ = Nat.unsafe[++](value+1)
def + [T <: Nat](n: T): +[T] = Nat.unsafe[+[T]](value + n.value)
def * [T <: Nat](n: T): *[T] = Nat.unsafe[*[T]](value * n.value)
def ^ [T <: Nat](n: T): ^[T] = Nat.unsafe[^[T]](Math.pow(value, n.value).asInstanceOf[Int])
def value: Int
override def toString = value.toString
type _0 = *[Nat._10]
type _1 = _0 # ++
type _2 = _1 # ++
type _3 = _2 # ++
type _4 = _3 # ++
type _5 = _4 # ++
type _6 = _5 # ++
type _7 = _6 # ++
type _8 = _7 # ++
type _9 = _8 # ++
def _0 = this * Nat._10
def _1 = _0 + Nat._1
def _2 = _0 + Nat._2
def _3 = _0 + Nat._3
def _4 = _0 + Nat._4
def _5 = _0 + Nat._5
def _6 = _0 + Nat._6
def _7 = _0 + Nat._7
def _8 = _0 + Nat._8
def _9 = _0 + Nat._9
object Nat {
def unsafe[T <: Nat](value: Int) =
(if(value < cached.length) cached(value) else new Succ(value)).asInstanceOf[T]
type _0 = Zero.type
type _1 = _0 # ++
type _2 = _1 # ++
type _3 = _2 # ++
type _4 = _3 # ++
type _5 = _4 # ++
type _6 = _5 # ++
type _7 = _6 # ++
type _8 = _7 # ++
type _9 = _8 # ++
type _10 = _9 # ++
val _0: _0 = Zero
val _1 = new Succ(1).asInstanceOf[_1]
val _2 = new Succ(2).asInstanceOf[_2]
val _3 = new Succ(3).asInstanceOf[_3]
val _4 = new Succ(4).asInstanceOf[_4]
val _5 = new Succ(5).asInstanceOf[_5]
val _6 = new Succ(6).asInstanceOf[_6]
val _7 = new Succ(7).asInstanceOf[_7]
val _8 = new Succ(8).asInstanceOf[_8]
val _9 = new Succ(9).asInstanceOf[_9]
val _10 = new Succ(10).asInstanceOf[_10]
private[this] val cached = Array(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10)
final object Zero extends Nat {
type Self = Zero.type
type Apply[F[_], X] = X
type + [X <: Nat] = X
type * [_ <: Nat] = Nat._0
type Flip_^ [_ <: Nat] = Nat._1
def self = this
def value = 0
final class Succ[N <: Nat] private[hltest] (val value: Int) extends Nat {
type Self = Succ[N]
type -- = N
type Apply[F[_], X] = F[N#Apply[F, X]]
type + [X <: Nat] = Succ[N # + [X]]
type * [X <: Nat] = (N # * [X]) # + [X]
type Flip_^ [X <: Nat] = (N # Flip_^ [X]) # * [X]
def self = this
def -- : -- = Nat.unsafe[--](value-1)
// HList
trait HList {
type Self <: HList
type Tail <: HList
def self: Self
def :: [E](elem: E) = new HCons[E, Self](elem, self)
class HCons[H, T <: HList](val head: H, val tail: T) extends HList {
type Head = H
type Tail = T
type Self = HCons[H, T]
def self = this
object HNil extends HList {
type Self = HNil.type
type Tail = Nothing
def self = HNil
object HLTest extends App {
// Test the Church Numerals
import Nat._;
println( (_2 + _2): _4 )
println( (_3 + _0): _3 )
println( (_0 + _2): _2 )
println( (_1 + _2): _3 )
println( (_2 * _3): _6 )
println( (_2 ^ _3): _8 )
println( (_3 ^ _2): _9 )
println( _1._0: _10 )
println( _1._6: (_8 # * [_2]) )
val x: List[List[List[String]]] = (null: _3#Apply[List, String])
// Test the HList
val l1 = 42 :: "foo" :: 1.0 :: "bar" :: HNil
val l1a = l1.head
val l1b = l1.tail.head
val l1c = l1.tail.tail.head
val l1d = l1.tail.tail.tail.head
val x1 = null : l1.type#Tail#Tail#Tail
val x2 = null : Nat._3#Apply[({ type L[X <: HList] = X#Tail })#L, l1.type]
// ^^^^^
//kinds of the type arguments ([X <: hltest.HList]X#Tail,l1.type) do not conform to the expected kinds of the type parameters (type F,type X).
// [X <: hltest.HList]X#Tail's type parameters do not match type F's expected parameters:
// type X's bounds >: Nothing <: hltest.HList are stricter than type _'s declared bounds >: Nothing <: Any
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